Android.Net.Uri.NormalizeScheme Method
Return an equivalent URI with a lowercase scheme component.


[Android.Runtime.Register("normalizeScheme", "()Landroid/net/Uri;", "GetNormalizeSchemeHandler")]
public virtual Uri NormalizeScheme ()


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Return an equivalent URI with a lowercase scheme component. This aligns the Uri with Android best practices for intent filtering.

For example, "HTTP://" becomes ""

All URIs received from outside Android (such as user input, or external sources like Bluetooth, NFC, or the Internet) should be normalized before they are used to create an Intent.

This method does not validate bad URI's, or 'fix' poorly formatted URI's - so do not use it for input validation. A Uri will always be returned, even if the Uri is badly formatted to begin with and a scheme component cannot be found.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Net
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 16