Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminInfo: Field Members

The fields of Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminInfo are listed below. For a list of all members, see the DeviceAdminInfo Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Fields

UsesEncryptedStorageDeviceAdminUses (7). A type of policy that this device admin can use: require encryption of stored data.
UsesPolicyDisableCameraDeviceAdminUses (8). A type of policy that this device admin can use: disables use of all device cameras.
UsesPolicyDisableKeyguardFeaturesDeviceAdminUses (9). A type of policy that this device admin can use: disables use of keyguard features.
UsesPolicyExpirePasswordDeviceAdminUses (6). A type of policy that this device admin can use: force the user to change their password after an administrator-defined time limit.
UsesPolicyForceLockDeviceAdminUses (3). A type of policy that this device admin can use: able to force the device to lock viaDevicePolicyManager.LockNow or limit the maximum lock timeout for the device via DevicePolicyManager.SetMaximumTimeToLock(Android.Content.ComponentName, System.Int64).
UsesPolicyLimitPasswordDeviceAdminUses (0). A type of policy that this device admin can use: limit the passwords that the user can select, via DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.App.Admin.PasswordQuality) and DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordMinimumLength(Android.Content.ComponentName, System.Int32).
UsesPolicyResetPasswordDeviceAdminUses (2). A type of policy that this device admin can use: able to reset the user's password via DevicePolicyManager.ResetPassword(string, Android.App.Admin.ResetPasswordFlags).
UsesPolicyWatchLoginDeviceAdminUses (1). A type of policy that this device admin can use: able to watch login attempts from the user, via DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionPasswordFailed, DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionPasswordSucceeded, and DevicePolicyManager.CurrentFailedPasswordAttempts.
UsesPolicyWipeDataDeviceAdminUses (4). A type of policy that this device admin can use: able to factory reset the device, erasing all of the user's data, via DevicePolicyManager.WipeData(WipeDataFlags).