11.6. Load CSV

LOAD CSV is used to import data from CSV files.

  • The URL of the CSV file is specified by using FROM followed by an arbitrary expression evaluating to the URL in question.
  • It is required to specify a variable for the CSV data using AS.
  • LOAD CSV supports resources compressed with gzip, Deflate, as well as ZIP archives.
  • CSV files can be stored on the database server and are then accessible using a file:/// URL. Alternatively, LOAD CSV also supports accessing CSV files via HTTPS, HTTP, and FTP.
  • LOAD CSV will follow HTTP redirects but for security reasons it will not follow redirects that changes the protocol, for example if the redirect is going from HTTPS to HTTP.
[Note]Configuration settings for file URLs
This setting determines if Cypher will allow the use of file:/// URLs when loading data using LOAD CSV. Such URLs identify files on the filesystem of the database server. Default is true.

Sets the root directory for file:/// URLs used with the Cypher LOAD CSV clause. This must be set to a single directory on the filesystem of the database server, and will make all requests to load from file:/// URLs relative to the specified directory (similar to how a unix chroot operates). By default, this setting is not configured.

  • When not set, file URLs will be resolved as relative to the root of the database server filesystem. If this is the case, a file URL will typically look like file:///home/username/myfile.csv or file:///C:/Users/username/myfile.csv. Using these URLs in LOAD CSV will read content from files on the database server filesystem, specifically /home/username/myfile.csv and C:\Users\username\myfile.csv respectively. For security reasons you may not want users to be able to load files located anywhere on the database server filesystem and should set dbms.directories.import to a safe directory to load files from.
  • When set, file URLs will be resolved as relative to the directory it’s set to. In this case a file URL will typically look like file:///myfile.csv or file:///myproject/myfile.csv.

    • If set to import using the above URLs in LOAD CSV would read content from import/myfile.csv and import/myproject/myfile.csv respectively, where both are relative to the neo4j root directory.
    • If set to /home/neo4j using the above URLs in LOAD CSV would read content from /home/neo4j/myfile.csv and /home/neo4j/myproject/myfile.csv respectively.

See the examples below for further details.

There is also a worked example, see Section 12.8, “Importing CSV files with Cypher”.

CSV file format

The CSV file to use with LOAD CSV must have the following characteristics:

  • the character encoding is UTF-8;
  • the end line termination is system dependent, e.g., it is \n on unix or \r\n on windows;
  • the default field terminator is ,;
  • the field terminator character can be change by using the option FIELDTERMINATOR available in the LOAD CSV command;
  • quoted strings are allowed in the CSV file and the quotes are dropped when reading the data;
  • the character for string quotation is double quote ";
  • the escape character is \.

Import data from a CSV file

To import data from a CSV file into Neo4j, you can use LOAD CSV to get the data into your query. Then you write it to your database using the normal updating clauses of Cypher.


"4","The Cardigans","1992"


LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Artist { name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})

A new node with the Artist label is created for each row in the CSV file. In addition, two columns from the CSV file are set as properties on the nodes.


Nodes created: 4
Properties set: 8
Labels added: 4

(empty result)

Try this query live none LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists.csv' AS line CREATE (:Artist {name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})

Import data from a CSV file containing headers

When your CSV file has headers, you can view each row in the file as a map instead of as an array of strings.


"4","The Cardigans","1992"


LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists-with-headers.csv' AS
CREATE (:Artist { name: line.Name, year: toInt(line.Year)})

This time, the file starts with a single row containing column names. Indicate this using WITH HEADERS and you can access specific fields by their corresponding column name.


Nodes created: 4
Properties set: 8
Labels added: 4

(empty result)

Try this query live none LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists-with-headers.csv' AS line CREATE (:Artist {name: line.Name, year: toInt(line.Year)})

Import data from a CSV file with a custom field delimiter

Sometimes, your CSV file has other field delimiters than commas. You can specify which delimiter your file uses using FIELDTERMINATOR.


"4";"The Cardigans";"1992"


LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists-fieldterminator.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Artist { name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})

As values in this file are separated by a semicolon, a custom FIELDTERMINATOR is specified in the LOAD CSV clause.


Nodes created: 4
Properties set: 8
Labels added: 4

(empty result)

Try this query live none LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists-fieldterminator.csv' AS line FIELDTERMINATOR ';' CREATE (:Artist {name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})

Importing large amounts of data

If the CSV file contains a significant number of rows (approaching hundreds of thousands or millions), USING PERIODIC COMMIT can be used to instruct Neo4j to perform a commit after a number of rows. This reduces the memory overhead of the transaction state. By default, the commit will happen every 1000 rows. For more information, see Section 12.9, “Using Periodic Commit”.


LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Artist { name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})


Nodes created: 4
Properties set: 8
Labels added: 4

(empty result)

Try this query live none USING PERIODIC COMMIT LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists.csv' AS line CREATE (:Artist {name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})

Setting the rate of periodic commits

You can set the number of rows as in the example, where it is set to 500 rows.


LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Artist { name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})


Nodes created: 4
Properties set: 8
Labels added: 4

(empty result)

Try this query live none USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists.csv' AS line CREATE (:Artist {name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})

Import data containing escaped characters

In this example, we both have additional quotes around the values, as well as escaped quotes inside one value.


"1","The ""Symbol""","1992"


LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists-with-escaped-char.csv' AS line
CREATE (a:Artist { name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])})
RETURN a.name AS name, a.year AS year, length(a.name) AS length

Note that strings are wrapped in quotes in the output here. You can see that when comparing to the length of the string in this case!


1 row
Nodes created: 1
Properties set: 2
Labels added: 1

"The "Symbol""



Try this query live none LOAD CSV FROM 'http://neo4j.com/docs/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT/csv/artists-with-escaped-char.csv' AS line CREATE (a:Artist {name: line[1], year: toInt(line[2])}) return a.name as name, a.year as year, length(a.name) as length