16.4. Row operators

These operators take rows produced by another operator and transform them to a different set of rows


For isolation purposes this operator makes sure that operations that affect subsequent operations are executed fully for the whole dataset before continuing execution. Otherwise it could trigger endless loops, matching data again, that was just created. The Eager operator can cause high memory usage when importing data or migrating graph structures. In such cases split up your operations into simpler steps e.g. you can import nodes and relationships separately. Alternatively return the records to be updated and run an update statement afterwards.


MATCH (a)-[r]-(b)
DELETE r,a,b

Query Plan 

| Operator                | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables           | Other        |
| +ProduceResults         |              1 |    0 |       0 |                     |              |
| |                       +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| +EmptyResult            |                |    0 |       0 |                     |              |
| |                       +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| +Apply                  |              1 |  504 |       0 | a, b, r -- anon[38] |              |
| |\                      +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| | +AntiConditionalApply |              1 |  504 |       0 | anon[38]            |              |
| | |\                    +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| | | +MergeCreateNode    |              1 |    0 |       0 | anon[38]            |              |
| | |                     +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| | +Optional             |             35 |  504 |       0 | anon[38]            |              |
| | |                     +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| | +AllNodesScan         |             35 |  504 |     540 | anon[38]            |              |
| |                       +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| +Eager                  |                |   36 |       0 | a, b, r             |              |
| |                       +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| +Delete(3)              |             36 |   36 |      39 | a, b, r             |              |
| |                       +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| +Eager                  |                |   36 |       0 | a, b, r             |              |
| |                       +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| +Expand(All)            |             36 |   36 |      71 | a, r -- b           | (b)-[r:]-(a) |
| |                       +----------------+------+---------+---------------------+--------------+
| +AllNodesScan           |             35 |   35 |      36 | b                   |              |

Total database accesses: 686


Removes duplicate rows from the incoming stream of rows.


MATCH (l:Location)<-[:WORKS_IN]-(p:Person)

Query Plan 

| Operator         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables        | Other                |
| +ProduceResults  |             14 |    6 |       0 | l                | l                    |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+------------------+----------------------+
| +Distinct        |             14 |    6 |       0 | l                | l                    |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+------------------+----------------------+
| +Filter          |             15 |   15 |      15 | anon[19], l, p   | p:Person             |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+------------------+----------------------+
| +Expand(All)     |             15 |   15 |      25 | anon[19], p -- l | (l)<-[:WORKS_IN]-(p) |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+------------------+----------------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan |             10 |   10 |      11 | l                | :Location            |

Total database accesses: 51

Eager Aggregation

Eagerly loads underlying results and stores it in a hash-map, using the grouping keys as the keys for the map.


MATCH (l:Location)<-[:WORKS_IN]-(p:Person)
RETURN l.name AS location, COLLECT(p.name) AS people

Query Plan 

| Operator          | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables                  | Other                |
| +ProduceResults   |              4 |    6 |       0 | location, people           | location, people     |
| |                 +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+----------------------+
| +EagerAggregation |              4 |    6 |      15 | people -- location         | location             |
| |                 +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+----------------------+
| +Projection       |             15 |   15 |      15 | location -- anon[19], l, p | l.name; p            |
| |                 +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+----------------------+
| +Filter           |             15 |   15 |      15 | anon[19], l, p             | p:Person             |
| |                 +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+----------------------+
| +Expand(All)      |             15 |   15 |      25 | anon[19], p -- l           | (l)<-[:WORKS_IN]-(p) |
| |                 +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+----------------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan  |             10 |   10 |      11 | l                          | :Location            |

Total database accesses: 81

Node Count From Count Store

Use the count store to answer questions about node counts. This is much faster than eager aggregation which achieves the same result by actually counting. However the count store only saves a limited range of combinations, so eager aggregation will still be used for more complex queries. For example, we can get counts for all nodes, and nodes with a label, but not nodes with more than one label.


MATCH (p:Person)
RETURN count(p) AS people

Query Plan 

| Operator                 | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables | Other                        |
| +ProduceResults          |              4 |    1 |       0 | people    | people                       |
| |                        +----------------+------+---------+-----------+------------------------------+
| +NodeCountFromCountStore |              4 |    1 |       0 | people    | count( (:Person) ) AS people |

Total database accesses: 0

Relationship Count From Count Store

Use the count store to answer questions about relationship counts. This is much faster than eager aggregation which achieves the same result by actually counting. However the count store only saves a limited range of combinations, so eager aggregation will still be used for more complex queries. For example, we can get counts for all relationships, relationships with a type, relationships with a label on one end, but not relationships with labels on both end nodes.


MATCH (p:Person)-[r:WORKS_IN]->()
RETURN count(r) AS jobs

Query Plan 

| Operator                         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables | Other                                      |
| +ProduceResults                  |              4 |    1 |       0 | jobs      | jobs                                       |
| |                                +----------------+------+---------+-----------+--------------------------------------------+
| +RelationshipCountFromCountStore |              4 |    1 |       1 | jobs      | count( (:Person)-[:WORKS_IN]->() ) AS jobs |

Total database accesses: 1


Filters each row coming from the child operator, only passing through rows that evaluate the predicates to TRUE.


MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE p.name =~ "^a.*"

Query Plan 

| Operator         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables | Other                       |
| +ProduceResults  |             14 |    0 |       0 | p         | p                           |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+-----------+-----------------------------+
| +Filter          |             14 |    0 |      14 | p         | p.name ~= /{  AUTOSTRING0}/ |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+-----------+-----------------------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan |             14 |   14 |      15 | p         | :Person                     |

Total database accesses: 29


Returns the first n rows from the incoming input.


MATCH (p:Person)

Query Plan 

| Operator         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables | Other      |
| +ProduceResults  |              3 |    3 |       0 | p         | p          |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+-----------+------------+
| +Limit           |              3 |    3 |       0 | p         | Literal(3) |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+-----------+------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan |             14 |    3 |       4 | p         | :Person    |

Total database accesses: 4


For each row from its input, projection evaluates a set of expressions and produces a row with the results of the expressions.


RETURN "hello" AS greeting

Query Plan 

| Operator        | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables | Other           |
| +ProduceResults |              1 |    1 |       0 | greeting  | greeting        |
| |               +----------------+------+---------+-----------+-----------------+
| +Projection     |              1 |    1 |       0 | greeting  | {  AUTOSTRING0} |

Total database accesses: 0


Skips n rows from the incoming rows


MATCH (p:Person)

Query Plan 

| Operator         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables                  | Other                 |
| +ProduceResults  |             14 |   13 |       0 | p                          | p                     |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-----------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   13 |       0 | p -- anon[35], anon[59], p | anon[35]              |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-----------------------+
| +Skip            |             14 |   13 |       0 | anon[35], anon[59], p      | {  AUTOINT0}          |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-----------------------+
| +Sort            |             14 |   14 |       0 | anon[35], anon[59], p      | anon[59]              |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-----------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   14 |      28 | anon[59] -- anon[35], p    | anon[35]; anon[35].id |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-----------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   14 |       0 | anon[35] -- p              | p                     |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-----------------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan |             14 |   14 |      15 | p                          | :Person               |

Total database accesses: 43


Sorts rows by a provided key.


MATCH (p:Person)
ORDER BY p.name

Query Plan 

| Operator         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables                  | Other                   |
| +ProduceResults  |             14 |   14 |       0 | p                          | p                       |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   14 |       0 | p -- anon[24], anon[37], p | anon[24]                |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Sort            |             14 |   14 |       0 | anon[24], anon[37], p      | anon[37]                |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   14 |      14 | anon[37] -- anon[24], p    | anon[24]; anon[24].name |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   14 |       0 | anon[24] -- p              | p                       |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan |             14 |   14 |      15 | p                          | :Person                 |

Total database accesses: 29


Returns the first n rows sorted by a provided key. The physical operator is called Top. Instead of sorting the whole input, only the top X rows are kept.


MATCH (p:Person)
ORDER BY p.name

Query Plan 

| Operator         | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables                  | Other                   |
| +ProduceResults  |              2 |    2 |       0 | p                          | p                       |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Projection      |              2 |    2 |       0 | p -- anon[24], anon[37], p | anon[24]                |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Top             |              2 |    2 |       0 | anon[24], anon[37], p      | Literal(2); anon[37]    |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   14 |      14 | anon[37] -- anon[24], p    | anon[24]; anon[24].name |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +Projection      |             14 |   14 |       0 | anon[24] -- p              | p                       |
| |                +----------------+------+---------+----------------------------+-------------------------+
| +NodeByLabelScan |             14 |   14 |      15 | p                          | :Person                 |

Total database accesses: 29


Union concatenates the results from the right plan after the results of the left plan.


MATCH (p:Location)
RETURN p.name
RETURN p.name

Query Plan 

| Operator           | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables   | Other     |
| +ProduceResults    |             10 |   11 |       0 | p.name      | p.name    |
| |                  +----------------+------+---------+-------------+-----------+
| +Union             |             10 |   11 |       0 | p.name      |           |
| |\                 +----------------+------+---------+-------------+-----------+
| | +Projection      |              1 |    1 |       1 | p.name -- p | p.name    |
| | |                +----------------+------+---------+-------------+-----------+
| | +NodeByLabelScan |              1 |    1 |       2 | p           | :Country  |
| |                  +----------------+------+---------+-------------+-----------+
| +Projection        |             10 |   10 |      10 | p.name -- p | p.name    |
| |                  +----------------+------+---------+-------------+-----------+
| +NodeByLabelScan   |             10 |   10 |      11 | p           | :Location |

Total database accesses: 24


Takes a list of values and returns one row per item in the list.


UNWIND range(1,5) AS value
RETURN value;

Query Plan 

| Operator        | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables | Other |
| +ProduceResults |             10 |    5 |       0 | value     | value |
| |               +----------------+------+---------+-----------+-------+
| +Unwind         |             10 |    5 |       0 | value     |       |
| |               +----------------+------+---------+-----------+-------+
| +EmptyRow       |              1 |    1 |       0 |           |       |

Total database accesses: 0

Call Procedure

Return all labels sorted by name


CALL db.labels()YIELD label
ORDER BY label

Query Plan 

| Operator        | Estimated Rows | Rows | DB Hits | Variables | Other                            |
| +ProduceResults |          10000 |    4 |       0 | label     | label                            |
| |               +----------------+------+---------+-----------+----------------------------------+
| +Sort           |          10000 |    4 |       0 | label     | label                            |
| |               +----------------+------+---------+-----------+----------------------------------+
| +ProcedureCall  |          10000 |    4 |       1 | label     | db.labels() :: (label :: String) |
| |               +----------------+------+---------+-----------+----------------------------------+
| +EmptyRow       |              1 |    1 |       0 |           |                                  |

Total database accesses: 1