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  • minitest/spec.rb

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MiniTest::Spec -- The faster, better, less-magical spec framework!

For a list of expectations, see MiniTest::Expectations.



Contains pairs of matchers and Spec classes to be used to calculate the superclass of a top-level describe. This allows for automatically customizable spec types.

See: ::register_spec_type and ::spec_type

Public Class Methods

after(type = :each, &block) click to toggle source

Define an ‘after’ action. Inherits the way normal methods should.

NOTE: type is ignored and is only there to make porting easier.

Equivalent to MiniTest::Unit::TestCase#teardown.

               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 183
def self.after type = :each, &block
  raise "unsupported after type: #{type}" unless type == :each

  add_teardown_hook {|tc| tc.instance_eval(&block) }
before(type = :each, &block) click to toggle source

Define a ‘before’ action. Inherits the way normal methods should.

NOTE: type is ignored and is only there to make porting easier.

Equivalent to MiniTest::Unit::TestCase#setup.

               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 170
def self.before type = :each, &block
  raise "unsupported before type: #{type}" unless type == :each

  add_setup_hook {|tc| tc.instance_eval(&block) }
children() click to toggle source

Returns the children of this spec.

               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 148
def self.children
  @children ||= []
it(desc, &block) click to toggle source

Define an expectation with name desc. Name gets morphed to a proper test method name. For some freakish reason, people who write specs don’t like class inheritence, so this goes way out of its way to make sure that expectations aren’t inherited.

Hint: If you do want inheritence, use minitest/unit. You can mix and match between assertions and expectations as much as you want.

               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 198
def self.it desc, &block
  block ||= proc { skip "(no tests defined)" }

  @specs ||= 0
  @specs += 1

  name = "test_%04d_%s" % [ @specs, desc.gsub(/\W+/, '_').downcase ]

  define_method name, &block

  self.children.each do |mod|
    mod.send :undef_method, name if mod.public_method_defined? name
let(name, &block) click to toggle source
               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 213
def self.let name, &block
  define_method name do
    @_memoized ||= {}
    @_memoized.fetch(name) { |k| @_memoized[k] = instance_eval(&block) }
register_spec_type(*args, &block) click to toggle source

Register a new type of spec that matches the spec’s description. This method can take either a Regexp and a spec class or a spec class and a block that takes the description and returns true if it matches.


register_spec_type(/Controller$/, MiniTest::Spec::Rails)


register_spec_type(MiniTest::Spec::RailsModel) do |desc|
  desc.superclass == ActiveRecord::Base
               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 112
def self.register_spec_type(*args, &block)
  if block then
    matcher, klass = block, args.first
    matcher, klass = *args
  TYPES.unshift [matcher, klass]
spec_type(desc) click to toggle source

Figure out the spec class to use based on a spec’s description. Eg:

spec_type("BlahController") # => MiniTest::Spec::Rails
               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 126
def self.spec_type desc
  TYPES.find { |matcher, klass|
    if matcher.respond_to? :call then
      matcher.call desc
      matcher === desc.to_s
subject(&block) click to toggle source
               # File minitest/spec.rb, line 220
def self.subject &block
  let :subject, &block

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