Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • cgi/session.rb



In-memory session storage class.

Implements session storage as a global in-memory hash. Session data will only persist for as long as the ruby interpreter instance does.

Public Class Methods

new(session, option=nil) click to toggle source

Create a new MemoryStore instance.

session is the session this instance is associated with. option is a list of initialisation options. None are currently recognised.

               # File cgi/session.rb, line 457
def initialize(session, option=nil)
  @session_id = session.session_id
  unless GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE.key?(@session_id)
    unless session.new_session
      raise CGI::Session::NoSession, "uninitialized session"
    GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE[@session_id] = {}

Public Instance Methods

close() click to toggle source

Close session storage.

A no-op.

               # File cgi/session.rb, line 484
def close
  # don't need to close
delete() click to toggle source

Delete the session state.

               # File cgi/session.rb, line 489
def delete
restore() click to toggle source

Restore session state.

Returns session data as a hash.

               # File cgi/session.rb, line 470
def restore
update() click to toggle source

Update session state.

A no-op.

               # File cgi/session.rb, line 477
def update
  # don't need to update; hash is shared

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