PHP 7.0.6 Released


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

bcaddAdd two arbitrary precision numbers


string bcadd ( string $left_operand , string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0 ] )

Sums left_operand and right_operand.



The left operand, as a string.


The right operand, as a string.


This optional parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. If omitted, it will default to the scale set globally with the bcscale() function, or fallback to 0 if this has not been set.

Return Values

The sum of the two operands, as a string.


Example #1 bcadd() example


$b '5';

bcadd($a$b);     // 6
echo bcadd($a$b4);  // 6.2340


See Also

  • bcsub() - Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another

User Contributed Notes

6 years ago
I made this to add an unlimited size of numbers together..

This could be useful for those without the BCMath extension.

It allows decimals, and optional $Scale parameter.  If $Scale isn't specified, then it'll automatically adjust to show the correct number of decimals.


function Add($Num1,$Num2,$Scale=null) {
// check if they're valid positive numbers, extract the whole numbers and decimals
preg_match("/^\+?(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/",$Num2,$Tmp2)) return('0');

// this is where the result is stored

// remove ending zeroes from decimals and remove point

// calculate the longest length of decimals

// if $Scale is null, automatically set it to the amount of decimal places for accuracy
if($Scale==null) $Scale=$DLen;

// remove leading zeroes and reverse the whole numbers, then append padded decimals on the end

// calculate the longest length we need to process

// pad the two numbers so they are of equal length (both equal to $MLen)

// process each digit, keep the ones, carry the tens (remainders)
for($i=0;$i<$MLen;$i++) {
$Output[$i])) $Sum+=$Output[$i];
$Sum>9) $Output[$i+1]=1;

// convert the array to string and reverse it

// substring the decimal digits from the result, pad if necessary (if $Scale > amount of actual decimals)
  // next, since actual zero values can cause a problem with the substring values, if so, just simply give '0'
  // next, append the decimal value, if $Scale is defined, and return result


printf("  Add(%s,%s);\r\n// %s\r\n\r\n",$A,$BAdd($A,$B));
printf("BCAdd(%s,%s);\r\n// %s\r\n\r\n",$A,$B,BCAdd($A,$B));

  This will produce the following..
  // 5958613049.33928756347877

  // 5958613049


It was a fun experience making, and thought I'd share it.
Bo Anders Svensson
10 years ago
Be aware:

$exp1 = "1E5";
$exp2 = "2E4";

$ans1 = bcadd((float)$exp1, (float)$exp2, 3);
$ans2 = bcadd((int)$exp1, (int)$exp2, 3);
$ans3 = bcadd($exp1, $exp2, 3);

echo "1: $exp1 + $exp2 = $ans1\r\n";
echo "2: $exp1 + $exp2 = $ans2\r\n";
echo "3: $exp1 + $exp2 = $ans3\r\n";

1: 1E5 + 2E4 = 120000.000
2: 1E5 + 2E4 = 3.000
3: 1E5 + 2E4 = 0.000
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