On this page:


First time here? Go read the Introduction instead.

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    1 Introduction

      1.1 Appendable Queries

      1.2 Reusable Joins

      1.3 Inline Joins

      1.4 Aggregates

      1.5 Putting it All Together

    2 Getting Started

      2.1 Project Status

      2.2 The Example Database Schema

      2.3 Strings vs Procedures

      2.4 Environment Setup

    3 Walkthrough

      3.1 Layer 0 - The Core

        3.1.1 Fragments

        3.1.2 From

 Appending Queries

 Always Use the Alias!

 Query Contents

        3.1.3 Join

 Attached vs Detached Joins

 Joined Subqueries

 Join-to-Query Conversion

        3.1.4 Injections

 Aggregate Injection in Depth

 Nested Aggregates

      3.2 Layer 1 - Schema as Procedures

        3.2.1 Tables

        3.2.2 Columns

        3.2.3 Joins

 Singular Join Examples

 Plural Join Examples

 Grouped Join Examples

        3.2.4 Derived Scalars

      3.3 Layer 2 - SQL as Procedures

    4 Reference

      4.1 Fragments

      4.2 SQL Functions

      4.3 Data Model

      4.4 Terminology

      4.5 #lang plisqin

    5 Video Rental Example Schema

      5.1 Tables

      5.2 Singular Relationships

      5.3 Plural Relationships

      5.4 Grouped Relationships

      5.5 Fields

    6 For Developers

      6.1 What Next?

      6.2 Design Notes

        6.2.1 Why do sources need UIDs?

        6.2.2 On Parameters

      6.3 Tests

    7 Preview of Plisqin 0.2

      7.1 Setup and Schema

      7.2 Query Fundamentals

      7.3 Joins

      7.4 Timeout for more Schema

      7.5 Grouped Joins and Aggregates