Stop-IISCommit Delay

Instructs the IIS configuration system to resume the commitment of changes.


    [[-Commit] <Boolean>]


The Stop-IISCommitDelay cmdlet instructs the Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration system to resume the commitment of changes.


Example 1: Commit configuration changes

PS C:\> Stop-IISCommitDelay -Commit $True

This command commits the configuration changes made since the Start-IISCommitDelay cmdlet was executed.

Example 2: Discard configuration changes

PS C:\> Stop-IISCommitDelay -Commit $False

This command discards the configuration changes made since the Start-IISCommitDelay cmdlet was executed.

Optional Parameters


Indicates that the cmdlet commits the changes if True; Otherwise, if False, the cmdlet discards the changes.

Type: Boolean
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False