
Frees a shared virtual memory buffer allocated using clSVMAlloc.

void clSVMFree ( cl_context context,
  void *svm_pointer)



A valid OpenCL context used to create the SVM buffer.


Must be the value returned by a call to clSVMAlloc. If a NULL pointer is passed in svm_pointer, no action occurs.


Note that clSVMFree does not wait for previously enqueued commands that may be using svm_pointer to finish before freeing svm_pointer. It is the responsibility of the application to make sure that enqueued commands that use svm_pointer have finished before freeing svm_pointer. This can be done by enqueuing a blocking operation such as clFinish, clWaitForEvents, clEnqueueReadBuffer or by registering a callback with the events associated with enqueued commands and when the last enqueued comamnd has finished freeing svm_pointer.

The behavior of using svm_pointer after it has been freed is undefined. In addition, if a buffer object is created using clCreateBuffer with svm_pointer, the buffer object must first be released before the svm_pointer is freed.

The clEnqueueSVMFree API can also be used to enqueue a callback to free the shared virtual memory buffer allocated using clSVMAlloc or a shared system memory pointer.


OpenCL Specification

Also see

clSVMAlloc, Shared Virtual Memory Functions

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