Android.Hardware.Location.GeofenceTransition Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the GeofenceHardware.ResumeGeofence, and GeofenceHardwareCallback.OnGeofenceTransition members.


public enum GeofenceTransition


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the GeofenceHardware.ResumeGeofence, and GeofenceHardwareCallback.OnGeofenceTransition members.


Member NameDescription
EnteredThe constant to indicate that the user has entered the geofence.
ExitedThe constant to indicate that the user has exited the geofence.
FailureThe constant used to indicate that the geofence operation has failed.
SuccessThe constant used to indicate success of the particular geofence call
UncertainThe constant to indicate that the user is uncertain with respect to a geofence. nn


Namespace: Android.Hardware.Location
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: