1 Introduction
I love relational databases, but SQL usually leaves me disappointed. Plisqin is an SQL generator written in Racket. It is intended to demonstrate some shortcomings of SQL and explore how a better database query language could be designed.
Code is available on GitHub.
When you see upper-case identifiers such as Rental and RentalId, they almost certainly refer to part of the Video Rental Example Schema. This schema models a brick-and-mortar video rental store (think pre-Netflix). Keep this database diagram handy while reading this document.
1.1 Appendable Queries
> (define (new-releases-1) (from i "Item" (where i".ReleaseDate > '2018-01-01'") (select i".ItemName"))) > (display (to-sql (new-releases-1)))
from Item i
where i.ReleaseDate > '2018-01-01'
> (define (new-releases-2) (from i (new-releases-1) (select i".ReleaseDate") (where i".ItemTypeId = 1") (order-by i".ReleaseDate asc"))) > (display (to-sql (new-releases-2)))
, i.ReleaseDate
from Item i
where i.ReleaseDate > '2018-01-01'
and i.ItemTypeId = 1
order by i.ReleaseDate asc
This isn’t very exciting alone, but combined with the rest of Plisqin and the full power of Racket, we can get great composability that SQL lacks.
1.2 Reusable Joins
Joins can be defined as Racket procedures and reused. For example, I know that every Rental has exactly one Item. I have defined this join in the Item-of procedure:
> (define (recent-rentals) (from rental "Rental" (join item (Item-of rental)) (where item".ReleaseDate >= '2018-11-22'"))) > (display (to-sql (recent-rentals)))
select rental.*
from Rental rental
inner join Copy _copy
on _copy.CopyId = rental.CopyId
inner join Item _item
on _item.ItemId = _copy.ItemId
where _item.ReleaseDate >= '2018-11-22'
You can see in the generated SQL that I glossed over some details. I said that every Rental has exactly one Item. To be more precise, I could have said that every Rental has exactly one Copy (joined using CopyId), and every Copy has exactly one Item (joined using ItemId). But those are details I don’t want to think about at this level. I would much rather just say (Item-of rental).
1.3 Inline Joins
(define (recent-rentals) (from rental "Rental" (where (Item-of rental)".ReleaseDate >= '2018-11-22'")))
The join is "inline" in the where clause. But we can do even better. The following example also contains an inline join, can you guess where it is?
> (define (recent-rentals) (from rental "Rental" (where (ReleaseDate rental)" >= '2018-11-22'"))) > (display (to-sql (recent-rentals)))
select rental.*
from Rental rental
inner join Copy _copy
on _copy.CopyId = rental.CopyId
inner join Item _item
on _item.ItemId = _copy.ItemId
where _item.ReleaseDate >= '2018-11-22'
Putting joins inside scalars can be very useful. It is nice to be able to say "the ReleaseDate of a Rental" without repeating the details of any join(s) that might be involved.
1.4 Aggregates
select customer.* |
, rentalSummary.MovieRentalCount |
, rentalSummary.TotalRentalCount |
from Customer customer |
inner join ( |
select checkout.CustomerId |
, sum(case when item.ItemTypeId = 1 then 1 |
else 0 end) as MovieRentalCount |
, count(*) as TotalRentalCount |
from Rental rental |
inner join Copy copy on copy.CopyId = rental.CopyId |
inner join Item item on item.ItemId = copy.ItemId |
inner join Checkout checkout on checkout.CheckoutId = rental.CheckoutId |
group by checkout.CustomerId |
) rentalSummary |
on rentalSummary.CustomerId = customer.CustomerId |
Group a query (group Rentals by CustomerId)
Join it to the main query (join on rentalSummary.CustomerId ...)
Select the aggregates (select MovieRentalCount and TotalRentalCount)
> (define (my-query) (from cust Customer (join rentals (grouped-Rentals-of cust)) (select cust".*") (select (count rentals) " as TotalRentalCount") (select (sum "case when "(ItemTypeId rentals)" = 1 then 1 else 0 end") " as MovieRentalCount"))) > (display (to-sql (my-query)))
, _rental.__INJECT2 as TotalRentalCount
, _rental.__INJECT3 as MovieRentalCount
from Customer cust
inner join (
_checkout.CustomerId as __INJECT1
, count(*) as __INJECT2
, sum(case when _item.ItemTypeId = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as __INJECT3
from Rental _rental
inner join Checkout _checkout
on _checkout.CheckoutId = _rental.CheckoutId
inner join Copy _copy
on _copy.CopyId = _rental.CopyId
inner join Item _item
on _item.ItemId = _copy.ItemId
group by _checkout.CustomerId) _rental
on _rental.__INJECT1 = cust.CustomerId
In the above example, (grouped-Rentals-of cust) returns a grouped join. This join has no select clauses of its own, but (count rentals) gets "injected into" this grouped join and exposed via the synthetic name __INJECT2. Similarly, the larger sum expression also gets "injected into" the grouped join as __INJECT3. (Don’t worry about __INJECT1 for now.)
> (define (my-query) (from cust Customer (join rentals (grouped-Rentals-of cust)) ; Local definitions can help readability: (define (is-movie rental) (bool (ItemTypeId rental)" = 1")) (define (is-recent rental) (bool (CheckoutTime rental)" > '2018-01-01'")) (define (count-when predicate) (sum "case when "predicate" then 1 else 0 end")) (select cust".*") (select (count rentals) " as TotalRentalCount") (select (count-when (is-movie rentals)) " as MovieRentalCount") (select (count-when (is-recent rentals)) " as RecentRentalCount") (select (count-when (bool (is-movie rentals) " and " (is-recent rentals))) " as RecentMovieRentalCount"))) > (display (to-sql (my-query)))
, _rental.__INJECT2 as TotalRentalCount
, _rental.__INJECT3 as MovieRentalCount
, _rental.__INJECT4 as RecentRentalCount
, _rental.__INJECT5 as RecentMovieRentalCount
from Customer cust
inner join (
_checkout.CustomerId as __INJECT1
, count(*) as __INJECT2
, sum(case when _item.ItemTypeId = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as __INJECT3
, sum(case when _checkout.CheckoutTime > '2018-01-01' then 1 else 0 end) as __INJECT4
, sum(case when _item.ItemTypeId = 1 and _checkout.CheckoutTime > '2018-01-01' then 1 else 0 end) as __INJECT5
from Rental _rental
inner join Checkout _checkout
on _checkout.CheckoutId = _rental.CheckoutId
inner join Copy _copy
on _copy.CopyId = _rental.CopyId
inner join Item _item
on _item.ItemId = _copy.ItemId
group by _checkout.CustomerId) _rental
on _rental.__INJECT1 = cust.CustomerId
1.5 Putting it All Together
Let’s imagine that we want a report of Frequently-Rented Items. But we are going to want many variations on this report, such as
Frequently rented at certain stores
Frequently rented in a certain month
Frequently rented action movies
Frequently rented by customers over a certain age
We might use a table-valued function in standard SQL, but this will have at least three problems. First, every variation we introduce might require additional parameters. For example, to handle "customers older than X" we would need to add a "customerAgeMinimum" parameter and then we would have to update all the call sites. Second, we might end up paying a performance cost for joins that don’t get used. For example, when we add that "customerAgeMinimum" parameter, we are going to have to join the Customer table even if the caller indicates "no minimum" by passing null or zero. Third, passing a list (such as a list of StoreIds) is painful at best.
In Plisqin, we can handle all these variations with only one parameter.
> (define (frequently-rented-items [rental-query Rental]) (from i Item (join rentals rental-query (group-by (ItemId rentals)) (join-on (ItemId rentals)" = "(ItemId i))) (select i".*") (select (count rentals)" as NumRentals") (order-by (count rentals)" desc")))
The rental-query parameter is optional, and it defaults to Rental which will just create a new, unfiltered query of the Rental table. But since queries append by default, we can pass in an arbitrarily-filtered Rental query and our grouped join will append to it. This will allow us to handle all the variations we listed. First, let’s do the "Frequently rented at certain stores" variation:
> (define (at-certain-stores) (from r Rental (where (StoreId r)" in (42, 43, 44)"))) > (display (to-sql (frequently-rented-items (at-certain-stores))))
, r.__INJECT2 as NumRentals
from Item i
inner join (
_copy.ItemId as __INJECT1
, count(*) as __INJECT2
from Rental r
inner join Checkout _checkout
on _checkout.CheckoutId = r.CheckoutId
inner join Store _store
on _store.StoreId = _checkout.StoreId
inner join Copy _copy
on _copy.CopyId = r.CopyId
where _store.StoreId in (42, 43, 44)
group by _copy.ItemId) r
on r.__INJECT1 = i.ItemId
order by r.__INJECT2 desc
> (define (this-month) (from r Rental (where (CheckoutTime r)" >= '2018-11-01'") (where (CheckoutTime r)" < '2018-12-01'"))) > (display (to-sql (frequently-rented-items (this-month))))
, r.__INJECT2 as NumRentals
from Item i
inner join (
_copy.ItemId as __INJECT1
, count(*) as __INJECT2
from Rental r
inner join Checkout _checkout
on _checkout.CheckoutId = r.CheckoutId
inner join Copy _copy
on _copy.CopyId = r.CopyId
where _checkout.CheckoutTime >= '2018-11-01'
and _checkout.CheckoutTime < '2018-12-01'
group by _copy.ItemId) r
on r.__INJECT1 = i.ItemId
order by r.__INJECT2 desc
OK, we see where this is headed. Let’s just combine them all and declare victory:
> (define (combined-query) (frequently-rented-items (from r Rental ; at certain stores: (where (StoreId r)" in (42, 43, 44)") ; in a certain month: (where (CheckoutTime r)" >= '2018-11-01'") (where (CheckoutTime r)" < '2018-12-01'") ; having an 'Action' genre: (join g (Genres-of r) (join-on g".GenreName = 'Action'")) ; by customers over a certain age: (where (CustomerBirthDate r)" < '1988-11-01'")))) > (display (to-sql (combined-query)))
, r.__INJECT2 as NumRentals
from Item i
inner join (
_copy.ItemId as __INJECT1
, count(*) as __INJECT2
from Rental r
inner join Copy _copy
on _copy.CopyId = r.CopyId
inner join Item _item
on _item.ItemId = _copy.ItemId
inner join ItemGenre _itemGenre
on _itemGenre.ItemId = _item.ItemId
inner join Genre _genre
on _genre.GenreId = _itemGenre.GenreId
and _genre.GenreName = 'Action'
inner join Checkout _checkout
on _checkout.CheckoutId = r.CheckoutId
inner join Store _store
on _store.StoreId = _checkout.StoreId
inner join Customer _customer
on _customer.CustomerId = _checkout.CustomerId
where _store.StoreId in (42, 43, 44)
and _checkout.CheckoutTime >= '2018-11-01'
and _checkout.CheckoutTime < '2018-12-01'
and _customer.CustomerBirthDate < '1988-11-01'
group by _copy.ItemId) r
on r.__INJECT1 = i.ItemId
order by r.__INJECT2 desc
This concludes the sales pitch. Hopefully you can see that Plisqin allows you to do things that are impossible in SQL. Continue reading at Getting Started.