Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • json/generator/generator.c


Public Class Methods

from_state(opts) click to toggle source

Creates a State object from opts, which ought to be Hash to create a new State instance configured by opts, something else to create an unconfigured instance. If opts is a State object, it is just returned.

               static VALUE cState_from_state_s(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
    if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(opts, self)) {
        return opts;
    } else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(opts, rb_cHash)) {
        return rb_funcall(self, i_new, 1, opts);
    } else {
        return rb_funcall(CJSON_SAFE_STATE_PROTOTYPE, i_dup, 0);
new(opts = {}) click to toggle source

Instantiates a new State object, configured by opts.

opts can have the following keys:

  • indent: a string used to indent levels (default: "),

  • space: a string that is put after, a : or , delimiter (default: "),

  • space_before: a string that is put before a : pair delimiter (default: "),

  • object_nl: a string that is put at the end of a JSON object (default: "),

  • array_nl: a string that is put at the end of a JSON array (default: "),

  • allow_nan: true if NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should be generated, otherwise an exception is thrown, if these values are encountered. This options defaults to false.

  • quirks_mode: Enables #quirks_mode for parser, that is for example generating single JSON values instead of documents is possible.

               static VALUE cState_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    VALUE opts;
    state->max_nesting = 19;
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opts);
    if (!NIL_P(opts)) cState_configure(self, opts);
    return self;

Public Instance Methods

[](name) click to toggle source

Return the value returned by method name.

               static VALUE cState_aref(VALUE self, VALUE name)
    if (RTEST(rb_funcall(self, i_respond_to_p, 1, name))) {
        return rb_funcall(self, i_send, 1, name);
    } else {
        return Qnil;
allow_nan? click to toggle source

Returns true, if NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should be generated, otherwise returns false.

               static VALUE cState_allow_nan_p(VALUE self)
    return state->allow_nan ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
array_nl() click to toggle source

This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON array.

               static VALUE cState_array_nl(VALUE self)
    return state->array_nl ? rb_str_new2(state->array_nl) : rb_str_new2("");
array_nl=(array_nl) click to toggle source

This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON array.

               static VALUE cState_array_nl_set(VALUE self, VALUE array_nl)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(array_nl, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(array_nl);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->array_nl) {
            state->array_nl = NULL;
    } else {
        if (state->array_nl) ruby_xfree(state->array_nl);
        state->array_nl = strdup(RSTRING_PTR(array_nl));
        state->array_nl_len = len;
    return Qnil;
ascii_only? click to toggle source

Returns true, if NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should be generated, otherwise returns false.

               static VALUE cState_ascii_only_p(VALUE self)
    return state->ascii_only ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
check_circular? click to toggle source

Returns true, if circular data structures should be checked, otherwise returns false.

               static VALUE cState_check_circular_p(VALUE self)
    return state->max_nesting ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
configure(opts) click to toggle source

Configure this State instance with the Hash opts, and return itself.

               static VALUE cState_configure(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
    VALUE tmp;
    tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_h");
    if (NIL_P(tmp)) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "opts has to be hash like or convertable into a hash");
    opts = tmp;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->indent = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->indent_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->space = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->space_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->space_before = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->space_before_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->array_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->array_nl_len = len;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));
    if (RTEST(tmp)) {
        unsigned long len;
        Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
        len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
        state->object_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len);
        state->object_nl_len = len;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);
    state->max_nesting = 19;
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {
            Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);
            state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(max_nesting);
        } else {
            state->max_nesting = 0;
    tmp = ID2SYM(i_depth);
    state->depth = 0;
    if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
        VALUE depth = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
        if (RTEST(depth)) {
            Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
            state->depth = FIX2LONG(depth);
        } else {
            state->depth = 0;
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan));
    state->allow_nan = RTEST(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_ascii_only));
    state->ascii_only = RTEST(tmp);
    tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_quirks_mode));
    state->quirks_mode = RTEST(tmp);
    return self;
Also aliased as: merge
depth click to toggle source

This integer returns the current depth of data structure nesting.

               static VALUE cState_depth(VALUE self)
    return LONG2FIX(state->depth);
depth=(depth) click to toggle source

This sets the maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON to the integer depth, #max_nesting = 0 if no maximum should be checked.

               static VALUE cState_depth_set(VALUE self, VALUE depth)
    Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
    return state->depth = FIX2LONG(depth);
generate(obj) click to toggle source

Generates a valid JSON document from object obj and returns the result. If no valid JSON document can be created this method raises a GeneratorError exception.

               static VALUE cState_generate(VALUE self, VALUE obj)
    VALUE result = cState_partial_generate(self, obj);
    VALUE re, args[2];
    if (!state->quirks_mode) {
        args[0] = rb_str_new2("\\A\\s*(?:\\[.*\\]|\\{.*\\})\\s*\\Z");
        args[1] = CRegexp_MULTILINE;
        re = rb_class_new_instance(2, args, rb_cRegexp);
        if (NIL_P(rb_funcall(re, i_match, 1, result))) {
            rb_raise(eGeneratorError, "only generation of JSON objects or arrays allowed");
    return result;
indent() click to toggle source

This string is used to indent levels in the JSON text.

               static VALUE cState_indent(VALUE self)
    return state->indent ? rb_str_new2(state->indent) : rb_str_new2("");
indent=(indent) click to toggle source

This string is used to indent levels in the JSON text.

               static VALUE cState_indent_set(VALUE self, VALUE indent)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(indent, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(indent);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->indent) {
            state->indent = NULL;
            state->indent_len = 0;
    } else {
        if (state->indent) ruby_xfree(state->indent);
        state->indent = strdup(RSTRING_PTR(indent));
        state->indent_len = len;
    return Qnil;
initialize_copy(orig) click to toggle source

Initializes this object from orig if it to be duplicated/cloned and returns it.

               static VALUE cState_init_copy(VALUE obj, VALUE orig)
    JSON_Generator_State *objState, *origState;

    if (obj == orig) return obj;
    Data_Get_Struct(obj, JSON_Generator_State, objState);
    Data_Get_Struct(orig, JSON_Generator_State, origState);
    if (!objState) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unallocated JSON::State");

    MEMCPY(objState, origState, JSON_Generator_State, 1);
    objState->indent = fstrndup(origState->indent, origState->indent_len);
    objState->space = fstrndup(origState->space, origState->space_len);
    objState->space_before = fstrndup(origState->space_before, origState->space_before_len);
    objState->object_nl = fstrndup(origState->object_nl, origState->object_nl_len);
    objState->array_nl = fstrndup(origState->array_nl, origState->array_nl_len);
    if (origState->array_delim) objState->array_delim = fbuffer_dup(origState->array_delim);
    if (origState->object_delim) objState->object_delim = fbuffer_dup(origState->object_delim);
    if (origState->object_delim2) objState->object_delim2 = fbuffer_dup(origState->object_delim2);
    return obj;
max_nesting click to toggle source

This integer returns the maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON, #max_nesting = 0 if no maximum is checked.

               static VALUE cState_max_nesting(VALUE self)
    return LONG2FIX(state->max_nesting);
max_nesting=(depth) click to toggle source

This sets the maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON to the integer depth, #max_nesting = 0 if no maximum should be checked.

               static VALUE cState_max_nesting_set(VALUE self, VALUE depth)
    Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
    return state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(depth);
merge(p1) click to toggle source
Alias for: configure
object_nl() click to toggle source

This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON object (or Hash).

               static VALUE cState_object_nl(VALUE self)
    return state->object_nl ? rb_str_new2(state->object_nl) : rb_str_new2("");
object_nl=(object_nl) click to toggle source

This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON object (or Hash).

               static VALUE cState_object_nl_set(VALUE self, VALUE object_nl)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(object_nl, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(object_nl);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->object_nl) {
            state->object_nl = NULL;
    } else {
        if (state->object_nl) ruby_xfree(state->object_nl);
        state->object_nl = strdup(RSTRING_PTR(object_nl));
        state->object_nl_len = len;
    return Qnil;
quirks_mode? click to toggle source

Returns true, if quirks mode is enabled. Otherwise returns false.

               static VALUE cState_quirks_mode_p(VALUE self)
    return state->quirks_mode ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
quirks_mode=(enable) click to toggle source

If set to true, enables the #quirks_mode mode.

               static VALUE cState_quirks_mode_set(VALUE self, VALUE enable)
    state->quirks_mode = RTEST(enable);
    return Qnil;
quirks_mode? click to toggle source

Returns true, if quirks mode is enabled. Otherwise returns false.

               static VALUE cState_quirks_mode_p(VALUE self)
    return state->quirks_mode ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
space() click to toggle source

This string is used to insert a space between the tokens in a JSON string.

               static VALUE cState_space(VALUE self)
    return state->space ? rb_str_new2(state->space) : rb_str_new2("");
space=(space) click to toggle source

This string is used to insert a space between the tokens in a JSON string.

               static VALUE cState_space_set(VALUE self, VALUE space)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(space, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(space);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->space) {
            state->space = NULL;
            state->space_len = 0;
    } else {
        if (state->space) ruby_xfree(state->space);
        state->space = strdup(RSTRING_PTR(space));
        state->space_len = len;
    return Qnil;
space_before() click to toggle source

This string is used to insert a space before the ‘:’ in JSON objects.

               static VALUE cState_space_before(VALUE self)
    return state->space_before ? rb_str_new2(state->space_before) : rb_str_new2("");
space_before=(space_before) click to toggle source

This string is used to insert a space before the ‘:’ in JSON objects.

               static VALUE cState_space_before_set(VALUE self, VALUE space_before)
    unsigned long len;
    Check_Type(space_before, T_STRING);
    len = RSTRING_LEN(space_before);
    if (len == 0) {
        if (state->space_before) {
            state->space_before = NULL;
            state->space_before_len = 0;
    } else {
        if (state->space_before) ruby_xfree(state->space_before);
        state->space_before = strdup(RSTRING_PTR(space_before));
        state->space_before_len = len;
    return Qnil;
to_h click to toggle source

Returns the configuration instance variables as a hash, that can be passed to the configure method.

               static VALUE cState_to_h(VALUE self)
    VALUE result = rb_hash_new();
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_indent), rb_str_new(state->indent, state->indent_len));
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_space), rb_str_new(state->space, state->space_len));
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_space_before), rb_str_new(state->space_before, state->space_before_len));
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_object_nl), rb_str_new(state->object_nl, state->object_nl_len));
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_array_nl), rb_str_new(state->array_nl, state->array_nl_len));
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan), state->allow_nan ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_ascii_only), state->ascii_only ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_quirks_mode), state->quirks_mode ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_max_nesting), LONG2FIX(state->max_nesting));
    rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_depth), LONG2FIX(state->depth));
    return result;

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