Android.Util.TypedValue Members

The members of Android.Util.TypedValue are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

DensityDefaultint (0). If TypedValue.Density is equal to this value, then the density should be treated as the system's default density value: DisplayMetrics.DensityDefault.
DensityNoneint (65535). If TypedValue.Density is equal to this value, then there is no density associated with the resource and it should not be scaled.

Public Properties

AssetCookieint. Additional information about where the value came from; only set for strings.
ChangingConfigurationsAndroid.Content.PM.ConfigChanges. If Value came from a resource, these are the configurations for which its contents can change.
Dataint. Basic data in the value, interpreted according to TypedValue.Type
Densityint. If the Value came from a resource, this holds the corresponding pixel density.
Floatfloat. Return the data for this value as a float.
ResourceIdint. If Value came from a resource, this holds the corresponding resource id.
StringJava.Lang.ICharSequence. If the value holds a string, this is it.
TypeDataType. The type held by this value, as defined by the constants here.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType, float, DisplayMetrics) : float
Converts an unpacked complex data value holding a dimension to its final floating point value.
CoerceToString() : string
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CoerceToString(DataType, int) : string
Perform type conversion as per TypedValue.CoerceToStringFormatted on an explicitly supplied type and data.
CoerceToStringFormatted() : Java.Lang.ICharSequence
Regardless of the actual type of the value, try to convert it to a string value.
ComplexToDimension(int, DisplayMetrics) : float
Converts a complex data value holding a dimension to its final floating point value.
ComplexToDimensionNoisy(int, DisplayMetrics) : float
ComplexToDimensionPixelOffset(int, DisplayMetrics) : int
Converts a complex data value holding a dimension to its final value as an integer pixel offset.
ComplexToDimensionPixelSize(int, DisplayMetrics) : int
Converts a complex data value holding a dimension to its final value as an integer pixel size.
ComplexToFloat(int) : float
Retrieve the base value from a complex data integer.
ComplexToFraction(int, float, float) : float
Converts a complex data value holding a fraction to its final floating point value.
GetDimension(DisplayMetrics) : float
Return the data for this value as a dimension.
GetFraction(float, float) : float
Return the data for this value as a fraction.