OpenCV  4.1.0
Open Source Computer Vision


void cv::sfm::meanAndVarianceAlongRows (InputArray A, OutputArray mean, OutputArray variance)
 Computes the mean and variance of a given matrix along its rows.
Mat cv::sfm::skew (InputArray x)
 Returns the 3x3 skew symmetric matrix of a vector.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void cv::sfm::meanAndVarianceAlongRows ( InputArray  A,
OutputArray  mean,
OutputArray  variance 

Computes the mean and variance of a given matrix along its rows.

AInput NxN matrix.
meanOutput Nx1 matrix with computed mean.
varianceOutput Nx1 matrix with computed variance.

It computes in the same way as woud do reduce but with Variance function.

Mat cv::sfm::skew ( InputArray  x)

Returns the 3x3 skew symmetric matrix of a vector.

xInput 3x1 vector.

Reference:HartleyZ00, p581, equation (A4.5).