Android.Views.KeyCharacterMap: Method Members

The methods of Android.Views.KeyCharacterMap are listed below. For a list of all members, see the KeyCharacterMap Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

DescribeContents() : int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
DeviceHasKey(Keycode) : bool
Queries the framework about whether any physical keys exist on the any keyboard attached to the device that are capable of producing the given key code.
DeviceHasKeys(Keycode[]) : bool[]
Queries the framework about whether any physical keys exist on the any keyboard attached to the device that are capable of producing the given array of key codes.
Get(Keycode, MetaKeyStates) : int
Gets the Unicode character generated by the specified key and meta key state combination.
Get(Keycode, int) : int
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GetDeadChar(int, int) : int
Get the character that is produced by combining the dead key producing accent with the key producing character c.
GetDisplayLabel(Keycode) : char
Gets the primary character for this key.
GetEvents(char[]) : KeyEvent[]
Get an array of KeyEvent objects that if put into the input stream could plausibly generate the provided sequence of characters.
GetKeyData(Keycode, KeyCharacterMap.KeyData) : bool
Get the character conversion data for a given key code.
GetMatch(Keycode, char[]) : char
Gets the first character in the character array that can be generated by the specified key code.
GetMatch(Keycode, char[], MetaKeyStates) : char
Gets the first character in the character array that can be generated by the specified key code.
GetMatch(Keycode, char[], int) : char
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GetNumber(Keycode) : char
Gets the number or symbol associated with the key.
IsPrintingKey(Keycode) : bool
Returns true if the specified key produces a glyph.
Load(int) : KeyCharacterMap
Loads the key character maps for the keyboard with the specified device id.
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.