The fields of Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice are listed below. For a list of all members, see the BluetoothDevice Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
const | ActionAclConnected | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates a low level (ACL) connection has been established with a remote device. |
const | ActionAclDisconnected | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates a low level (ACL) disconnection from a remote device. |
const | ActionAclDisconnectRequested | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates that a low level (ACL) disconnection has been requested for a remote device, and it will soon be disconnected. |
const | ActionBondStateChanged | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates a change in the bond state of a remote device. |
const | ActionClassChanged | string. Broadcast Action: Bluetooth class of a remote device has changed. |
const | ActionFound | string. Broadcast Action: Remote device discovered. |
const | ActionNameChanged | string. Broadcast Action: Indicates the friendly name of a remote device has been retrieved for the first time, or changed since the last retrieval. |
const | ActionPairingRequest | string. Broadcast Action: This intent is used to broadcast PAIRING REQUEST |
const | ActionUuid | string. Broadcast Action: This intent is used to broadcast the Java.Util.UUID wrapped as a Android.OS.ParcelUuid of the remote device after it has been fetched. |
const | DeviceTypeClassic | BluetoothDeviceType (1). Bluetooth device type, Classic - BR/EDR devices |
const | DeviceTypeDual | BluetoothDeviceType (3). Bluetooth device type, Dual Mode - BR/EDR/LE |
const | DeviceTypeLe | BluetoothDeviceType (2). Bluetooth device type, Low Energy - LE-only |
const | DeviceTypeUnknown | BluetoothDeviceType (0). Bluetooth device type, Unknown |
const | Error | int (-2147483648). Sentinel error value for this class. |
const | ExtraBondState | string. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionBondStateChanged intents. |
const | ExtraClass | string. Used as a Parcelable Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothClass extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionFound and BluetoothDevice.ActionClassChanged intents. |
const | ExtraDevice | string. Used as a Parcelable Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice extra field in every intent broadcast by this class. |
const | ExtraName | string. Used as a String extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionNameChanged and BluetoothDevice.ActionFound intents. |
const | ExtraPairingKey | string. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionPairingRequest intents as the value of passkey. |
const | ExtraPairingVariant | string. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionPairingRequest intents to indicate pairing method used. |
const | ExtraPreviousBondState | string. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionBondStateChanged intents. |
const | ExtraRssi | string. Used as an optional short extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionFound intents. |
const | ExtraUuid | string. Used as an extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionUuid intents, Contains the Android.OS.ParcelUuids of the remote device which is a parcelable version of Java.Util.UUID. |
const | PairingVariantPasskeyConfirmation | int (2). The user will be prompted to confirm the passkey displayed on the screen or an app will confirm the passkey for the user. |
const | PairingVariantPin | int (0). The user will be prompted to enter a pin or an app will enter a pin for user. |