Pollen-rock: a RESTful Pollen Server
Pollen-rock is a Pollen web server with a set of RESTful APIs. It comes with a convenient in-browser editor that integrates the RESTful API to maximize the editing experience of Pollen project.
Pollen-rock does not change Pollen language’s semantics. If you hate Pollen being silent on your undefined tag functions, You’ll find Pollen-rock’s rendering engine has the same behavior because Pollen-rock reuses Pollen’s render functions. However, Pollen-rock’s built-in editor has the ability to inform you about undefined tags, so Pollen-rock is more than "just another server."
Internally, Pollen-rock provides RESTful web APIs for querying various information of a Pollen project. If you’re interested in writing your tools using the RESTful API, continue to Pollen-rock Server Specification. If you’re interested in Pollen-rock built-in editor, continue to Installation.