System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Ldind_I Field

Loads a value of type native int as a native int onto the evaluation stack indirectly.


public static readonly OpCode Ldind_I


The following table lists the instruction's hexadecimal and Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) assembly format, along with a brief reference summary:



Loads the native int value at address addr onto the stack as a native int.

The stack transitional behavior, in sequential order, is:

[The 'ordered' type of list has not been implemented in the ECMA stylesheet.]

The ldind.i instruction indirectly loads a native int value from the specified address (of type native int, &, or *) onto the stack as a native int.

All of the ldind instructions are shortcuts for a OpCodes.Ldobj instruction that specifies the corresponding built-in value class.

Note that integer values of less than 4 bytes are extended to int32 (not native int) when they are loaded onto the evaluation stack. Floating-point values are converted to F type when loaded onto the evaluation stack.

Correctly-formed Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) ensures that the ldind instructions are used in a manner consistent with the type of the pointer.

The address initially pushed onto the stack must be aligned to the natural size of objects on the machine or a NullReferenceException can occur (see the OpCodes.Unaligned prefix instruction for preventative measures). The results of all MSIL instructions that return addresses (for example, OpCodes.Ldloca and OpCodes.Ldarga) are safely aligned. For datatypes larger than 1 byte, the byte ordering is dependent on the target CPU. Code that depends on byte ordering might not run on all platforms.

NullReferenceException can be thrown if an invalid address is detected.

The following ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode) method overload can use the ldind.i opcode:

  • ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode)


Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,