Get-IISApp Pool

Gets configuration information for an IIS Application Pool.


   [[-Name] <String[]>]


The Get-IISAppPool cmdlet gets information about application pools and their current status and other key information. If a specific application pool or a comma delimited list of application pools are requested, only those whose names are passed as an argument are returned. Otherwise all the application pools are returned.


Example 1: Get information about specific app pool(s)

PS C:\> Get-IISAppPool "DefaultAppPool","NewAppPool"
Name                 Status       CLR Ver  Pipeline Mode  Start Mode
----                 ------       -------  -------------  ----------
DefaultAppPool       Started      v4.0     Integrated     OnDemand
NewAppPool           Started      v4.0     Integrated     OnDemand

This command gets the configuration information for the pools DefaultAppPool and NewAppPool.

Example 2: Get information about all application pools

PS C:\> Get-IISAppPool
Name                 Status       CLR Ver  Pipeline Mode  Start Mode
----                 ------       -------  -------------  ----------
DefaultAppPool       Started      v4.0     Integrated     OnDemand
.NET v4.5 Classic    Started      v4.0     Classic        OnDemand
.NET v4.5            Started      v4.0     Integrated     OnDemand
PattiFul             Stopped      v4.0     Integrated     OnDemand

This command gets the configuration information for all application pools.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the name of the application pool(s) in which the configuration information is returned.

Type: String[]
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False


string, string[]


Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool, Microsoft.Web.Administration.ApplicationPool[]