3.1 Layer 0 - The Core
On this page:
3.1.1 Fragments
3.1.2 From Appending Queries Always Use the Alias! Query Contents
3.1.3 Join Attached vs Detached Joins Joined Subqueries Join-to-Query Conversion
3.1.4 Injections Aggregate Injection in Depth Nested Aggregates

3.1 Layer 0 - The Core

The core of Plisqin is pretty small. It consists of
  • Fragments (such as where, order-by, scalar, etc...)

  • Queries, created by from

  • Joins, created by join

  • Injections, which are automatically inferred

3.1.1 Fragments

The smallest building blocks in Plisqin are fragments.
(from x "X"
      (where (bool (scalar x".Bar")" = 3"))
      (select (scalar x".Foo")))

The above example uses 4 different kinds of fragments: where, select, bool, and scalar. Note that where and select are special - they belong in "root position" of the query, and are called "clauses". (All clauses are fragments; not all fragments are clauses.)

Note that non-clause fragments (like scalar and bool) are usually not written directly into a query like the above example. More typically, non-clause fragments are used as the return value of procedures:
(define (Bar x)
  (scalar x".Bar"))
(define (Foo x)
  (scalar x".Foo"))
(define (my= a b)
  (bool "("a" = "b")"))
(from x "X"
      (where (my= (Bar x) 3))
      (select (Foo x)))

The reason for using non-clause fragments like scalar won’t become clear until later sections. For now, just know that fragments exist, and some of them are clauses.

3.1.2 From

The from macro is used to create queries. The simplest possible query is:

(from x "Y")

First we have x which must be an identifier. It is analogous to an alias in standard SQL. Next we have "Y" which is the name of the table. Let’s just see how this query renders to SQL:
> (display (to-sql (from x "Y")))

select x.*

from Y x

We can see in the generated SQL that the table name is "Y", with an alias of "x". We can also see that, since there are no clauses, Plisqin generated select x.* to make a valid query. Appending Queries

The value representing the table does not have to be a string like "Y". One of the most interesting things it can be is another query:
> (define (query-1)
    (from x "X"
          (select x".one")
          (select x".two")))
> (define (query-2)
    (from y (query-1)
          (select y".three")
          (select y".four")))
> (displayln (to-sql (query-2)))



  , x.two

  , x.three

  , x.four

from X x

In the example above, query-2 appends to query-1. You can see in the generated SQL that all 4 select clauses are present in query-2. You can also see that the original alias from query-1 (x) is used, but this behavior is not guaranteed. Always Use the Alias!

In Plisqin, it is highly recommended to always use the alias instead of naked column names:
(from r "Rental"
      ; bad:
      (select "CopyId")
      ; better:
      (select r".CopyId"))

This is because queries in Plisqin are highly composable, so even if a query is unambiguous locally, it might become ambiguous if another query appends to it. If someone appends to the above example and adds a join from Rental to Copy, the naked "CopyId" becomes ambiguous, and the generated SQL is invalid. Query Contents

We have already seen clauses, which are the most common contents of a query. But we can actually use any expression that evaluates to a clause, or a list of clauses:
> (define (my-query)
    (from x "X"
          (if #t
              (select x".truth")
              (error "true is false?!"))
          (if #t
               (where "1=1")
               (where "2=2"))
              (error "true is false?!"))))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))



from X x

where 1=1

and 2=2

There are also some forms that get special handling. One is used to create joins, which we will look at very soon. The other is define, which is a limited version of racket’s built-in define.
> (define (my-query)
    (from x "X"
          ; define a value:
          (define rating
            (scalar x".Rating"))
          ; define a procedure:
          (define (count-when predicate)
            (scalar "sum(case when "predicate" then 1 else 0 end)"))
          ; the definitions are available until the (from ...) is closed
          (select (count-when (bool rating" >= 7"))
                  " as NumGoodRatings")
          (select (count-when (bool rating" >= 9"))
                  " as NumGreatRatings")))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))


  sum(case when x.Rating >= 7 then 1 else 0 end) as NumGoodRatings

  , sum(case when x.Rating >= 9 then 1 else 0 end) as NumGreatRatings

from X x

3.1.3 Join

Joins are much like queries. Everything that you can do inside from, you can also do inside join. But joins can be a little more confusing, because there are two variations of what join actually means, depending on its context. Here one way that joins can be used:
(define (Foo-of x)
  (join f "Foo"
        (join-on f".FooId = "x".FooId")))
(from b "Bar"
      (select (Foo-of b)".Baz"))

Another way is this:
(define (Foo-of x)
  (join f "Foo"
        (join-on f".FooId = "x".FooId")))
(from b "Bar"
      ; The colon in b:foo means nothing. It could be any identifier.
      (join b:foo (Foo-of b))
      (select b:foo".Baz"))

Yet another way is this:
(from b "Bar"
      (join f "Foo"
            (join-on f".FooId = "x".FooId"))
      (select f".Baz"))

These 3 variations will all generate the same SQL in this particular example, but there is a subtle difference that the next section will explain. Attached vs Detached Joins

Look at these two variations. The only difference is that the first uses define where the second uses join.
> (define (variation-one)
    (from x "X"
          (define y (join y "Y"
                          (join-on y".YID = "x".YID")))
          (where (exists (from z "Z"
                               (where z".Foo = "y".Foo"))))))
> (define (variation-two)
    (from x "X"
          (join y (join y "Y"
                        (join-on y".YID = "x".YID")))
          (where (exists (from z "Z"
                               (where z".Foo = "y".Foo"))))))

But the generated SQL will be different, specifically with regard to where the y join gets rendered:
> (display (to-sql (variation-one)))

select x.*

from X x

where exists (

    select z.*

    from Z z

    inner join Y y

    on y.YID = x.YID

    where z.Foo = y.Foo)

> (display (to-sql (variation-two)))

select x.*

from X x

inner join Y y

on y.YID = x.YID

where exists (

    select z.*

    from Z z

    where z.Foo = y.Foo)

In variation-one, y is a "detached" join. This join is located inside the subquery z so that is where it gets rendered in SQL. You might think that y has some special relationship to the main query x because y mentions x in its join-on clause. But that is not the case. Plisqin does not try to guess where a join belongs based on the contents of its join-on clauses; doing so would be even more confusing! (Especially when you remember that the presence or absence of a join can affect the number of rows returned even if it is not used in any clauses.)

In variation-two, y is an "attached" join. It is attached to its enclosing query x. The pedagogical way to create an attached join is join-attach. Consider this example:
(define (make-join a)
  (join x "X"
        (join-attach y "Y"
                     (join-on y".XID = "x".XID"))
        (join-on y".AID = "a".AID")))

I used join-attach to make it more clear that it is a special form recognized by its enclosing join. The outer join "X" sees join-attach and attaches that join to itself. But join-attach is verbose, so it has an alias join. Don’t let the syntax highlighting in the following example fool you; it is exactly the same as the previous example:
(define (make-join a)
  (join x "X"
        ; the first word following this comment means join-attach
        (join y "Y"
              (join-on y".XID = "x".XID"))
        (join-on y".AID = "a".AID"))) Joined Subqueries

If all of a join’s clauses are join-on clauses, then I call it a "simple join". This is probably the most common kind of join. But if a join contains any clauses other than join-on, the rules of SQL require that it gets rendered as a joined subquery:
> (define (Foo-of x)
    (join f "Foo"
          (select f".*")
          (where "1=1")
          (join-on f".FooId = "x".FooId")))
> (define (my-query)
    (from b "Bar"
          (select b".*")
          (select (Foo-of b)".blah")))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))



  , f.blah

from Bar b

inner join (



    from Foo f

    where 1=1) f

on f.FooId = b.FooId

This highlights a scoping issue of non-simple joins. If you want your Racket code to match the generated SQL more closely, you could write the above example like this instead:
(join f (from f "Foo"
              (select f".*")
              (where "1=1"))
      (join-on f".FooId = "x".FooId"))

This makes it more clear that the select and where clauses live inside the subquery, while the join-on clause lives outside of it. There is a clarity/verbosity tradeoff here; you can decide your own preference. But I prefer the first, less verbose version. Join-to-Query Conversion

We have already seen queries that append to existing queries. Queries can also append to joins, after the join is automatically converted to a query. In practice, this means that the join-on clauses are changed to where clauses. This is most useful for subqueries:
> (define (Copies-for-Item i)
    (join c "Copy"
          (join-on c".ItemId = "i".ItemId")))
> (define (my-query)
    (from i "Item"
          (where (exists (from copy (Copies-for-Item i)
                               ; append a clause just for fun:
                               (where "1=1"))))))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))

select i.*

from Item i

where exists (

    select c.*

    from Copy c

    where c.ItemId = i.ItemId

    and 1=1)

You can see that c.ItemId = i.ItemId was a join-on clause that got converted to a where clause.

3.1.4 Injections

Injections are used in the context of a grouped join. A grouped join is a join that contains a group-by clause. For example, this procedure encodes the fact that every Copy has a group of Rentals:
> (define (Rentals-by-Copy copy)
    (join r "Rental"
          (group-by r".CopyId")
          (join-on r".CopyId = "copy".CopyId")))

This seems reasonable, right? But this won’t work when we render it to SQL:
> (define (my-query)
    (from c "Copy"
          (join r (Rentals-by-Copy c))))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))

select c.*

from Copy c

inner join (

    select r.*

    from Rental r

    group by r.CopyId) r

on r.CopyId = c.CopyId

SQL Server tells me "Column ’Rental.RentalId’ is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause." One approach I could use is to manually manage which columns get selected:
> (define (Rentals-by-Copy copy)
    (join r "Rental"
          (group-by r".CopyId")
          ; manually select the CopyId column here:
          (select r".CopyId")
          (join-on r".CopyId = "copy".CopyId")))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))

select c.*

from Copy c

inner join (



    from Rental r

    group by r.CopyId) r

on r.CopyId = c.CopyId

Manually managing the select list is not ideal. If I use a scalar expression instead, Plisqin can automatically add it to the select list inside the grouped join:
> (define (Rentals-by-Copy copy)
    (join r "Rental"
          (group-by (scalar r".CopyId"))
          (join-on (scalar r".CopyId")" = "(scalar copy".CopyId"))))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))

select c.*

from Copy c

inner join (


      r.CopyId as __INJECT1

    from Rental r

    group by r.CopyId) r

on r.__INJECT1 = c.CopyId

The above example demonstrates the first type of injection, called scalar injection. Plisqin could recognize that the (scalar r ".CopyId") expression which occurs inside the join-on clause must be rewritten. The scalar gets "injected into" the grouped join as a select clause with the synthesized name __INJECT1. Then, outside of the grouped join, it is accessed by that synthesized name.

All of this isn’t very useful, until we pair it with the other type of injection which is aggregate injection. Here is a quick example:
> (define (my-query)
    (from c "Copy"
          (join r (Rentals-by-Copy c))
          (select (count r)" as NumRentals")
          (select (avg r".PricePaid")" as AveragePricePaid")
          (select c".*")))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))


  r.__INJECT2 as NumRentals

  , r.__INJECT3 as AveragePricePaid

  , c.*

from Copy c

inner join (


      r.CopyId as __INJECT1

      , count(*) as __INJECT2

      , avg(r.PricePaid) as __INJECT3

    from Rental r

    group by r.CopyId) r

on r.__INJECT1 = c.CopyId

In the above example, both (count r) and (avg r ".PricePaid") get injected into the grouped join in a similar way to the scalar injection we already saw. I don’t have to manually manage the select list to include these aggregates. This is very useful: I have the ability to perform aggregate operations on a grouped join from outside that grouped join, without changing its definition, or even parameterizing it! Aggregate Injection in Depth

The aggregate fragment is what is important for aggregate injection. Plisqin provides some built-in aggregates such as count and avg, but these are not essential; they work because they return aggregates:
(avg "something")
; is roughly equivavlent to:
(aggregate "avg(" "something" ")")

The target of an aggregate is the grouped join that it will be injected into. An aggregate may not have multiple targets, but it may have none. For example, the following aggregate does not have a target so no injection occurs:
> (display (to-sql (from x "X"
                         (select (count x)))))



from X x

The following aggregate has two potential targets, so an error is immediately reported and the aggregate is not constructed:
> (attach-callstacks)
> (define (make-grouped-join x)
    (join gj "GJ"
          (group-by (scalar gj".GroupKey"))
          (join-on (scalar gj".GroupKey")" = "x)))
> (aggregate
   (make-grouped-join 1)
   (make-grouped-join 2))

Aggregate expression has 2 targets. At most one target is


Target 1 was:

  #<syntax:eval:58:0 (make-grouped-join 1)>

Target 2 was:

  #<syntax:eval:58:0 (make-grouped-join 2)>

To recap, if an aggregate has no target then no injection occurs. An aggregate is not allowed to have more than 1 target. So the rest of this section is only interested in aggregates that have 1 target.

Finding an aggregate and its target is the key to understanding injections.
> (define (my-query)
    (from x "X"
          (join j (make-grouped-join (scalar x".Id")))
          (select (avg j".foo")" as AverageFoo")
          (select (max j".bar")" as MaxBar")))

The above example has two aggregates. The target of both is j, the grouped join constructed by make-grouped-join. The aggregate expressions get injected into their target (scalar injection also makes an appearance here):
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))


  gj.__INJECT2 as AverageFoo

  , gj.__INJECT3 as MaxBar

from X x

inner join (


      gj.GroupKey as __INJECT1

      , avg(gj.foo) as __INJECT2

      , max(gj.bar) as __INJECT3

    from GJ gj

    group by gj.GroupKey) gj

on gj.__INJECT1 = x.Id Nested Aggregates

The only caveat left to consider is nesting. I would recommend avoiding nesting if possible, because it can be confusing. I’m going to use the Video Rental Example Schema here. An Item has many Copys, and a Copy has many Rentals.

I also need to introduce of/g which is pronounced "of" but carries extra meaning. The /g signifies "grouping", so "the Copies of/g the Item" means "the (group of) Copies of the Item." And per this naming convention, (Copies-of/g item) returns a grouped join.

If I wanted to know how many times an Item has been rented, I could do either of these:
(count (Rentals-of/g item))
; or
(sum (count (Rentals-of/g (Copies-of/g item))))

The first is a non-nested case that we have already seen: we are just counting a grouped join of Rentals grouped by Item. The second involves nesting, which is what we are interested in. Here is my best attempt at translating the code to its almost-English meaning:


the Item

(Copies-of/g item)

the Copies of/g the Item

(Rentals-of/g (Copies-of/g item))

the Rentals of/g the Copies of/g the Item

(count (Rentals-of/g (Copies-of/g item)))

(the count of the Rentals of/g) the Copies of/g the Item

(sum (count (Rentals-of/g (Copies-of/g item))))

(the sum of (the count of the Rentals of/g) the Copies of/g) the Item

I added the parentheses to show how aggregates resolve grouped joins. Specifically, when the count expression appears, it finds that "the Rentals of/g" is unresolved, and resolves it. When the sum expression appears, it finds that "the Copies of/g" is unresolved, and resolves it. Importantly, when we reach the final step, all the grouped joins are resolved. (Visually, every of/g is enclosed in an aggregate.) If the result had had an unresolved grouped join, it would not be a valid scalar. Plisqin does not currently detect this error; it will just generate SQL that will produce an error when it is run.

To wrap things up, look at the SQL generated by both the nested and non-nested variants. First, the complicated nested variant:
> (define (my-query)
    (from item Item
          (select (sum (count (Rentals-of/g (Copies-of/g item))))
                  " as NumRentals")))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))


  _copy.__INJECT2 as NumRentals

from Item item

inner join (


      _copy.ItemId as __INJECT1

      , sum(_rental.__INJECT2) as __INJECT2

    from Copy _copy

    inner join (


          _rental.CopyId as __INJECT1

          , count(*) as __INJECT2

        from Rental _rental

        group by _rental.CopyId) _rental

    on _rental.__INJECT1 = _copy.CopyId

    group by _copy.ItemId) _copy

on _copy.__INJECT1 = item.ItemId

And here is the SQL of the simpler non-nested variant:
> (define (my-query)
    (from item Item
          (select (count (Rentals-of/g item))
                  " as NumRentals")))
> (display (to-sql (my-query)))


  _rental.__INJECT2 as NumRentals

from Item item

inner join (


      _copy.ItemId as __INJECT1

      , count(*) as __INJECT2

    from Rental _rental

    inner join Copy _copy

    on _copy.CopyId = _rental.CopyId

    group by _copy.ItemId) _rental

on _rental.__INJECT1 = item.ItemId