The widget package contains (mostly visual) UI elements to use on your Application screen. You can also design your own.
To create your own widget, extend Android.Views.View or a subclass. To use your widget in layout XML, there are two additional files for you to create. Here is a list of files you'll need to create to implement a custom widget:
ApiDemos sample application has an example of creating a custom layout XML tag, LabelView. See the following files that demonstrate implementing and using a custom widget:
Type | Reason |
AbsListView | Base class that can be used to implement virtualized lists of items. |
AbsListView+IMultiChoiceModeListener | A MultiChoiceModeListener receives events for Android.Widget.AbsListViewChoiceMode.MultipleModal. |
AbsListView+IOnScrollListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the list or grid has been scrolled. |
AbsListView+IRecyclerListener | A RecyclerListener is used to receive a notification whenever a View is placed inside the RecycleBin's scrap heap. |
AbsListView+ISelectionBoundsAdjuster | The top-level view of a list item can implement this interface to allow itself to modify the bounds of the selection shown for that item. |
AbsListView+LayoutParams | AbsListView extends LayoutParams to provide a place to hold the view type. |
AbsListView+RecyclerEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.AbsListView.Recycler event. |
AbsListView+ScrollEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.AbsListView.Scroll event. |
AbsListView+ScrollStateChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.AbsListView.ScrollStateChanged event. |
AbsListViewChoiceMode | Enumerates values returned by several methods of Android.Widget.AbsListViewChoiceMode. |
AbsoluteLayout | A layout that lets you specify exact locations (x/y coordinates) of its children. |
AbsoluteLayout+LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with AbsoluteLayout. |
AbsSeekBar | [Android Documentation] |
AbsSpinner | An abstract base class for spinner widgets. |
ActionMenuView | ActionMenuView is a presentation of a series of menu options as a View. |
ActionMenuView+IOnMenuItemClickListener | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ActionMenuView+LayoutParams | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ActionMenuView+MenuItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ActionMenuView.MenuItemClick event. |
Adapter | An Adapter object acts as a bridge between an Android.Widget.AdapterView and the underlying data for that view. |
AdapterConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
AdapterView | An AdapterView is a view whose children are determined by an Android.Widget.Adapter. |
AdapterView+AdapterContextMenuInfo | Extra menu information provided to the Android.Views.View.IOnCreateContextMenuListener.OnCreateContextMenu(Android.Views.IContextMenu, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.View) callback when a context menu is brought up for this AdapterView. |
AdapterView+IOnItemClickListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an item in this AdapterView has been clicked. |
AdapterView+IOnItemLongClickListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an item in this view has been clicked and held. |
AdapterView+IOnItemSelectedListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an item in this view has been selected. |
AdapterView+ItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.AdapterView.ItemClick, Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView.ItemClick, and Android.Widget.ListPopupWindow.ItemClick events. |
AdapterView+ItemLongClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.AdapterView.ItemLongClick event. |
AdapterView+ItemSelectedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder.ItemSelected, Android.Widget.AdapterView.ItemSelected, Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView.ItemSelected, and Android.Widget.ListPopupWindow.ItemSelected events. |
AdapterView+NothingSelectedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder.NothingSelected, Android.Widget.AdapterView.NothingSelected, Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView.NothingSelected, and Android.Widget.ListPopupWindow.NothingSelected events. |
AdapterView<T> | An AdapterView is a view whose children are determined by an Android.Widget.Adapter. |
AdapterViewAnimator | Base class for a Android.Widget.AdapterView that will perform animations when switching between its views. |
AdapterViewFlipper | Simple Android.Widget.ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it. |
AlphabetIndexer | A helper class for adapters that implement the SectionIndexer interface. |
AnalogClock | This widget display an analogic clock with two hands for hours and minutes. |
ArrayAdapter | A concrete BaseAdapter that is backed by an array of arbitrary objects. |
ArrayAdapter<T> | A concrete BaseAdapter that is backed by an array of arbitrary objects. |
AutoCompleteTextView |
java Example public class CountriesActivity extends Activity { protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.countries); ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, COUNTRIES); AutoCompleteTextView textView = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(; textView.setAdapter(adapter); } private static final String[] COUNTRIES = new String[] { "Belgium", "France", "Italy", "Germany", "Spain" }; } |
AutoCompleteTextView+IOnDismissListener | Listener to respond to the AutoCompleteTextView's completion list being dismissed. |
AutoCompleteTextView+IValidator | This interface is used to make sure that the text entered in this TextView complies to a certain format. |
AutoCompleteTextViewIValidatorExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
BaseAdapter | Common base class of common implementation for an Android.Widget.Adapter that can be used in both Android.Widget.ListView (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.IListAdapter interface) and Android.Widget.Spinner (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.ISpinnerAdapter interface). |
BaseAdapter+InterfaceConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
BaseAdapter<T> | Common base class of common implementation for an Android.Widget.Adapter that can be used in both Android.Widget.ListView (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.IListAdapter interface) and Android.Widget.Spinner (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.ISpinnerAdapter interface). |
BaseExpandableListAdapter | Base class for a Android.Widget.IExpandableListAdapter used to provide data and Views from some data to an expandable list view. |
Button | Represents a push-button widget. |
CalendarView | This class is a calendar widget for displaying and selecting dates. |
CalendarView+DateChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.CalendarView.DateChange event. |
CalendarView+IOnDateChangeListener | The callback used to indicate the user changes the date. |
CheckBox |
java Example public class MyActivity extends Activity { protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(R.layout.content_layout_id); final CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) findViewById(; if (checkBox.isChecked()) { checkBox.setChecked(false); } } } |
CheckedTextView | An extension to TextView that supports the Android.Widget.ICheckable interface. |
ChoiceMode | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
Chronometer | Class that implements a simple timer. |
Chronometer+IOnChronometerTickListener | A callback that notifies when the chronometer has incremented on its own. |
CompoundButton | |
CompoundButton+CheckedChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.CompoundButton.CheckedChange event. |
CompoundButton+IOnCheckedChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the checked state of a compound button changed. |
CursorAdapter | Adapter that exposes data from a Android.Database.ICursor to a Android.Widget.ListView widget. |
CursorAdapterFlags | Enumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.CursorAdapterFlags.AutoRequery, Android.Widget.CursorAdapterFlags.None, and Android.Widget.CursorAdapterFlags.RegisterContentObserver members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.CursorAdapter..ctor, Android.Widget.ResourceCursorAdapter..ctor, and Android.Widget.SimpleCursorAdapter..ctor members. |
CursorTreeAdapter | An adapter that exposes data from a series of Android.Database.ICursors to an Android.Widget.ExpandableListView widget. |
DatePicker | This class is a widget for selecting a date. |
DatePicker+DateChangedEventArgs | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
DatePicker+IOnDateChangedListener | The callback used to indicate the user changes\d the date. |
DialerFilter | [Android Documentation] |
DialerMode | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
DigitalClock | Like AnalogClock, but digital. |
EdgeEffect | This class performs the graphical effect used at the edges of scrollable widgets when the user scrolls beyond the content bounds in 2D space. |
EditText | EditText is a thin veneer over TextView that configures itself to be editable. |
ExpandableListView | A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling two-level list. |
ExpandableListView+ChildClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.ChildClick event. |
ExpandableListView+ExpandableListContextMenuInfo | Extra menu information specific to an Android.Widget.ExpandableListView provided to the Android.Views.View.IOnCreateContextMenuListener.OnCreateContextMenu(Android.Views.IContextMenu, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.View) callback when a context menu is brought up for this AdapterView. |
ExpandableListView+GroupClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.GroupClick event. |
ExpandableListView+GroupCollapseEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.GroupCollapse event. |
ExpandableListView+GroupExpandEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.GroupExpand event. |
ExpandableListView+IOnChildClickListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a child in this expandable list has been clicked. |
ExpandableListView+IOnGroupClickListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a group in this expandable list has been clicked. |
ExpandableListView+IOnGroupCollapseListener | Used for being notified when a group is collapsed |
ExpandableListView+IOnGroupExpandListener | Used for being notified when a group is expanded |
Filter | |
Filter+FilterEventArgs | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
Filter+FilterResults | |
Filter+IFilterListener | |
FrameLayout | FrameLayout is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item. |
FrameLayout+LayoutParams | Per-child layout information for layouts that support margins. |
Gallery | A view that shows items in a center-locked, horizontally scrolling list. |
Gallery+LayoutParams | Gallery extends LayoutParams to provide a place to hold current Transformation information along with previous position/transformation info. |
GridAlign | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
GridLayout | A layout that places its children in a rectangular grid. |
GridLayout+Alignment | Alignments specify where a view should be placed within a cell group and what size it should be. |
GridLayout+LayoutParams | Layout information associated with each of the children of a GridLayout. |
GridLayout+Spec | A Spec defines the horizontal or vertical characteristics of a group of cells. |
GridOrientation | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
GridView | A view that shows items in two-dimensional scrolling grid. |
HeaderViewListAdapter | ListAdapter used when a ListView has header views. |
HeaderViewListAdapter+InterfaceConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
HorizontalScrollView | Layout container for a view hierarchy that can be scrolled by the user, allowing it to be larger than the physical display. |
IAdapter | An Adapter object acts as a bridge between an Android.Widget.AdapterView and the underlying data for that view. |
IAdvanceable | This interface can be implemented by any collection-type view which has a notion of progressing through its set of children. |
ICheckable | Defines an extension for views that make them checkable. |
IExpandableListAdapter | An adapter that links a Android.Widget.ExpandableListView with the underlying data. |
IFilterable | |
IFilterQueryProvider | This class can be used by external clients of CursorAdapter and CursorTreeAdapter to define how the content of the adapter should be filtered. |
IFilterQueryProviderExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IHeterogeneousExpandableList | Additional methods that when implemented make an Android.Widget.IExpandableListAdapter take advantage of the Android.Widget.Adapter view type mechanism. |
IListAdapter | Extended Android.Widget.Adapter that is the bridge between a Android.Widget.ListView and the data that backs the list. |
ImageButton |
xml Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/button_pressed" /> <!-- pressed --> <item android:state_focused="true" android:drawable="@drawable/button_focused" /> <!-- focused --> <item android:drawable="@drawable/button_normal" /> <!-- default --> </selector> |
ImageSwitcher | [Android Documentation] |
ImageView | Displays an arbitrary image, such as an icon. |
ImageView+ScaleType | Options for scaling the bounds of an image to the bounds of this view. |
InputMethod | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
ISectionIndexer | Interface that may implemented on Android.Widget.Adapters to enable fast scrolling between sections of an Android.Widget.AbsListView. |
ISpinnerAdapter | Extended Android.Widget.Adapter that is the bridge between a Android.Widget.Spinner and its data. |
ItemEventArgs | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ItemViewType | Enumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.ItemViewType.HeaderOrFooter, and Android.Widget.ItemViewType.Ignore members. |
IWrapperListAdapter | List adapter that wraps another list adapter. |
LayoutRules | Enumerates values returned by several methods of Android.Widget.LayoutRules and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.AddRule, Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.AddRule, and Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.RemoveRule members. |
LinearLayout | A Layout that arranges its children in a single column or a single row. |
LinearLayout+LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with ViewLinearLayout. |
ListPopupWindow | A ListPopupWindow anchors itself to a host view and displays a list of choices. |
ListPopupWindowInputMethodMode | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
ListView | A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list. |
ListView+FixedViewInfo | A class that represents a fixed view in a list, for example a header at the top or a footer at the bottom. |
MediaController | A view containing controls for a MediaPlayer. |
MediaController+IMediaPlayerControl | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
MultiAutoCompleteTextView | An editable text view, extending Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView, that can show completion suggestions for the substring of the text where the user is typing instead of necessarily for the entire thing. |
MultiAutoCompleteTextView+CommaTokenizer | This simple Tokenizer can be used for lists where the items are separated by a comma and one or more spaces. |
MultiAutoCompleteTextView+ITokenizer | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
MultiAutoCompleteTextViewITokenizerExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
NumberPicker | A widget that enables the user to select a number from a predefined range. |
NumberPicker+IFormatter | Interface used to format current value into a string for presentation. |
NumberPicker+IOnScrollListener | Interface to listen for the picker scroll state. |
NumberPicker+IOnValueChangeListener | Interface to listen for changes of the current value. |
NumberPicker+ScrollEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.NumberPicker.Scroll event. |
NumberPicker+ValueChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.NumberPicker.ValueChanged event. |
NumberPickerScrollState | Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.NumberPicker.IOnScrollListener.OnScrollStateChange, and Android.Widget.NumberPicker.ScrollEventArgs..ctor members. |
Orientation | Enumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.LinearLayout.Orientation, Android.Widget.Orientation.Horizontal, and Android.Widget.Orientation.Vertical members. |
OverScroller | This class encapsulates scrolling with the ability to overshoot the bounds of a scrolling operation. |
PackedPositionType | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
PopupMenu | A PopupMenu displays a Android.Views.Menu in a modal popup window anchored to a Android.Views.View. |
PopupMenu+DismissEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.PopupMenu.DismissEvent event. |
PopupMenu+IOnDismissListener | Callback interface used to notify the application that the menu has closed. |
PopupMenu+IOnMenuItemClickListener | Interface responsible for receiving menu item click events if the items themselves do not have individual item click listeners. |
PopupMenu+MenuItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.PopupMenu.MenuItemClick event. |
PopupWindow | |
PopupWindow+IOnDismissListener | Listener that is called when this popup window is dismissed. |
PositionPrompt | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
ProgressBar | |
QuickContactBadge | Widget used to show an image with the standard QuickContact badge and on-click behavior. |
RadioButton | |
RadioGroup | |
RadioGroup+CheckedChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.RadioGroup.CheckedChange event. |
RadioGroup+IOnCheckedChangeListener | |
RadioGroup+LayoutParams | |
RatingBar | A RatingBar is an extension of SeekBar and ProgressBar that shows a rating in stars. |
RatingBar+IOnRatingBarChangeListener | A callback that notifies clients when the rating has been changed. |
RatingBar+RatingBarChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.RatingBar.RatingBarChange event. |
RelativeLayout | A Layout where the positions of the children can be described in relation to each other or to the parent. |
RelativeLayout+LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with RelativeLayout. |
RemoteViews | A class that describes a view hierarchy that can be displayed in another process. |
RemoteViews+ActionException | Exception to send when something goes wrong executing an action |
RemoteViews+InterfaceConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
RemoteViews+RemoteView | This annotation indicates that a subclass of View is alllowed to be used with the Android.Widget.RemoteViews mechanism. |
RemoteViewsService | The service to be connected to for a remote adapter to request RemoteViews. |
RemoteViewsService+IRemoteViewsFactory | An interface for an adapter between a remote collection view (ListView, GridView, etc) and the underlying data for that view. |
ResourceCursorAdapter | An easy adapter that creates views defined in an XML file. |
ResourceCursorTreeAdapter | A fairly simple ExpandableListAdapter that creates views defined in an XML file. |
Scroller |
java Example private Scroller mScroller = new Scroller(context); ... public void zoomIn() { // Revert any animation currently in progress mScroller.forceFinished(true); // Start scrolling by providing a starting point and // the distance to travel mScroller.startScroll(0, 0, 100, 0); // Invalidate to request a redraw invalidate(); } java Example if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) { // Get current x and y positions int currX = mScroller.getCurrX(); int currY = mScroller.getCurrY(); ... } |
ScrollState | Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.AbsListView.IOnScrollListener.OnScrollStateChanged, and Android.Widget.AbsListView.ScrollStateChangedEventArgs..ctor members. |
ScrollView | Layout container for a view hierarchy that can be scrolled by the user, allowing it to be larger than the physical display. |
SearchView | A widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider. |
SearchView+CloseEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.Close event. |
SearchView+IOnCloseListener | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
SearchView+IOnQueryTextListener | Callbacks for changes to the query text. |
SearchView+IOnSuggestionListener | Callback interface for selection events on suggestions. |
SearchView+QueryTextChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.QueryTextChange event. |
SearchView+QueryTextSubmitEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.QueryTextSubmit event. |
SearchView+SuggestionClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.SuggestionClick event. |
SearchView+SuggestionSelectEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.SuggestionSelect event. |
SeekBar | A SeekBar is an extension of ProgressBar that adds a draggable thumb. |
SeekBar+IOnSeekBarChangeListener | A callback that notifies clients when the progress level has been changed. |
SeekBar+ProgressChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SeekBar.ProgressChanged event. |
SeekBar+StartTrackingTouchEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SeekBar.StartTrackingTouch event. |
SeekBar+StopTrackingTouchEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.SeekBar.StopTrackingTouch event. |
ShareActionProvider | This is a provider for a share action. |
ShareActionProvider+IOnShareTargetSelectedListener | Listener for the event of selecting a share target. |
ShareActionProvider+ShareTargetSelectedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ShareActionProvider.ShareTargetSelected event. |
ShowDividers | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
SimpleAdapter | An easy adapter to map static data to views defined in an XML file. |
SimpleAdapter+IViewBinder | This class can be used by external clients of SimpleAdapter to bind values to views. |
SimpleCursorAdapter | An easy adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file. |
SimpleCursorAdapter+ICursorToStringConverter | This class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to define how the Cursor should be converted to a String. |
SimpleCursorAdapter+IViewBinder | This class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to bind values fom the Cursor to views. |
SimpleCursorAdapterICursorToStringConverterExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter | An easy adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file. |
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter+IViewBinder | This class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorTreeAdapter to bind values from the Cursor to views. |
SimpleExpandableListAdapter | An easy adapter to map static data to group and child views defined in an XML file. |
SlidingDrawer | SlidingDrawer hides content out of the screen and allows the user to drag a handle to bring the content on screen. |
SlidingDrawer+IOnDrawerCloseListener | Callback invoked when the drawer is closed. |
SlidingDrawer+IOnDrawerOpenListener | Callback invoked when the drawer is opened. |
SlidingDrawer+IOnDrawerScrollListener | Callback invoked when the drawer is scrolled. |
SlidingDrawerOrientation | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
Space | Space is a lightweight View subclass that may be used to create gaps between components in general purpose layouts. |
Spinner | A view that displays one child at a time and lets the user pick among them. |
SpinnerMode | Enumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.SpinnerMode.Dialog, and Android.Widget.SpinnerMode.Dropdown members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.Spinner..ctor, Android.Widget.Spinner..ctor, and Android.Widget.Spinner..ctor members. |
StackView | [Android Documentation] |
StretchMode | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
Switch | A Switch is a two-state toggle switch widget that can select between two options. |
TabHost | Container for a tabbed window view. |
TabHost+IOnTabChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when tab changed |
TabHost+ITabContentFactory | Makes the content of a tab when it is selected. |
TabHost+TabChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.TabHost.TabChanged event. |
TabHost+TabSpec | A tab has a tab indicator, content, and a tag that is used to keep track of it. |
TableLayout | |
TableLayout+LayoutParams | |
TableRow | |
TableRow+LayoutParams | |
TabWidget | Displays a list of tab labels representing each page in the parent's tab collection. |
TextClock |
TextSwitcher | Specialized Android.Widget.ViewSwitcher that contains only children of type Android.Widget.TextView. |
TextView | Displays text to the user and optionally allows them to edit it. |
TextView+BufferType | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
TextView+EditorActionEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.TextView.EditorAction event. |
TextView+IOnEditorActionListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an action is performed on the editor. |
TextView+SavedState | User interface state that is stored by TextView for implementing Android.Views.View.OnSaveInstanceState. |
TimePicker | A view for selecting the time of day, in either 24 hour or AM/PM mode. |
TimePicker+IOnTimeChangedListener | The callback interface used to indicate the time has been adjusted. |
TimePicker+TimeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.TimePicker.TimeChanged event. |
Toast | A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user. |
ToastLength | Enumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.Toast.Duration, Android.Widget.ToastLength.Long, and Android.Widget.ToastLength.Short members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText, Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText, and Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText members. |
ToggleButton | Displays checked/unchecked states as a button with a "light" indicator and by default accompanied with the text "ON" or "OFF". |
Toolbar | A standard toolbar for use within application content. |
Toolbar+IOnMenuItemClickListener | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
Toolbar+LayoutParams | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
Toolbar+MenuItemClickEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.Toolbar.MenuItemClick event. |
TranscriptMode | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
TwoLineListItem | |
VideoView | Displays a video file. |
ViewAnimator | Base class for a Android.Widget.FrameLayout container that will perform animations when switching between its views. |
ViewFlipper | Simple Android.Widget.ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it. |
ViewSwitcher | Android.Widget.ViewAnimator that switches between two views, and has a factory from which these views are created. |
ViewSwitcher+IViewFactory | Creates views in a ViewSwitcher. |
ZoomButton | [Android Documentation] |
ZoomButtonsController | The Android.Widget.ZoomButtonsController handles showing and hiding the zoom controls and positioning it relative to an owner view. |
ZoomButtonsController+IOnZoomListener | Interface that will be called when the user performs an interaction that triggers some action, for example zooming. |
ZoomButtonsController+VisibilityChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ZoomButtonsController.VisibilityChanged event. |
ZoomButtonsController+ZoomEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.ZoomButtonsController.Zoom event. |
ZoomControls | The ZoomControls class displays a simple set of controls used for zooming and provides callbacks to register for events. |