Xamarin.Forms.MasterDetailPage Class
A Xamarin.Forms.Page that manages two panes of information: A master page that presents data at a high level, and a detail page that displays low-level details about information in the master.

See Also: MasterDetailPage Members


public class MasterDetailPage : Page


The following example code, taken from the FormsGallery sample application, creates a Xamarin.Forms.MasterDetailPage that allows the user to view detailed information about a color that she chooses from a list. Note that the NamedColorPage class, defined in as a sublcass of Xamarin.Forms.ContentPage in another file in the sample application, simply displays RGB data, a Xamarin.Forms.BoxView with its background color set to the color that the user selected, and, finally, hue, saturation, and luminosity data.

The sample below illustrates three key concepts. First, the "Master" portion of the MasterDetailPage is represented by the MasterDetailPage.Master property, which is set to a Xamarin.Forms.ListView element in this example. This Xamarin.Forms.ListView element contains a label and a list of colors. Second, the "Detail" portion of the Xamarin.Forms.MasterDetailPage is represented by the MasterDetailPage.Detail property, which, in this example, is set to the NamedColorPage that was noted above. Third, and finally, the page that is represented by the MasterDetailPage.Detail property is displayed by setting the MasterDetailPage.IsPresented property to false; That is, the MasterDetailPage.IsPresented property controls whether or not the page that is represented by the MasterDetailPage.Master is presented to the user.

Note: The MasterDetailPage.Master page must have its Page.Title property set. Additionally, the MasterDetailPage.Detail page will only display a navigation bar if it is an instance of Xamarin.Forms.NavigationPage.

C# Example

using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace FormsGallery
    class MasterDetailPageDemoPage :  MasterDetailPage
        public MasterDetailPageDemoPage()
            Label header = new Label
                Text = "MasterDetailPage",
                Font = Font.BoldSystemFontOfSize(30),
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

            // Assemble an array of NamedColor objects.
            NamedColor[] namedColors = 
                    new NamedColor("Aqua", Color.Aqua),
                    new NamedColor("Black", Color.Black),
                    new NamedColor("Blue", Color.Blue),
                    new NamedColor("Fuschia", Color.Fuschia),
                    new NamedColor("Gray", Color.Gray),
                    new NamedColor("Green", Color.Green),
                    new NamedColor("Lime", Color.Lime),
                    new NamedColor("Maroon", Color.Maroon),
                    new NamedColor("Navy", Color.Navy),
                    new NamedColor("Olive", Color.Olive),
                    new NamedColor("Purple", Color.Purple),
                    new NamedColor("Red", Color.Red),
                    new NamedColor("Silver", Color.Silver),
                    new NamedColor("Teal", Color.Teal),
                    new NamedColor("White", Color.White),
                    new NamedColor("Yellow", Color.Yellow)

            // Create ListView for the master page.
            ListView listView = new ListView
                ItemsSource = namedColors

            // Create the master page with the ListView.
            this.Master = new ContentPage
            	Title = header.Text,
                Content = new StackLayout
                    Children = 

            // Create the detail page using NamedColorPage and wrap it in a
            // navigation page to provide a NavigationBar and Toggle button
            this.Detail = new NavigationPage(new NamedColorPage(true));

            // For Windows Phone, provide a way to get back to the master page.
            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone)
                (this.Detail as ContentPage).Content.GestureRecognizers.Add(
                    new TapGestureRecognizer((view) =>
                        this.IsPresented = true;

            // Define a selected handler for the ListView.
            listView.ItemSelected += (sender, args) =>
                    // Set the BindingContext of the detail page.
                    this.Detail.BindingContext = args.SelectedItem;

                    // Show the detail page.
                    this.IsPresented = false;

            // Initialize the ListView selection.
            listView.SelectedItem = namedColors[0];


The Windows Phone and Android platforms do not support sliding the detail screen in order to show or hide it. Use a Xamarin.Forms.TapGestureRecognizer to allow the user to show and hide the Detail screen on these platforms. On Windows Phone, consider using a user interface class that provides an experience that is more consistent with that platform, such as Xamarin.Forms.CarouselPage.


Namespace: Xamarin.Forms
Assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Core (in Xamarin.Forms.Core.dll)
Assembly Versions:,,,