(require morsel-lib) | package: morsel-lib |
Morsel implements the core logic of Plisqin. If you are looking for a ready-to-use alternative to SQL, look at Plisqin first. If Plisqin isn’t quite right for you, maybe Morsel could be used to create a similar library (a few things that are currently private would have to be made public).
Morsel is very generic and makes as few assumptions as possible. Arguments are rarely validated and almost nothing is considered an error.
1 Definitions
A query is the value returned by (from ....). It is recognized by the query? predicate.
A join is the value returned by (join ....). It is recognized by the join? predicate.
A base query is a query or a join. It is recognized by the base-query? predicate.
A queryable is a value that represents the data source (such as a table or a view in an SQL database) that is being queried by from or join. A queryable is allowed to be any/c. In the following example, the queryable is "Album".
A tuple is a value that is instantiated by from and join. Nothing else can instantiate a tuple. It is an abstract concept and mostly opaque, but it is meant to refer to the queryable. In the following example, the tuple is the-album.
A clause can be imprecisely defined as an expression inside from or join that contributes to its content. (A more precise definition will come later.) The following example has three clauses.
(from the-album "Album" ; These three expressions are clauses: (where the-album".ReleaseYear = 1973") (select the-album".ArtistName") (select the-album".AlbumName"))
2 Queries
(from tuple-id queryable-expr body ...)
body = (define (proc-id proc-stuff ...) proc-body ...) | (define val-id val-expr) | (attach join-id join-queryable join-body ...) | clause-expr
> (define 2clause (from x "X" "one" "two"))
> (define 3clause ; 3clause appends to 2clause (from x 2clause "three")) > 3clause (from x/0 "X" "one" "two" "three")
Else if queryable-expr is an instance of gen:queryable, the resolution process restarts using the value returned by unwrap-queryable in place of queryable-expr.
Else the value of queryable-expr becomes this query’s queryable.
> (from x "X" (define (foo a) (list "hello" a)) (define bar 42) (foo bar) (foo "world")) (from x/0 "X" '("hello" 42) '("hello" "world"))
Using attach creates an attached join. See documentation on attach for more information.
If the clause is a clause<%>, then its clause-apply method is invoked. This allows a custom clause to make any arbitrary modification to the query’s content. (For now, these are private and undocumented but could be made public if needed: clause<%> clause? property? make-property content? content-set content-cons content-ref.)
Otherwise the clause is simply added to the query’s list of clauses.
3 Joins
(join tuple-id queryable-expr maybe-to body ...)
maybe-to =
| #:to link-expr body = (define (proc-id proc-stuff ...) proc-body ...) | (define val-id val-expr) | (attach join-id join-queryable join-body ...) | clause-expr
If link-expr is given, its value should satisfy (or/c tuple? join?). This enables the SQL renderer to find the "join target", which is the base query in whose scope this join belongs. For now, join-target is private and undocumented, but could be made public. It follows the links through tuples and "simple joins" (also undocumented) to reach the last link in the chain, which should be a query or non-simple join.
(attach tuple-id queryable-expr body ...)
(from x "X" (attach y "Y" (join-on y".Foo = "x".Foo")) (select y".Bar")) ; is *almost* equal to (from x "X" (define y (join y "Y" #:to x (join-on y".Foo = "x".Foo"))) (select y".Bar"))
Note that by default, any use of attach is an error. It is the from and join macros that have special handling for attach.
> (define (example-1) (from x "X" (attach y "Y" (join-on y".Foo = "x".Foo"))))
> (define (example-2) (from x "X" ; y is defined but never used (define y (join y "Y" #:to x (join-on y".Foo = "x".Foo"))))) > (example-1) (from x/0 "X" (attach y/1 "Y" (join-on y/1 ".Foo = " x/0 ".Foo")))
> (example-2) (from x/0 "X")
4 Reference
(base-query? v) → boolean?
v : any/c
> (base-query? (from x "X")) #t
> (base-query? (join x "X")) #t
(send a-token token-kind) → symbol?
The SQL renderer uses this to decide what kind of clause each is:Certain token kinds are also used by some core logic, but for now this logic is private and only consumed by the SQL renderer.
(send a-token token-content) → any/c
Allows Morsel to explore deeper into an object graph. When Morsel encounters a token<%> it calls this method and continues exploring whatever value is returned. Morsel knows how to explore queries, joins, pairs, and tokens.
(send a-token set-token-aspect! key value) → any/c
key : any/c value : any/c You can use define-token-aspect-stuff to implement this.Used to cache the results of potentially expensive computations.
(send a-token get-token-aspect key not-found-value) → any/c key : any/c not-found-value : any/c Use define-token-aspect-stuff to implement this.
(queryable? x) → any/c
x : any/c
> (struct my-queryable (item) #:transparent #:methods gen:queryable [(define (unwrap-queryable me) (displayln (format "unwrapping ~v" me)) (my-queryable-item me))]) > (get-queryable (my-queryable (my-queryable "hello")))
unwrapping (my-queryable (my-queryable "hello"))
unwrapping (my-queryable "hello")
> (from x (my-queryable 'world)) unwrapping (my-queryable 'world)
(from x/0 'world)
(get-queryable x) → any/c
x : any/c
If x is an instance of gen:queryable, then (get-queryable (unwrap-queryable x)) is returned.
Else if (or (base-query? x) (tuple? x)), then its queryable is returned.
Else x is returned.
> (get-queryable (from a (from b "Here is the queryable"))) "Here is the queryable"
> (get-queryable 'nothing-special) 'nothing-special
> (from a "ABC" 1 2 3 (get-queryable a)) (from a/0 "ABC" 1 2 3 "ABC")
5 Caveats
5.1 Laziness
> (define counter 0)
> (define the-query (from x "X" (set! counter (add1 counter)) "hello")) ; counter is still zero > counter 0
; printing the-query forces evaluation > the-query (from x/0 "X" "hello")
; now the counter has been incremented > counter 1
However, this laziness is not guaranteed. Morsel is currently only well-defined for "purely functional" code.
5.2 Premature Tuple Access
> (from x "X" (attach y "Y" (equal? x y))) Infinite loop averted. Likely cause: an equal or hash
operation on a tuple.
6 morsel-lib/sql
(require morsel-lib/sql) | package: morsel-lib |
> (define (example) (from p "Product" (attach c "Category" (join-on c".CategoryId = "p".ProductId")) (select p".ProductName") (select c".CategoryName"))) > (displayln (to-sql (example)))
select p.ProductName
, c.CategoryName
from Product p
inner join Category c
on c.CategoryId = p.ProductId
(sql-token? x) → any/c
x : any/c
| ||
(send a-sql-token sql-token-reduce) → any/c
When to-sql encounters an object that implements sql-token<%>, it calls this method and continues to generate SQL using the return value in place of the object.
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
x : any/c
v : exact-positive-integer?
> (define q (from x "X" (limit 42)))
> (parameterize ([current-dialect (sqlite)]) (displayln (to-sql q)))
select x.*
from X x
limit 42
v : exact-positive-integer?
> (define q (from x "X" (offset 100)))
> (parameterize ([current-dialect (sqlite)]) (displayln (to-sql q)))
select x.*
from X x
offset 100
> (displayln (to-sql (from x "X" (distinct #t))))
select distinct x.*
from X x
> (displayln (to-sql (from x "X" (distinct #f))))
select x.*
from X x
> (define q (from x "X" (attach y "Y" (join-type 'left) (join-on y".YID = "x".YID")))) > (displayln (to-sql q))
select x.*
from X x
left join Y y
on y.YID = x.YID
> (define (q jtype) (from x "X" (attach y "Y" (join-type jtype) (join-on y".YID = "x".YID")) (attach z "Z" ; y appears in z's join-on clauses. ; Because z's join-type is #f, it will become ; a left join if y is a left join. (join-on z".ZID = "y".ZID")))) > (displayln (to-sql (q 'inner)))
select x.*
from X x
inner join Y y
on y.YID = x.YID
inner join Z z
on z.ZID = y.ZID
> (displayln (to-sql (q 'left)))
select x.*
from X x
left join Y y
on y.YID = x.YID
left join Z z
on z.ZID = y.ZID
7 morsel-lib/sql/dialect
(require morsel-lib/sql/dialect) | package: morsel-lib |
(current-dialect dialect) → void? dialect : dialect?
= #f
> (define q (from x "X" (limit 10)))
> (parameterize ([current-dialect (postgres)]) (displayln (to-sql q)))
select x.*
from X x
limit 10
> (parameterize ([current-dialect (mssql)]) (displayln (to-sql q)))
select top 10 x.*
from X x