Android.Widget Namespace

The widget package contains (mostly visual) UI elements to use on your Application screen.


The widget package contains (mostly visual) UI elements to use on your Application screen. You can also design your own.

To create your own widget, extend Android.Views.View or a subclass. To use your widget in layout XML, there are two additional files for you to create. Here is a list of files you'll need to create to implement a custom widget:

ApiDemos sample application has an example of creating a custom layout XML tag, LabelView. See the following files that demonstrate implementing and using a custom widget:


AbsListViewBase class that can be used to implement virtualized lists of items.
AbsListView+IMultiChoiceModeListenerA MultiChoiceModeListener receives events for Android.Widget.AbsListViewChoiceMode.MultipleModal.
AbsListView+IOnScrollListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when the list or grid has been scrolled.
AbsListView+IRecyclerListenerA RecyclerListener is used to receive a notification whenever a View is placed inside the RecycleBin's scrap heap.
AbsListView+ISelectionBoundsAdjusterThe top-level view of a list item can implement this interface to allow itself to modify the bounds of the selection shown for that item.
AbsListView+LayoutParamsAbsListView extends LayoutParams to provide a place to hold the view type.
AbsListView+RecyclerEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.AbsListView.Recycler event.
AbsListView+ScrollEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.AbsListView.Scroll event.
AbsListView+ScrollStateChangedEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.AbsListView.ScrollStateChanged event.
AbsListViewChoiceModeEnumerates values returned by several methods of Android.Widget.AbsListViewChoiceMode.
AbsoluteLayoutA layout that lets you specify exact locations (x/y coordinates) of its children.
AbsoluteLayout+LayoutParamsPer-child layout information associated with AbsoluteLayout.
AbsSeekBar [Android Documentation]
AbsSpinnerAn abstract base class for spinner widgets.
ActionMenuViewActionMenuView is a presentation of a series of menu options as a View.
ActionMenuView+IOnMenuItemClickListenerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ActionMenuView+LayoutParamsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ActionMenuView+MenuItemClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ActionMenuView.MenuItemClick event.
AdapterAn Adapter object acts as a bridge between an Android.Widget.AdapterView and the underlying data for that view.
AdapterConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
AdapterViewAn AdapterView is a view whose children are determined by an Android.Widget.Adapter.
AdapterView+AdapterContextMenuInfoExtra menu information provided to the Android.Views.View.IOnCreateContextMenuListener.OnCreateContextMenu(Android.Views.IContextMenu, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.View) callback when a context menu is brought up for this AdapterView.
AdapterView+IOnItemClickListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when an item in this AdapterView has been clicked.
AdapterView+IOnItemLongClickListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when an item in this view has been clicked and held.
AdapterView+IOnItemSelectedListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when an item in this view has been selected.
AdapterView+ItemClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.AdapterView.ItemClick, Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView.ItemClick, and Android.Widget.ListPopupWindow.ItemClick events.
AdapterView+ItemLongClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.AdapterView.ItemLongClick event.
AdapterView+ItemSelectedEventArgsProvides data for the Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder.ItemSelected, Android.Widget.AdapterView.ItemSelected, Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView.ItemSelected, and Android.Widget.ListPopupWindow.ItemSelected events.
AdapterView+NothingSelectedEventArgsProvides data for the Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder.NothingSelected, Android.Widget.AdapterView.NothingSelected, Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView.NothingSelected, and Android.Widget.ListPopupWindow.NothingSelected events.
AdapterView<T>An AdapterView is a view whose children are determined by an Android.Widget.Adapter.
AdapterViewAnimatorBase class for a Android.Widget.AdapterView that will perform animations when switching between its views.
AdapterViewFlipperSimple Android.Widget.ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it.
AlphabetIndexerA helper class for adapters that implement the SectionIndexer interface.
AnalogClockThis widget display an analogic clock with two hands for hours and minutes.
ArrayAdapterA concrete BaseAdapter that is backed by an array of arbitrary objects.
ArrayAdapter<T>A concrete BaseAdapter that is backed by an array of arbitrary objects.

java Example

 public class CountriesActivity extends Activity {
     protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

         ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
                 android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, COUNTRIES);
         AutoCompleteTextView textView = (AutoCompleteTextView)

     private static final String[] COUNTRIES = new String[] {
         "Belgium", "France", "Italy", "Germany", "Spain"
AutoCompleteTextView+IOnDismissListenerListener to respond to the AutoCompleteTextView's completion list being dismissed.
AutoCompleteTextView+IValidatorThis interface is used to make sure that the text entered in this TextView complies to a certain format.
AutoCompleteTextViewIValidatorExtensionsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
BaseAdapterCommon base class of common implementation for an Android.Widget.Adapter that can be used in both Android.Widget.ListView (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.IListAdapter interface) and Android.Widget.Spinner (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.ISpinnerAdapter interface).
BaseAdapter+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
BaseAdapter<T>Common base class of common implementation for an Android.Widget.Adapter that can be used in both Android.Widget.ListView (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.IListAdapter interface) and Android.Widget.Spinner (by implementing the specialized Android.Widget.ISpinnerAdapter interface).
BaseExpandableListAdapterBase class for a Android.Widget.IExpandableListAdapter used to provide data and Views from some data to an expandable list view.
ButtonRepresents a push-button widget.
CalendarViewThis class is a calendar widget for displaying and selecting dates.
CalendarView+DateChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.CalendarView.DateChange event.
CalendarView+IOnDateChangeListenerThe callback used to indicate the user changes the date.

java Example

 public class MyActivity extends Activity {
     protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {


         final CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) findViewById(;
         if (checkBox.isChecked()) {
CheckedTextViewAn extension to TextView that supports the Android.Widget.ICheckable interface.
ChoiceModeEnumerates values returned by several types.
ChronometerClass that implements a simple timer.
Chronometer+IOnChronometerTickListenerA callback that notifies when the chronometer has incremented on its own.
CompoundButton+CheckedChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.CompoundButton.CheckedChange event.
CompoundButton+IOnCheckedChangeListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when the checked state of a compound button changed.
CursorAdapterAdapter that exposes data from a Android.Database.ICursor to a Android.Widget.ListView widget.
CursorAdapterFlagsEnumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.CursorAdapterFlags.AutoRequery, Android.Widget.CursorAdapterFlags.None, and Android.Widget.CursorAdapterFlags.RegisterContentObserver members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.CursorAdapter..ctor, Android.Widget.ResourceCursorAdapter..ctor, and Android.Widget.SimpleCursorAdapter..ctor members.
CursorTreeAdapterAn adapter that exposes data from a series of Android.Database.ICursors to an Android.Widget.ExpandableListView widget.
DatePickerThis class is a widget for selecting a date.
DatePicker+DateChangedEventArgsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
DatePicker+IOnDateChangedListenerThe callback used to indicate the user changes\d the date.
DialerFilter [Android Documentation]
DialerModeEnumerates values returned by several types.
DigitalClockLike AnalogClock, but digital.
EdgeEffectThis class performs the graphical effect used at the edges of scrollable widgets when the user scrolls beyond the content bounds in 2D space.
EditTextEditText is a thin veneer over TextView that configures itself to be editable.
ExpandableListViewA view that shows items in a vertically scrolling two-level list.
ExpandableListView+ChildClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.ChildClick event.
ExpandableListView+ExpandableListContextMenuInfoExtra menu information specific to an Android.Widget.ExpandableListView provided to the Android.Views.View.IOnCreateContextMenuListener.OnCreateContextMenu(Android.Views.IContextMenu, Android.Views.View, Android.Views.View) callback when a context menu is brought up for this AdapterView.
ExpandableListView+GroupClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.GroupClick event.
ExpandableListView+GroupCollapseEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.GroupCollapse event.
ExpandableListView+GroupExpandEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ExpandableListView.GroupExpand event.
ExpandableListView+IOnChildClickListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when a child in this expandable list has been clicked.
ExpandableListView+IOnGroupClickListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when a group in this expandable list has been clicked.
ExpandableListView+IOnGroupCollapseListenerUsed for being notified when a group is collapsed
ExpandableListView+IOnGroupExpandListenerUsed for being notified when a group is expanded
Filter+FilterEventArgsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
FrameLayoutFrameLayout is designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item.
FrameLayout+LayoutParamsPer-child layout information for layouts that support margins.
GalleryA view that shows items in a center-locked, horizontally scrolling list.
Gallery+LayoutParamsGallery extends LayoutParams to provide a place to hold current Transformation information along with previous position/transformation info.
GridAlignEnumerates values returned by several types.
GridLayoutA layout that places its children in a rectangular grid.
GridLayout+AlignmentAlignments specify where a view should be placed within a cell group and what size it should be.
GridLayout+LayoutParamsLayout information associated with each of the children of a GridLayout.
GridLayout+SpecA Spec defines the horizontal or vertical characteristics of a group of cells.
GridOrientationEnumerates values returned by several types.
GridViewA view that shows items in two-dimensional scrolling grid.
HeaderViewListAdapterListAdapter used when a ListView has header views.
HeaderViewListAdapter+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
HorizontalScrollViewLayout container for a view hierarchy that can be scrolled by the user, allowing it to be larger than the physical display.
IAdapterAn Adapter object acts as a bridge between an Android.Widget.AdapterView and the underlying data for that view.
IAdvanceableThis interface can be implemented by any collection-type view which has a notion of progressing through its set of children.
ICheckableDefines an extension for views that make them checkable.
IExpandableListAdapterAn adapter that links a Android.Widget.ExpandableListView with the underlying data.
IFilterQueryProviderThis class can be used by external clients of CursorAdapter and CursorTreeAdapter to define how the content of the adapter should be filtered.
IFilterQueryProviderExtensionsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IHeterogeneousExpandableListAdditional methods that when implemented make an Android.Widget.IExpandableListAdapter take advantage of the Android.Widget.Adapter view type mechanism.
IListAdapterExtended Android.Widget.Adapter that is the bridge between a Android.Widget.ListView and the data that backs the list.

xml Example

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <selector xmlns:android="">
     <item android:state_pressed="true"
           android:drawable="@drawable/button_pressed" /> <!-- pressed -->
     <item android:state_focused="true"
           android:drawable="@drawable/button_focused" /> <!-- focused -->
     <item android:drawable="@drawable/button_normal" /> <!-- default -->
ImageSwitcher [Android Documentation]
ImageViewDisplays an arbitrary image, such as an icon.
ImageView+ScaleTypeOptions for scaling the bounds of an image to the bounds of this view.
InputMethodEnumerates values returned by several types.
ISectionIndexerInterface that may implemented on Android.Widget.Adapters to enable fast scrolling between sections of an Android.Widget.AbsListView.
ISpinnerAdapterExtended Android.Widget.Adapter that is the bridge between a Android.Widget.Spinner and its data.
ItemEventArgsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ItemViewTypeEnumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.ItemViewType.HeaderOrFooter, and Android.Widget.ItemViewType.Ignore members.
IWrapperListAdapterList adapter that wraps another list adapter.
LayoutRulesEnumerates values returned by several methods of Android.Widget.LayoutRules and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.AddRule, Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.AddRule, and Android.Widget.RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.RemoveRule members.
LinearLayoutA Layout that arranges its children in a single column or a single row.
LinearLayout+LayoutParamsPer-child layout information associated with ViewLinearLayout.
ListPopupWindowA ListPopupWindow anchors itself to a host view and displays a list of choices.
ListPopupWindowInputMethodModeEnumerates values returned by several types.
ListViewA view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list.
ListView+FixedViewInfoA class that represents a fixed view in a list, for example a header at the top or a footer at the bottom.
MediaControllerA view containing controls for a MediaPlayer.
MediaController+IMediaPlayerControlDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MultiAutoCompleteTextViewAn editable text view, extending Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView, that can show completion suggestions for the substring of the text where the user is typing instead of necessarily for the entire thing.
MultiAutoCompleteTextView+CommaTokenizerThis simple Tokenizer can be used for lists where the items are separated by a comma and one or more spaces.
MultiAutoCompleteTextView+ITokenizerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MultiAutoCompleteTextViewITokenizerExtensionsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NumberPickerA widget that enables the user to select a number from a predefined range.
NumberPicker+IFormatterInterface used to format current value into a string for presentation.
NumberPicker+IOnScrollListenerInterface to listen for the picker scroll state.
NumberPicker+IOnValueChangeListenerInterface to listen for changes of the current value.
NumberPicker+ScrollEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.NumberPicker.Scroll event.
NumberPicker+ValueChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.NumberPicker.ValueChanged event.
NumberPickerScrollStateEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.NumberPicker.IOnScrollListener.OnScrollStateChange, and Android.Widget.NumberPicker.ScrollEventArgs..ctor members.
OrientationEnumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.LinearLayout.Orientation, Android.Widget.Orientation.Horizontal, and Android.Widget.Orientation.Vertical members.
OverScrollerThis class encapsulates scrolling with the ability to overshoot the bounds of a scrolling operation.
PackedPositionTypeEnumerates values returned by several types.
PopupMenuA PopupMenu displays a Android.Views.Menu in a modal popup window anchored to a Android.Views.View.
PopupMenu+DismissEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.PopupMenu.DismissEvent event.
PopupMenu+IOnDismissListenerCallback interface used to notify the application that the menu has closed.
PopupMenu+IOnMenuItemClickListenerInterface responsible for receiving menu item click events if the items themselves do not have individual item click listeners.
PopupMenu+MenuItemClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.PopupMenu.MenuItemClick event.
PopupWindow+IOnDismissListenerListener that is called when this popup window is dismissed.
PositionPromptEnumerates values returned by several types.
QuickContactBadgeWidget used to show an image with the standard QuickContact badge and on-click behavior.
RadioGroup+CheckedChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.RadioGroup.CheckedChange event.
RatingBarA RatingBar is an extension of SeekBar and ProgressBar that shows a rating in stars.
RatingBar+IOnRatingBarChangeListenerA callback that notifies clients when the rating has been changed.
RatingBar+RatingBarChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.RatingBar.RatingBarChange event.
RelativeLayoutA Layout where the positions of the children can be described in relation to each other or to the parent.
RelativeLayout+LayoutParamsPer-child layout information associated with RelativeLayout.
RemoteViewsA class that describes a view hierarchy that can be displayed in another process.
RemoteViews+ActionExceptionException to send when something goes wrong executing an action
RemoteViews+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RemoteViews+RemoteViewThis annotation indicates that a subclass of View is alllowed to be used with the Android.Widget.RemoteViews mechanism.
RemoteViewsServiceThe service to be connected to for a remote adapter to request RemoteViews.
RemoteViewsService+IRemoteViewsFactoryAn interface for an adapter between a remote collection view (ListView, GridView, etc) and the underlying data for that view.
ResourceCursorAdapterAn easy adapter that creates views defined in an XML file.
ResourceCursorTreeAdapterA fairly simple ExpandableListAdapter that creates views defined in an XML file.

java Example

 private Scroller mScroller = new Scroller(context);
 public void zoomIn() {
     // Revert any animation currently in progress
     // Start scrolling by providing a starting point and
     // the distance to travel
     mScroller.startScroll(0, 0, 100, 0);
     // Invalidate to request a redraw

java Example

if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
     // Get current x and y positions
     int currX = mScroller.getCurrX();
     int currY = mScroller.getCurrY();
ScrollStateEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.AbsListView.IOnScrollListener.OnScrollStateChanged, and Android.Widget.AbsListView.ScrollStateChangedEventArgs..ctor members.
ScrollViewLayout container for a view hierarchy that can be scrolled by the user, allowing it to be larger than the physical display.
SearchViewA widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider.
SearchView+CloseEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.Close event.
SearchView+IOnCloseListenerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
SearchView+IOnQueryTextListenerCallbacks for changes to the query text.
SearchView+IOnSuggestionListenerCallback interface for selection events on suggestions.
SearchView+QueryTextChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.QueryTextChange event.
SearchView+QueryTextSubmitEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.QueryTextSubmit event.
SearchView+SuggestionClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.SuggestionClick event.
SearchView+SuggestionSelectEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SearchView.SuggestionSelect event.
SeekBarA SeekBar is an extension of ProgressBar that adds a draggable thumb.
SeekBar+IOnSeekBarChangeListenerA callback that notifies clients when the progress level has been changed.
SeekBar+ProgressChangedEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SeekBar.ProgressChanged event.
SeekBar+StartTrackingTouchEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SeekBar.StartTrackingTouch event.
SeekBar+StopTrackingTouchEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.SeekBar.StopTrackingTouch event.
ShareActionProviderThis is a provider for a share action.
ShareActionProvider+IOnShareTargetSelectedListenerListener for the event of selecting a share target.
ShareActionProvider+ShareTargetSelectedEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ShareActionProvider.ShareTargetSelected event.
ShowDividersEnumerates values returned by several types.
SimpleAdapterAn easy adapter to map static data to views defined in an XML file.
SimpleAdapter+IViewBinderThis class can be used by external clients of SimpleAdapter to bind values to views.
SimpleCursorAdapterAn easy adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file.
SimpleCursorAdapter+ICursorToStringConverterThis class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to define how the Cursor should be converted to a String.
SimpleCursorAdapter+IViewBinderThis class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to bind values fom the Cursor to views.
SimpleCursorAdapterICursorToStringConverterExtensionsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
SimpleCursorTreeAdapterAn easy adapter to map columns from a cursor to TextViews or ImageViews defined in an XML file.
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter+IViewBinderThis class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorTreeAdapter to bind values from the Cursor to views.
SimpleExpandableListAdapterAn easy adapter to map static data to group and child views defined in an XML file.
SlidingDrawerSlidingDrawer hides content out of the screen and allows the user to drag a handle to bring the content on screen.
SlidingDrawer+IOnDrawerCloseListenerCallback invoked when the drawer is closed.
SlidingDrawer+IOnDrawerOpenListenerCallback invoked when the drawer is opened.
SlidingDrawer+IOnDrawerScrollListenerCallback invoked when the drawer is scrolled.
SlidingDrawerOrientationEnumerates values returned by several types.
SpaceSpace is a lightweight View subclass that may be used to create gaps between components in general purpose layouts.
SpinnerA view that displays one child at a time and lets the user pick among them.
SpinnerModeEnumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.SpinnerMode.Dialog, and Android.Widget.SpinnerMode.Dropdown members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.Spinner..ctor, Android.Widget.Spinner..ctor, and Android.Widget.Spinner..ctor members.
StackView [Android Documentation]
StretchModeEnumerates values returned by several types.
SwitchA Switch is a two-state toggle switch widget that can select between two options.
TabHostContainer for a tabbed window view.
TabHost+IOnTabChangeListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when tab changed
TabHost+ITabContentFactoryMakes the content of a tab when it is selected.
TabHost+TabChangeEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.TabHost.TabChanged event.
TabHost+TabSpecA tab has a tab indicator, content, and a tag that is used to keep track of it.
TabWidgetDisplays a list of tab labels representing each page in the parent's tab collection.
TextSwitcherSpecialized Android.Widget.ViewSwitcher that contains only children of type Android.Widget.TextView.
TextViewDisplays text to the user and optionally allows them to edit it.
TextView+BufferTypeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
TextView+EditorActionEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.TextView.EditorAction event.
TextView+IOnEditorActionListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when an action is performed on the editor.
TextView+SavedStateUser interface state that is stored by TextView for implementing Android.Views.View.OnSaveInstanceState.
TimePickerA view for selecting the time of day, in either 24 hour or AM/PM mode.
TimePicker+IOnTimeChangedListenerThe callback interface used to indicate the time has been adjusted.
TimePicker+TimeChangedEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.TimePicker.TimeChanged event.
ToastA toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user.
ToastLengthEnumerates values returned by the Android.Widget.Toast.Duration, Android.Widget.ToastLength.Long, and Android.Widget.ToastLength.Short members and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText, Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText, and Android.Widget.Toast.MakeText members.
ToggleButtonDisplays checked/unchecked states as a button with a "light" indicator and by default accompanied with the text "ON" or "OFF".
ToolbarA standard toolbar for use within application content.
Toolbar+IOnMenuItemClickListenerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Toolbar+LayoutParamsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Toolbar+MenuItemClickEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.Toolbar.MenuItemClick event.
TranscriptModeEnumerates values returned by several types.
VideoViewDisplays a video file.
ViewAnimatorBase class for a Android.Widget.FrameLayout container that will perform animations when switching between its views.
ViewFlipperSimple Android.Widget.ViewAnimator that will animate between two or more views that have been added to it.
ViewSwitcher Android.Widget.ViewAnimator that switches between two views, and has a factory from which these views are created.
ViewSwitcher+IViewFactoryCreates views in a ViewSwitcher.
ZoomButton [Android Documentation]
ZoomButtonsControllerThe Android.Widget.ZoomButtonsController handles showing and hiding the zoom controls and positioning it relative to an owner view.
ZoomButtonsController+IOnZoomListenerInterface that will be called when the user performs an interaction that triggers some action, for example zooming.
ZoomButtonsController+VisibilityChangedEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ZoomButtonsController.VisibilityChanged event.
ZoomButtonsController+ZoomEventArgsProvides data for the Android.Widget.ZoomButtonsController.Zoom event.
ZoomControlsThe ZoomControls class displays a simple set of controls used for zooming and provides callbacks to register for events.