Android.Views.KeyCharacterMap Members

The members of Android.Views.KeyCharacterMap are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

CombiningAccentint (-2147483648).
CombiningAccentMaskint (2147483647). Mask the return value from KeyCharacterMap.Get(Keycode, Android.Views.MetaKeyStates) with this value to get a printable representation of the accent character of a "dead key.
HexInputchar. This private-use character is used to trigger Unicode character input by hex digits.
PickerDialogInputchar. This private-use character is used to bring up a character picker for miscellaneous symbols.

Public Properties

KeyboardTypeKeyboardType. Gets the keyboard type.
ModifierBehaviorKeyModifierBehavior. Gets a constant that describes the behavior of this keyboard's modifier keys such as KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

DescribeContents() : int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
DeviceHasKey(Keycode) : bool
Queries the framework about whether any physical keys exist on the any keyboard attached to the device that are capable of producing the given key code.
DeviceHasKeys(Keycode[]) : bool[]
Queries the framework about whether any physical keys exist on the any keyboard attached to the device that are capable of producing the given array of key codes.
Get(Keycode, MetaKeyStates) : int
Gets the Unicode character generated by the specified key and meta key state combination.
Get(Keycode, int) : int
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GetDeadChar(int, int) : int
Get the character that is produced by combining the dead key producing accent with the key producing character c.
GetDisplayLabel(Keycode) : char
Gets the primary character for this key.
GetEvents(char[]) : KeyEvent[]
Get an array of KeyEvent objects that if put into the input stream could plausibly generate the provided sequence of characters.
GetKeyData(Keycode, KeyCharacterMap.KeyData) : bool
Get the character conversion data for a given key code.
GetMatch(Keycode, char[]) : char
Gets the first character in the character array that can be generated by the specified key code.
GetMatch(Keycode, char[], MetaKeyStates) : char
Gets the first character in the character array that can be generated by the specified key code.
GetMatch(Keycode, char[], int) : char
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GetNumber(Keycode) : char
Gets the number or symbol associated with the key.
IsPrintingKey(Keycode) : bool
Returns true if the specified key produces a glyph.
Load(int) : KeyCharacterMap
Loads the key character maps for the keyboard with the specified device id.
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.