Android.Hardware.Location.GeofenceHardware.ResumeGeofence Method
Resumes the monitoring of a geofence added by GeofenceHardware.PauseGeofence(int, Android.Hardware.Location.GeofenceMonitoringType) call.


[Android.Runtime.Register("resumeGeofence", "(III)Z", "")]
public bool ResumeGeofence (int geofenceId, [Android.Runtime.GeneratedEnum] GeofenceMonitoringType monitoringType, [Android.Runtime.GeneratedEnum] GeofenceTransition monitorTransition)


The id of the geofence.
The type of the hardware subsystem that should be used to monitor the geofence.
Bitwise OR of GeofenceHardware.GeofenceEntered, GeofenceHardware.GeofenceExited, GeofenceHardware.GeofenceUncertain


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Resumes the monitoring of a geofence added by GeofenceHardware.PauseGeofence(int, Android.Hardware.Location.GeofenceMonitoringType) call.

If this call returns true, it means that the geofence has been sent to the hardware. GeofenceHardwareCallback.OnGeofenceResume(int, Android.Hardware.Location.GeofenceMonitorStatus) will be called with the result of the resume call from the hardware.

Requires Android.Manifest.Permission.AccessFineLocation permission when GeofenceHardware.MonitoringTypeGpsHardware is used.

Requires Android.Manifest.Permission.LocationHardware permission to access geofencing in hardware.

This API should not be called directly by the app developers. A higher level api which abstracts the hardware should be used instead. All the checks are done by the higher level public API. Any needed locking should be handled by the higher level API.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Hardware.Location
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 18