Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.IsDeviceOwnerApp Method
Used to determine if a particular package has been registered as a Device Owner app.


[Android.Runtime.Register("isDeviceOwnerApp", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z", "GetIsDeviceOwnerApp_Ljava_lang_String_Handler")]
public virtual bool IsDeviceOwnerApp (string packageName)


the package name of the app, to compare with the registered device owner app, if any.


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Used to determine if a particular package has been registered as a Device Owner app. A device owner app is a special device admin that cannot be deactivated by the user, once activated as a device admin. It also cannot be uninstalled. To check if a particular package is currently registered as the device owner app, pass in the package name from Android.Content.Context.PackageName to this method.

This is useful for device admin apps that want to check if they are also registered as the device owner app. The exact mechanism by which a device admin app is registered as a device owner app is defined by the setup process.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.App.Admin
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 18