Android.Views.KeyEvent Members

The members of Android.Views.KeyEvent are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Android.Views.InputEvent

Public Constructors

Make an exact copy of an existing key event.
Create a new key event.
Create a new key event.
Copy an existing key event, modifying its time and repeat count.
Create a new key event for a string of characters.
Create a new key event.
Create a new key event.
Create a new key event.
Create a new key event.

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

MaxKeycodeint (84).

Public Properties

ActionKeyEventActions. Retrieve the action of this key event.
Charactersstring. For the special case of a KeyEvent.ACTION_MULTIPLE event with key code of KeyEvent.KEYCODE_UNKNOWN, this is a raw string of characters associated with the event.
DeviceIdint. Gets the id for the device that this event came from.
DisplayLabelchar. Gets the primary character for this key.
DownTimelong. Retrieve the time of the most recent key down event, in the Android.OS.SystemClock.UptimeMillis time base.
EventTimelong. Retrieve the time this event occurred, in the Android.OS.SystemClock.UptimeMillis time base.
FlagsKeyEventFlags. Returns the flags for this key event.
HasNoModifiersbool. Returns true if no modifier keys are pressed.
IsCanceledbool. For KeyEvent.ACTION_UP events, indicates that the event has been canceled as per KeyEvent.FLAG_CANCELED.
IsLongPressbool. For KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN events, indicates that the event has been canceled as per KeyEvent.FLAG_LONG_PRESS.
IsPrintingKeybool. Returns true if this key produces a glyph.
IsSystembool. Is this a system key? System keys can not be used for menu shortcuts.
IsTrackingbool. For KeyEvent.ACTION_UP events, indicates that the event is still being tracked from its initial down event as per KeyEvent.FLAG_TRACKING.
KeyCharacterMapKeyCharacterMap. Gets the Android.Views.KeyCharacterMap associated with the keyboard device.
KeyCodeKeycode. Retrieve the key code of the key event.
MaxKeyCodeKeycode. Returns the maximum keycode.
ModifierMetaStateMaskMetaKeyStates. Gets a mask that includes all valid modifier key meta state bits.
ModifiersMetaKeyStates. Returns the state of the modifier keys.
Numberchar. Gets the number or symbol associated with the key.
RepeatCountint. Retrieve the repeat count of the event.
ScanCodeint. Retrieve the hardware key id of this key event.
SourceInputSourceType. Gets the source of the event.
UnicodeCharint. Gets the Unicode character generated by the specified key and meta key state combination.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

ChangeAction(KeyEvent, KeyEventActions) : KeyEvent
Create a new key event that is the same as the given one, but whose action is replaced with the given value.
ChangeFlags(KeyEvent, KeyEventFlags) : KeyEvent
Create a new key event that is the same as the given one, but whose flags are replaced with the given value.
ChangeTimeRepeat(KeyEvent, long, int) : KeyEvent
Create a new key event that is the same as the given one, but whose event time and repeat count are replaced with the given value.
ChangeTimeRepeat(KeyEvent, long, int, KeyEventFlags) : KeyEvent
Create a new key event that is the same as the given one, but whose event time and repeat count are replaced with the given value.
DescribeContents() : int
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Dispatch(KeyEvent.ICallback) : bool
Dispatch(KeyEvent.ICallback, KeyEvent.DispatcherState, Java.Lang.Object) : bool
Deliver this key event to a NoType:android/view/KeyEvent$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/KeyEvent.Callback.html interface.
GetDeadChar(int, int) : int
Get the character that is produced by putting accent on the character c.
GetKeyData(KeyCharacterMap.KeyData) : bool
Get the character conversion data for a given key code.
GetMatch(char[]) : char
Gets the first character in the character array that can be generated by the specified key code.
GetMatch(char[], MetaKeyStates) : char
Gets the first character in the character array that can be generated by the specified key code.
GetMatch(char[], int) : char
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GetUnicodeChar(MetaKeyStates) : int
Gets the Unicode character generated by the specified key and meta key state combination.
HasModifiers(MetaKeyStates) : bool
Returns true if only the specified modifiers keys are pressed.
IsGamepadButton(Keycode) : bool
Returns true if the specified keycode is a gamepad button.
IsModifierKey(Keycode) : bool
Returns true if this key code is a modifier key.
KeyCodeFromString(string) : Keycode
Gets a keycode by its symbolic name such as "KEYCODE_A" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "1001".
KeyCodeToString(Keycode) : string
Returns a string that represents the symbolic name of the specified keycode such as "KEYCODE_A", "KEYCODE_DPAD_UP", or an equivalent numeric constant such as "1001" if unknown.
MetaStateHasModifiers(MetaKeyStates, MetaKeyStates) : bool
Returns true if only the specified modifier keys are pressed according to the specified meta state.
MetaStateHasNoModifiers(MetaKeyStates) : bool
Returns true if no modifiers keys are pressed according to the specified meta state.
NormalizeMetaState(MetaKeyStates) : MetaKeyStates
Normalizes the specified meta state.
Modifies the source of the event.
Call this during NoType:android/view/KeyEvent$Callback;Href=../../../reference/android/view/KeyEvent.Callback.html#onKeyDown(int, android.view.KeyEvent) to have the system track the key through its final up (possibly including a long press).
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.