Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
A bridge to the dlopen() or dynamic library linker function.
bash $> cat > sum.c <<EOF double sum(double *arry, int len) { double ret = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ ret = ret + arry[i]; } return ret; } double split(double num) { double ret = 0; ret = num / 2; return ret; } EOF bash $> gcc -o libsum.so -shared sum.c bash $> cat > sum.rb <<EOF require 'dl' require 'dl/import' module LibSum extend DL::Importer dlload './libsum.so' extern 'double sum(double*, int)' extern 'double split(double)' end a = [2.0, 3.0, 4.0] sum = LibSum.sum(a.pack("d*"), a.count) p LibSum.split(sum) EOF bash $> ruby sum.rb 4.5
WIN! :-)
The Offset of a struct char and a char
The Offset of a struct double and a double
The Offset of a struct float and a float
The Offset of a struct int and a int
The Offset of a struct long and a long
The Offset of a struct long long and a long long
The Offset of a struct short and a short
The Offset of a struct void* and a void*
Platform built against (i.e. "x86_64-linux", etc.)
Ruby Version built. (i.e. "1.9.3")
Dynamic linker stack size
Maximum number of callbacks
rtld DL::Handle flag.
The symbols defined by this library will be made available for symbol resolution of subsequently loaded libraries.
rtld DL::Handle flag.
Perform lazy binding. Only resolve symbols as the code that references them is executed. If the symbol is never referenced, then it is never resolved. (Lazy binding is only performed for function references; references to variables are always immediately bound when the library is loaded.)
rtld DL::Handle flag.
If this value is specified or the environment variable LD_BIND_NOW is set to a nonempty string, all undefined symbols in the library are resolved before dlopen() returns. If this cannot be done an error is returned.
Address of the ruby_xfree() function
OS Dependent - sizeof(char)
OS Dependent - sizeof(double)
OS Dependent - sizeof(float)
OS Dependent - sizeof(int)
OS Dependent - sizeof(long)
OS Dependent - sizeof(long long)
OS Dependent - sizeof(short)
OS Dependent - sizeof(void*)
DL::CFunc type - char
DL::CFunc type - double
DL::CFunc type - float
DL::CFunc type - int
DL::CFunc type - long
DL::CFunc type - long long
DL::CFunc type - short
DL::CFunc type - void
DL::CFunc type - void*
VALUE rb_dl_dlopen(int argc, VALUE argv[], VALUE self) { return rb_class_new_instance(argc, argv, rb_cDLHandle); }
VALUE rb_dl_ptr2value(VALUE self, VALUE addr) { rb_secure(4); return (VALUE)NUM2PTR(addr); }
VALUE rb_dl_value2ptr(VALUE self, VALUE val) { return PTR2NUM((void*)val); }
# File dl/lib/dl.rb, line 9 def self.fiddle? Object.const_defined?(:Fiddle) end
Free the memory at address addr
VALUE rb_dl_free(VALUE self, VALUE addr) { void *ptr = NUM2PTR(addr); rb_secure(4); ruby_xfree(ptr); return Qnil; }
Allocate size
bytes of memory and return the integer memory
address for the allocated memory.
VALUE rb_dl_malloc(VALUE self, VALUE size) { void *ptr; rb_secure(4); ptr = (void*)ruby_xmalloc(NUM2INT(size)); return PTR2NUM(ptr); }
Change the size of the memory allocated at the memory location
to size
bytes. Returns the memory address
of the reallocated memory, which may be different than the address passed
VALUE rb_dl_realloc(VALUE self, VALUE addr, VALUE size) { void *ptr = NUM2PTR(addr); rb_secure(4); ptr = (void*)ruby_xrealloc(ptr, NUM2INT(size)); return PTR2NUM(ptr); }
# File dl/lib/dl/callback.rb, line 70 def remove_callback_internal(proc_entry, addr_entry, addr, ctype = nil) if DL.fiddle? addr = addr.to_i return false unless proc_entry.key?(addr) proc_entry.delete(addr) true else index = nil if( ctype ) addr_entry[ctype].each_with_index{|xaddr, idx| if( xaddr == addr ) index = idx end } else addr_entry.each{|ty,entry| entry.each_with_index{|xaddr, idx| if( xaddr == addr ) index = idx end } } end if( index and proc_entry[ctype][index] ) proc_entry[ctype][index] = nil return true else return false end end end
# File dl/lib/dl/callback.rb, line 102 def remove_cdecl_callback(addr, ctype = nil) remove_callback_internal(CdeclCallbackProcs, CdeclCallbackAddrs, addr, ctype) end
# File dl/lib/dl/callback.rb, line 106 def remove_stdcall_callback(addr, ctype = nil) remove_callback_internal(StdcallCallbackProcs, StdcallCallbackAddrs, addr, ctype) end
# File dl/lib/dl/callback.rb, line 30 def set_callback_internal(proc_entry, addr_entry, argc, ty, abi = nil, &cbp) if( argc < 0 ) raise(ArgumentError, "arity should not be less than 0.") end addr = nil if DL.fiddle? abi ||= Fiddle::Function::DEFAULT closure = Fiddle::Closure::BlockCaller.new(ty, [TYPE_VOIDP] * argc, abi, &cbp) proc_entry[closure.to_i] = closure addr = closure.to_i else SEM.synchronize{ ary = proc_entry[ty] (0...MAX_CALLBACK).each{|n| idx = (n * DLSTACK_SIZE) + argc if( ary[idx].nil? ) ary[idx] = cbp addr = addr_entry[ty][idx] break end } } end addr end
# File dl/lib/dl/callback.rb, line 58 def set_cdecl_callback(ty, argc, &cbp) set_callback_internal(CdeclCallbackProcs, CdeclCallbackAddrs, argc, ty, &cbp) end
# File dl/lib/dl/callback.rb, line 62 def set_stdcall_callback(ty, argc, &cbp) if DL.fiddle? set_callback_internal(StdcallCallbackProcs, StdcallCallbackAddrs, argc, ty, Fiddle::Function::STDCALL, &cbp) else set_callback_internal(StdcallCallbackProcs, StdcallCallbackAddrs, argc, ty, &cbp) end end
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