Android.Content.PM.ActivityInfoFlags.Immersive Field
Bit in ActivityInfo.Flags corresponding to an immersive activity that wishes not to be interrupted by notifications. Applications that hide the system notification bar with Android.Views.WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen may still be interrupted by high-priority notifications; for example, an incoming phone call may use Android.App.Notification.FullScreenIntent to present a full-screen in-call activity to the user, pausing the current activity as a side-effect. An activity with ActivityInfoFlags.Immersive set, however, will not be interrupted; the notification may be shown in some other way (such as a small floating "toast" window). Note that this flag will always reflect the Activity's android:immersive manifest definition, even if the Activity's immersive state is changed at runtime via Android.App.Activity.Immersive.


ActivityInfoFlags Immersive


Namespace: Android.Content.PM
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: