On this page:
3.1 Query the Server
3.2 RESTful API
3.2.1 POST /  rest/  fs/  $path
3.2.2 GET /  rest/  fs/  $path
3.2.3 GET /  rest/  tags/  $file
3.2.4 GET /  rest/  config/  $file
3.2.5 GET /  rest/  watch/  $file
3.2.6 GET /  rest/  search/  $file
3.2.7 GET /  rest/  render/  $file

3 Pollen-rock Server Specification

Pollen-rock server provides a set of RESTful APIs for the front end to query project information.

Note: these APIs and this doc are still under construction. They are subject to changes at this point.

3.1 Query the Server

All API resource starts with /rest/. Let’s take the following project structure as an working example.


  |- pollen.rkt

  |- file1.html.pm

  |- file2.html.pm

  |- dir1/

     |- file3.html.pm

  |- dir2/

All JSON output in this section are additionally rendered by pretty print. The command output is generated by passing the JSON into python -m json.tool, as in curl http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/ | python -m json.tool

file1.html.pm and file2.html.pm are two pollen source files. pollen.rkt has the following contents

#lang racket


(provide (all-defined-out))


(define x 1)


(define (tag0 x . y)

  `(mytag ,x ,@y))

Now open a terminal, and start pollen-rock

$ raco pollen-rock

In another terminal, we can start querying the server. Let’s list the project root directory

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/fs


    "errno": 0,

    "items": [







    "mtime": 1547790867


What about the dir1 directory

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/dir1


    "errno": 0,

    "items": [



    "mtime": 1547790866


What about listing some directory called non-exists?

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/non-exists


  "errno": 1


Let’s read the contents of file3.html.pm

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/dir1/file3.html.pm


    "contents": "#lang pollen\n\nfile3 contents\n\n",

    "errno": 0,

    "mtime": 1547791032


Let’s get all tags visible in file3.html.pm.

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/tags/dir1/file3.html.pm


  "errno": 0,

  "tags": [


      "arity-at-least": true,

      "kind": "procedure",

      "arity": 1,

      "required-keywords": [



      "name": "tag0",

      "all-keywords": [





      "kind": "variable",

      "name": "x",

      "type": "number",

      "value": 1




You can tell Pollen-rock can do quite a lot here. Let’s dive into the API specification in next section.

3.2 RESTful API

Pollen-rock supports requests that are form-url-encoded, i.e. requests whose Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

For each API, we first list its designated url (the resource), and then the query parameter, the request parameter, and the response parameter. It’s necessary to make it clear what and where these parameters are in the request and response:

3.2.1 POST /rest/fs/$path

This API is for file system operations.

Query parameter: None

Request parameter:

Response parameter:
  • errno: int. 0 means no error. Negative number means Pollen-rock internal error. Positive errno matches the Linux errno

  • message: string. Extra message from the server. Usually this contains error messages if errno is not 0

Examples: create directory dir3, and move dir3 to dir4.

$ curl -X POST -d "op=mkdir" http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/dir3


    "errno": 0,

    "message": ""


$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/


    "errno": 0,

    "items": [








    "mtime": 1547791126


$ curl -X POST -d "op=mv&data=dir4" http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/dir3


    "errno": 0,

    "message": ""


3.2.2 GET /rest/fs/$path

This API is for list directory or reading files.

Query parameter: None

Response parameter:
  • errno: int. 0 means success. non-zero means the operation has failed

  • items: string array. If $path is a directory, items contains the directory contents. All subdirectory names have / suffix.

  • contents: string. If $path is a regular text file, contents is the contents of that file.

  • mtime: integer. The last modification seconds of this file.

Examples: get the contents of file3.html.pm

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/fs/dir1/file3.html.pm


    "contents": "#lang pollen\n\nfile3 contents\n",

    "errno": 0,

    "mtime": 1547791032


List the project root


    "errno": 0,

    "items": [








    "mtime": 1547791190


3.2.3 GET /rest/tags/$file

Fetch defined tags of a racket module $file. Note that $file must be a racket module.

Query parameter: None

TODO: It would be useful to accept a query parameter to return a specific tag

response parameter:
  • errno: int. 0 means success. 1 means that error has occurred.

  • tags: objects array. array of json objects containing procedure or variable information.
    • name: string. Tag name

    • kind: string. Either "variable" or "procedure".

    • type: string or null. (Variable only) Valid values are "boolean", "number", "string", "char", "symbol", null. Also see value.

    • value: any. (Variable only) The value of the tag. The type of the value is indicated by the type property.

    • arity: number. (Procedure only) This is the arity of the procedure. If arity-at-least is true, this value is the minimum arity that this procedure requires.

    • arity-at-least: boolean. (Procedure only) See arity.

    • all-keywords: string array or false. (Procedure only) All keywords of a procedure, including optional and required keywords. If this is false, it can accept any keywords.

    • required-keywords: string array. (Procedure only) Required keywords.

Examples: to fetch all tags exported to file1.html.pm

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/tags/file1.html.pm


    "errno": 0,

    "tags": [


            "all-keywords": [],

            "arity": 1,

            "arity-at-least": true,

            "kind": "procedure",

            "name": "tag0",

            "required-keywords": []



            "kind": "variable",

            "name": "x",

            "type": "number",

            "value": 1




3.2.4 GET /rest/config/$file

Get project configuration of the given $file. If pollen.rkt doesn’t exist, this API fetches pre-defined tags from Setup.

Query parameter: None

It would be useful to accept a query parameter to return a specific config

Response parameter: same as GET /rest/tags/$file. However, this API returns only variables of the setup module.

3.2.5 GET /rest/watch/$file

Do HTTP long polling on the given $file. The HTTP request returns only when the modified time of $file has changed.

Query parameter:
  • mtime: int (optional). Return immediately if the last modified time of the file is greater than this mtime. This is parameter is not provided, the return occurs only when the modified time of the file has changed.

Response parameter:
  • errno: int. 0 means file changed. 1 means no such file.

  • mtime: int. Last modified time when errno is 0. When errno is 1, mtime can be anything

Example: the following command would block until touch file1.html.pm runs.

$ (sleep 10 && touch file1.html.pm) &


$ time curl http://localhost:8000/rest/watch/file1.html.pm



real 0m9.445s

user 0m0.012s

sys 0m0.021s

3.2.6 GET /rest/search/$file

Search source and output file.

If the given file is a pollen source file, i.e. pp, pm, p, etc., Pollen-rock always returns source and output paths, and source-exists indicates whether the source file exists. If the given file is not a pollen source, it’s treated as an output file, and returns non-zero errno if no source files on the file system can generate the output, and returns 0 errno and set source and output accordingly, in which case, source-exists is always true.

Query parameter: None

Response parameter:
  • errno: int. 0 means no error, non-zero means some error has occurred

  • source-exists: bool. Whether the source exists

  • source: string. The source path relative to project root. The value is undefined when errno is non-zero.

  • output: string. The output path relative to project root. The value is undefined when errno is non-zero.

Example: the following command gets the output path of one nonexistent pollen source

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/search/nonexist.html.pm


    "errno": 0,

    "output": "nonexist.html",

    "source": "nonexist.html.pm",

    "source-exists": false


The following command demonstrates querying an output path that doesn’t exist.

$ curl localhost:8000/rest/search/nonexist-dir/


    "errno": 1,

    "output": "",

    "source": "",

    "source-exists": false


3.2.7 GET /rest/render/$file

Render the given pollen source $file

Query parameter: None

Response parameter:
  • errno: int. 0 means no error, 1 means no such file, 2 means render failed.

  • location: string. Rendered file name. The location will be always present even if render fails.

Example: render file3.html.pm.

$ curl http://localhost:8000/rest/render/dir1/file3.html.pm


    "errno": 0,

    "location": "dir1/file3.html"
