Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • net/http.rb




The HTTP result code string. For example, ‘302’. You can also determine the response type by examining which response subclass the response object is an instance of.


The HTTP version supported by the server.


The HTTP result message sent by the server. For example, ‘Not Found’.


The HTTP result message sent by the server. For example, ‘Not Found’.

Public Class Methods

body_permitted?() click to toggle source

true if the response has a body.

               # File net/http.rb, line 2327
def HTTPResponse.body_permitted?

Public Instance Methods

body() click to toggle source

Returns the full entity body.

Calling this method a second or subsequent time will return the string already read.

http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
  puts res.body

http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
  p res.body.object_id   # 538149362
  p res.body.object_id   # 538149362
               # File net/http.rb, line 2735
def body
Also aliased as: entity
body=(value) click to toggle source

Because it may be necessary to modify the body, Eg, decompression this method facilitates that.

               # File net/http.rb, line 2741
def body=(value)
  @body = value
entity() click to toggle source
Alias for: body
inspect() click to toggle source
               # File net/http.rb, line 2620
def inspect
  "#<#{self.class} #{@code} #{@message} readbody=#{@read}>"
read_body(dest = nil, &block) click to toggle source

Gets the entity body returned by the remote HTTP server.

If a block is given, the body is passed to the block, and the body is provided in fragments, as it is read in from the socket.

Calling this method a second or subsequent time for the same HTTPResponse object will return the value already read.

http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
  puts res.read_body

http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
  p res.read_body.object_id   # 538149362
  p res.read_body.object_id   # 538149362

# using iterator
http.request_get('/index.html') {|res|
  res.read_body do |segment|
    print segment
               # File net/http.rb, line 2703
def read_body(dest = nil, &block)
  if @read
    raise IOError, "#{self.class}\#read_body called twice" if dest or block
    return @body
  to = procdest(dest, block)
  if @body_exist
    read_body_0 to
    @body = to
    @body = nil
  @read = true

value() click to toggle source

Raises an HTTP error if the response is not 2xx (success).

               # File net/http.rb, line 2641
def value
  error! unless self.kind_of?(HTTPSuccess)

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