
neo4j-shell — a command-line tool for exploring and manipulating a graph database


neo4j-shell [REMOTE OPTIONS]

neo4j-shell [LOCAL OPTIONS]


Neo4j shell is a command-line shell for running Cypher queries. There are also commands to get information about the database. In addition, you can browse the graph, much like how the Unix shell along with commands like cd, ls and pwd can be used to browse your local file system. The shell can connect directly to a graph database on the file system. To access local a local database used by other processes, use the readonly mode.


-port PORT
Port of host to connect to (default: 1337).
-host HOST
Domain name or IP of host to connect to (default: localhost).
-name NAME
RMI name, i.e. rmi://<host>:<port>/<name> (default: shell).
Access the database in read-only mode.


-path PATH
The path to the database directory. If there is no database at the location, a new one will e created.
-pid PID
Process ID to connect to.
Access the database in read-only mode.
Command line to execute. After executing it the shell exits.
-file FILE
File to read and execute. After executing it the shell exits. If - is supplied as filename data is read from stdin instead.
-config CONFIG
The path to the Neo4j configuration file to be used.


Examples for remote:

  neo4j-shell -port 1337
  neo4j-shell -host -port 1337 -name shell
  neo4j-shell -host localhost -readonly

Examples for local:

  neo4j-shell -path /path/to/db
  neo4j-shell -path /path/to/db -config /path/to/neo4j.conf
  neo4j-shell -path /path/to/db -readonly