Test-Shielding Data Applicability

Verifies a shielding data file can be used with a given volume signature catalog.


    [-ShieldingDataFilePath] <String>
    [-VolumeSignatureCatalogPath] <String>


The Test-ShieldingDataApplicability cmdlet verifies a shielding data file can be used with a given volume signature catalog.


Example 1: Verify that a shielding data file can be used with a given volume signature catalog

PS C:\>Test-ShieldingDataApplicability -ShieldingDataFilePath "C:\temp\Tenant01-Shielded.pdk" -VolumeSignatureCatalogPath "C:\temp\templatedisk.vsc"

This command verifies that the shielding data file located at C:\temp\Tenant01-Shielded.pdk can be used to provision new shielded virtual machines using the template disk with the volume signature catalog located at C:\temp\templatedisk.vsc.

Required Parameters


Specifies the path to a shielding data file (.pdk).

Type: String
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies the path to a volume signature catalog file (.vsc).

Type: String
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False