Java.Lang.String Members

The members of Java.Lang.String are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Creates an empty string.
Creates a String from the contents of the specified StringBuffer.
Creates a String from the contents of the specified StringBuilder.
Converts the byte array to a string using the system's Java.Nio.Charset.Charset.DefaultCharset.
Initializes this string to contain the given chars.
Constructs a copy of the given string.
Converts the byte array to a String using the given charset.
Converts the byte array to a string, setting the high byte of every char to the specified value.
Converts the byte array to a string using the named charset.
Converts a subsequence of the byte array to a string using the system's Java.Nio.Charset.Charset.DefaultCharset.
Initializes this string to contain the given chars.
Creates a String from the sub-array of Unicode code points.
Converts the byte array to a string using the given charset.
Converts the byte array to a string, setting the high byte of every char to high.
Converts the byte array to a string using the named charset.

Public Properties

CaseInsensitiveOrderJava.Util.IComparator. Compares strings using String.CompareToIgnoreCase(string).
IsEmptybool. Returns true if the length of this string is 0.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

CharAt(int) : char
Returns the char at index.
CodePointAt(int) : int
Returns the Unicode code point at the given index.
CodePointBefore(int) : int
Returns the Unicode code point that precedes the given index.
CodePointCount(int, int) : int
Calculates the number of Unicode code points between start and end.
CompareTo(string) : int
Compares this string to the given string.
CompareToIgnoreCase(string) : int
Compares this string to the given string, ignoring case differences.
Concat(string) : string
Concatenates this string and the specified string.
Contains(ICharSequence) : bool
Returns true if this string contains the charss from the given CharSequence.
Contains(string) : bool
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ContentEquals(ICharSequence) : bool
Returns true if the chars in the given CharSequence are the same as those in this string.
ContentEquals(StringBuffer) : bool
Returns true if the chars in the given StringBuffer are the same as those in this string.
ContentEquals(string) : bool
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CopyValueOf(char[]) : string
Creates a new string by copying the given char[].
CopyValueOf(char[], int, int) : string
Creates a new string by copying the given subsequence of the given char[].
EndsWith(string) : bool
Compares the specified string to this string to determine if the specified string is a suffix.
EqualsIgnoreCase(string) : bool
Compares the given string to this string ignoring case.
Format(string, params Object[]) : string
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Format(Java.Util.Locale, string, params Object[]) : string
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GetBytes() : byte[]
Returns a new byte array containing the code points in this string encoded using the system's Java.Nio.Charset.Charset.DefaultCharset.
GetBytes(Java.Nio.Charset.Charset) : byte[]
Returns a new byte array containing the code points of this string encoded using the given charset.
GetBytes(string) : byte[]
Returns a new byte array containing the code points of this string encoded using the named charset.
GetBytes(int, int, byte[], int)
Mangles a subsequence of this string into a byte array by stripping the high order bits from each char.
GetChars(int, int, char[], int)
Copies the given subsequence of this string to the given array starting at the given offset.
GetEnumerator() : IEnumerator<char>
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IndexOf(int) : int
Returns the first index of the given code point, or -1.
IndexOf(string) : int
Returns the first index of the given string, or -1.
IndexOf(int, int) : int
Returns the next index of the given code point, or -1.
IndexOf(string, int) : int
Returns the next index of the given string in this string, or -1.
Intern() : string
Returns an interned string equal to this string.
LastIndexOf(int) : int
Returns the last index of the code point c, or -1.
LastIndexOf(string) : int
Returns the index of the start of the last match for the given string in this string, or -1.
LastIndexOf(int, int) : int
Returns the last index of the code point c, or -1.
LastIndexOf(string, int) : int
Returns the index of the start of the previous match for the given string in this string, or -1.
Length() : int
Returns the number of chars in this string.
Matches(string) : bool
Tests whether this string matches the given regularExpression.
OffsetByCodePoints(int, int) : int
Returns the index within this object that is offset from index by codePointOffset code points.
RegionMatches(int, string, int, int) : bool
Returns true if the given subsequence of the given string matches this string starting at the given offset.
RegionMatches(bool, int, string, int, int) : bool
Returns true if the given subsequence of the given string matches this string starting at the given offset.
Replace(ICharSequence, ICharSequence) : string
Returns a copy of this string after replacing occurrences of target replaced with replacement.
Replace(char, char) : string
Returns a copy of this string after replacing occurrences of the given char with another.
Replace(string, string) : string
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ReplaceAll(string, string) : string
Replaces all matches for regularExpression within this string with the given replacement.
ReplaceFirst(string, string) : string
Replaces the first match for regularExpression within this string with the given replacement.
Split(string) : string[]
Splits this string using the supplied regularExpression.
Split(string, int) : string[]
Splits this string using the supplied regularExpression.
StartsWith(string) : bool
Compares the specified string to this string to determine if the specified string is a prefix.
StartsWith(string, int) : bool
Compares the specified string to this string, starting at the specified offset, to determine if the specified string is a prefix.
SubSequence(int, int) : string
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SubSequenceFormatted(int, int) : ICharSequence
Equivalent to String.Substring(int, System.Int32) but needed to implement CharSequence.
Substring(int) : string
Returns a string containing a suffix of this string starting at start.
Substring(int, int) : string
Returns a string containing the given subsequence of this string.
ToCharArray() : char[]
Returns a new char array containing a copy of the chars in this string.
ToLowerCase() : string
Converts this string to lower case, using the rules of the user's default locale.
ToLowerCase(Java.Util.Locale) : string
Converts this string to lower case, using the rules of locale.
ToString() : string
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ToUpperCase() : string
Converts this this string to upper case, using the rules of the user's default locale.
ToUpperCase(Java.Util.Locale) : string
Converts this this string to upper case, using the rules of locale.
Trim() : string
Returns a string with no code points <= \\u0020 at the beginning or end.
ValueOf(Object) : string
Converts the specified object to its string representation.
ValueOf(bool) : string
Converts the specified boolean to its string representation.
ValueOf(char) : string
Returns a new string of just the given char.
ValueOf(char[]) : string
Returns a new string containing the same chars as the given array.
ValueOf(double) : string
Returns the string representation of the given double.
ValueOf(int) : string
Returns the string representation of the given int.
ValueOf(long) : string
Returns the string representation of the given long.
ValueOf(float) : string
Returns the string representation of the given float.
ValueOf(char[], int, int) : string
Returns a new string containing the same chars as the given subset of the given array.

Explicitly Implemented Interface Members

Java.Lang.IComparable.CompareToDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IEnumerable.GetEnumeratorDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.