Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminReceiver.ActionProfileProvisioningComplete Field
Broadcast Action: This broadcast is sent to indicate that provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.


public const string ActionProfileProvisioningComplete


Broadcast Action: This broadcast is sent to indicate that provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.

The broadcast is limited to the profile that will be managed by the application that requested provisioning. In the device owner case the profile is the primary user. The broadcast will also be limited to the Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminReceiver component specified in the original intent or NFC bump that started the provisioning process (@see DevicePolicyManager#ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE).

A device admin application which listens to this intent can find out if the device was provisioned for the device owner or profile owner case by calling respectively DevicePolicyManager.IsDeviceOwnerApp(string) and DevicePolicyManager.IsProfileOwnerApp(string).

Input: Nothing.

Output: Nothing

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.App.Admin
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 8