- uri
- URI to encode.
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Type Reason !:NoType:if the uri is empty or invalid
Create a new NDEF Record containing a URI.
Use this method to encode a URI (or URL) into an NDEF Record.
Uses the well known URI type representation: NdefRecord.TnfWellKnown and NdefRecord.RtdUri. This is the most efficient encoding of a URI into NDEF.
The uri parameter will be normalized with Android.Net.Uri.NormalizeScheme to set the scheme to lower case to follow Android best practices for intent filtering. However the unchecked exception Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException may be thrown if the uri parameter has serious problems, for example if it is empty, so always catch this exception if you are passing user-generated data into this method.
Reference specification: NFCForum-TS-RTD_URI_1.0