PHP 7.0.6 Released

BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics

User Contributed Notes

volek at adamv dot cz
1 year ago
Note that when you use implementation of factorial that ClaudiuS made, you get results even if you try to calculate factorial of number that you normally can't, e.g. 2.5, -2, etc. Here is safer implementation:
* Calculates a factorial of given number.
* @param string|int $num
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @return string
function bcfact($num)
    if (!
filter_var($num, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) || $num <= 0) {
        throw new
InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Argument must be natural number, "%s" given.', $num));

    for (
$result = '1'; $num > 0; $num--) {
$result = bcmul($result, $num);

George Lund
1 year ago
It's worth noting that this library is named very wrongly.

It may be called 'Binary Calculator', but what you're getting is a decimal calculator that can represent base-10 fractions accurately.
Hayley Watson
6 months ago
This extension is an interface to the GNU implementation as a library of the Basic Calculator utility by Philip Nelson; hence the name.
3 years ago
Needed to compute some permutations and found the BC extension great but poor on functions, so untill this gets implemented here's the factorial function:

* n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) .. 1 [eg. 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120]
function bcfact($n){
    while (--
$n>1) $factorial=bcmul($factorial,$n);

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