Gdk.Pixbuf Class
In memory image handling and representation.

See Also: Pixbuf Members


public class Pixbuf : GLib.Object


The Gdk.Pixbuf class is used to represent an image in memory, typically on the client side (this is different from Gdk.Pixmap that represents a server-side image). The in-memory representation uses either a three byte RGB representation or a four byte RGBA representation.

Pixbufs can be created from a number of sources: image files in an assorted set of file formats (png, tiff, jpg, gif, xpm, pcx, ico, xpm, xbm); Drawables (which can be windows on the X server, or off-screen images in the X server) or in-memory images.

A pixbuf can be rendered, scaled or composited into another pixbuf, into a window on the X server, or on a drawable in the X server. Various rendering methods are provided for this purpose.

Pixbufs can also be saved to a number of different file formats.

An example that composites two images next to each other.

C# Example

// Compile with: mcs -pkg:gtk-sharp PixmapComposite.cs
// Usage: PixmapComposite.exe image-1.jpg image-2.jpg composite.jpg
using Gdk;
using System;

public class PixmapComposite
	public static void Main (string [] args)
		// Check arguments, this takes three.
		if (args.Length < 3)
			throw new Exception ("USAGE: image1Filename image2Filename "
				+ "compositeFilename");

		// Figure out the output type
		string type = "jpeg";

		if (args [2].ToLower ().EndsWith (".jpg"))
			type = "jpeg";
		else if (args [2].ToLower ().EndsWith (".png"))
			type = "png";
			throw new Exception ("Only JPG and PNG images are supported for "
				+ "the composite image");

		// Init the system
		Gdk.Global.InitCheck(ref args);

		// Load the images
		Pixbuf image1 = new Pixbuf (args [0]);
		Pixbuf image2 = new Pixbuf (args [1]);

		// Create the composite image
		Colorspace colorspace = image1.Colorspace;
		bool hasAlpha	      = image1.HasAlpha;
		int bitsPerSample     = image1.BitsPerSample;
		Pixbuf composite      = new Pixbuf (colorspace,
			image1.Width + image2.Width,
		// Composite the images on the central one
		image1.Composite (composite,
			0, 0, image1.Width, image1.Height,
			0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
		image2.Composite (composite,
			image1.Width, 0, image2.Width, image2.Height,
			image1.Width, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
		// Write out the image as a JPG
		composite.Save (args [2], type);


Namespace: Gdk
Assembly: gdk-sharp (in gdk-sharp.dll)
Assembly Versions: