Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminReceiver Members

The members of Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminReceiver are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Android.Content.BroadcastReceiver

Public Constructors

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

ActionDeviceAdminDisabledstring. Action sent to a device administrator when the user has disabled it.
ActionDeviceAdminDisableRequestedstring. Action sent to a device administrator when the user has requested to disable it, but before this has actually been done.
ActionDeviceAdminEnabledstring. This is the primary action that a device administrator must implement to be allowed to manage a device.
ActionLockTaskEnteringstring. Action sent to a device administrator to notify that the device is entering lock task mode from an authorized package.
ActionLockTaskExitingstring. Action sent to a device administrator to notify that the device is exiting lock task mode from an authorized package.
ActionPasswordChangedstring. Action sent to a device administrator when the user has changed the password of their device.
ActionPasswordExpiringstring. Action periodically sent to a device administrator when the device password is expiring.
ActionPasswordFailedstring. Action sent to a device administrator when the user has failed at attempted to enter the password.
ActionPasswordSucceededstring. Action sent to a device administrator when the user has successfully entered their password, after failing one or more times.
ActionProfileProvisioningCompletestring. Broadcast Action: This broadcast is sent to indicate that provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.
DeviceAdminMetaDatastring. Name under which a DevicePolicy component publishes information about itself.
ExtraDisableWarningstring. A CharSequence that can be shown to the user informing them of the impact of disabling your admin.
ExtraLockTaskPackagestring. A boolean describing whether the device is currently entering or exiting lock task mode.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

GetManager(Android.Content.Context) : DevicePolicyManager
Retrieve the DevicePolicyManager interface for this administrator to work with the system.
GetWho(Android.Content.Context) : Android.Content.ComponentName
Retrieve the ComponentName describing who this device administrator is, for use in Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager APIs that require the administrator to identify itself.
OnDisabled(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called prior to the administrator being disabled, as a result of receiving DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionDeviceAdminDisabled.
OnDisableRequested(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent) : string
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
OnDisableRequestedFormatted(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent) : Java.Lang.ICharSequence
Called when the user has asked to disable the administrator, as a result of receiving DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionDeviceAdminDisableRequested, giving you a chance to present a warning message to them.
OnEnabled(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called after the administrator is first enabled, as a result of receiving DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionDeviceAdminEnabled.
OnLockTaskModeEntering(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent, string)
Called when a device is entering lock task mode by a package authorized by DevicePolicyManager.IsLockTaskPermitted(string)
OnLockTaskModeExiting(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called when a device is exiting lock task mode by a package authorized by DevicePolicyManager.IsLockTaskPermitted(string)
OnPasswordChanged(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called after the user has changed their password, as a result of receiving DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionPasswordChanged.
OnPasswordExpiring(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called periodically when the password is about to expire or has expired.
OnPasswordFailed(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called after the user has failed at entering their current password, as a result of receiving DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionPasswordFailed.
OnPasswordSucceeded(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called after the user has succeeded at entering their current password, as a result of receiving DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionPasswordSucceeded.
OnProfileProvisioningComplete(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Called when provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.
OnReceive(Android.Content.Context, Android.Content.Intent)
Intercept standard device administrator broadcasts.