Android.Net.ConnectivityManager: Method Members

The methods of Android.Net.ConnectivityManager are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ConnectivityManager Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

Start listening to reports when the system's default data network is active, meaning it is a good time to perform network traffic.
FromContext(Android.Content.Context) : ConnectivityManager
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GetAllNetworkInfo() : NetworkInfo[]
Returns connection status information about all network types supported by the device.
GetAllNetworks() : Network[]
Returns an array of all Android.Net.Network currently tracked by the framework.
GetLinkProperties(Network) : LinkProperties
Get the Android.Net.LinkProperties for the given Android.Net.Network.
GetNetworkCapabilities(Network) : NetworkCapabilities
Get the Android.Net.NetworkCapabilities for the given Android.Net.Network.
GetNetworkInfo(ConnectivityType) : NetworkInfo
Returns connection status information about a particular network type.
GetNetworkInfo(Network) : NetworkInfo
Returns connection status information about a particular Network.
IsNetworkTypeValid(ConnectivityType) : bool
Tests if a given integer represents a valid network type.
RegisterNetworkCallback(NetworkRequest, ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback)
Registers to receive notifications about all networks which satisfy the given Android.Net.NetworkRequest.
Remove network active listener previously registered with ConnectivityManager.AddDefaultNetworkActiveListener(.IOnNetworkActiveListener).
Report a problem network to the framework.
RequestNetwork(NetworkRequest, ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback)
Request a network to satisfy a set of Android.Net.NetworkCapabilities.
RequestRouteToHost(ConnectivityType, int) : bool
Ensure that a network route exists to deliver traffic to the specified host via the specified network interface.
RequestRouteToHostAsync(ConnectivityType, int) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool>
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SetProcessDefaultNetwork(Network) : bool
Binds the current process to network.
StartUsingNetworkFeature(ConnectivityType, string) : int
Tells the underlying networking system that the caller wants to begin using the named feature.
StopUsingNetworkFeature(ConnectivityType, string) : int
Tells the underlying networking system that the caller is finished using the named feature.
Unregisters callbacks about and possibly releases networks originating from ConnectivityManager.RequestNetwork(NetworkRequest, .NetworkCallback) and ConnectivityManager.RegisterNetworkCallback(NetworkRequest, .NetworkCallback) calls.