Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
Subclass TestCase to create your own tests. Typically you’ll want a TestCase subclass per implementation class.
Adds a block of code that will be executed before every TestCase is run. Equivalent to setup
but usable multiple times and without re-opening any classes.
All of the setup hooks will run in order after the setup
method, if one is defined.
The argument can be any object that responds to call or a block. That means that this call,
MiniTest::TestCase.add_setup_hook { puts "foo" }
… is equivalent to:
module MyTestSetup def call puts "foo" end end MiniTest::TestCase.add_setup_hook MyTestSetup
The blocks passed to add_setup_hook
take an optional parameter
that will be the TestCase instance that is
executing the block.
# File minitest/unit.rb, line 1081 def self.add_setup_hook arg=nil, &block hook = arg || block @setup_hooks << hook end
Adds a block of code that will be executed after every TestCase is run. Equivalent to
, but usable multiple times and without re-opening any
All of the teardown hooks will run in reverse order after the
method, if one is defined.
The argument can be any object that responds to call or a block. That means that this call,
MiniTest::TestCase.add_teardown_hook { puts "foo" }
… is equivalent to:
module MyTestTeardown def call puts "foo" end end MiniTest::TestCase.add_teardown_hook MyTestTeardown
The blocks passed to add_teardown_hook
take an optional
parameter that will be the TestCase instance
that is executing the block.
# File minitest/unit.rb, line 1130 def self.add_teardown_hook arg=nil, &block hook = arg || block @teardown_hooks << hook end
Call this at the top of your tests when you absolutely positively need to have ordered tests. In doing so, you’re admitting that you suck and your tests are weak.
# File minitest/unit.rb, line 997 def self.i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! class << self define_method :test_order do :alpha end end end
# File minitest/unit.rb, line 977 def io @__io__ = true MiniTest::Unit.output end
Returns true if the test passed.
# File minitest/unit.rb, line 1034 def passed? @passed end
Runs the tests reporting the status to runner
# File minitest/unit.rb, line 937 def run runner trap "INFO" do time = runner.start_time ? Time.now - runner.start_time : 0 warn "%s#%s %.2fs" % [self.class, self.__name__, time] runner.status $stderr end if SUPPORTS_INFO_SIGNAL result = "" begin @passed = nil self.setup self.run_setup_hooks self.__send__ self.__name__ result = "." unless io? @passed = true rescue *PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS raise rescue Exception => e @passed = false result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e ensure begin self.run_teardown_hooks self.teardown rescue *PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS raise rescue Exception => e result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e end trap 'INFO', 'DEFAULT' if SUPPORTS_INFO_SIGNAL end result end
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