Intent to start an activity when a tag with NDEF payload is discovered.
The system inspects the first Android.Nfc.NdefRecord in the first Android.Nfc.NdefMessage and looks for a URI, SmartPoster, or MIME record. If a URI or SmartPoster record is found the intent will contain the URI in its data field. If a MIME record is found the intent will contain the MIME type in its type field. This allows activities to register Android.Content.IntentFilters targeting specific content on tags. Activities should register the most specific intent filters possible to avoid the activity chooser dialog, which can disrupt the interaction with the tag as the user interacts with the screen.
If the tag has an NDEF payload this intent is started before NfcAdapter.ActionTechDiscovered. If any activities respond to this intent neither NfcAdapter.ActionTechDiscovered or NfcAdapter.ActionTagDiscovered will be started.
The MIME type or data URI of this intent are normalized before dispatch - so that MIME, URI scheme and URI host are always lower-case.