24.2. Server Performance Tuning

At the heart of the Neo4j server is a regular Neo4j storage engine instance. That engine can be tuned in the same way as the other embedded configurations, using the same file format.

Specifying Neo4j tuning properties

In the server distribution neo4j.conf is the main configuration file for Neo4j. On restarting the server the tuning enhancements specified in this file will be loaded and configured into the underlying database engine.

Specifying JVM tuning properties

Tuning the standalone server is achieved by editing the neo4j-wrapper.conf file in the conf directory of NEO4J_HOME.

Edit the following properties:

neo4j-wrapper.conf JVM tuning properties

Property Name Meaning


initial heap size (in MB)


maximum heap size (in MB)


additional literal JVM parameter

For more information on the tuning properties, see Section 24.3, “Performance Guide”.