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Provides telnet client functionality.
This class also has, through delegation, all the methods of a socket object
(by default, a TCPSocket
, but can be set by the
option to new()
). This provides methods
such as close()
to end the session and sysread()
to read data directly from the host, instead of via the
mechanism. Note that if you do use
directly when in telnet mode, you should probably
pass the output through preprocess()
to extract telnet command
The telnet protocol allows a client to login remotely to a user account on
a server and execute commands via a shell. The equivalent is done by
creating a Net::Telnet class with the
option set to your host, calling login() with your user and password,
issuing one or more cmd() calls, and
then calling close() to end the
session. The waitfor(), print(), puts(), and write() methods, which cmd() is implemented on top of, are
only needed if you are doing something more complicated.
A Net::Telnet object can also be used to connect
to non-telnet services, such as SMTP or HTTP. In this case, you normally
want to provide the Port
option to specify the port to connect
to, and set the Telnetmode
option to false to prevent the
client from attempting to interpret telnet command sequences. Generally, login() will not work with other
protocols, and you have to handle authentication yourself.
For some protocols, it will be possible to specify the Prompt
option once when you create the Telnet object and
use cmd() calls; for others, you
will have to specify the response sequence to look for as the Match option
to every cmd() call, or call puts() and waitfor() directly; for yet others,
you will have to use sysread() instead of waitfor() and parse server
responses yourself.
It is worth noting that when you create a new Net::Telnet object, you can supply a proxy IO channel via the Proxy option. This can be used to attach the Telnet object to other Telnet objects, to already open sockets, or to any read-write IO object. This can be useful, for instance, for setting up a test fixture for unit testing.
localhost = Net::Telnet::new("Host" => "localhost", "Timeout" => 10, "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \z/n) localhost.login("username", "password") { |c| print c } localhost.cmd("command") { |c| print c } localhost.close
pop = Net::Telnet::new("Host" => "your_destination_host_here", "Port" => 110, "Telnetmode" => false, "Prompt" => /^\+OK/n) pop.cmd("user " + "your_username_here") { |c| print c } pop.cmd("pass " + "your_password_here") { |c| print c } pop.cmd("list") { |c| print c }
There are a large number of RFCs relevant to the Telnet protocol. RFCs 854-861 define the base protocol. For a complete listing of relevant RFCs, see www.omnifarious.org/~hopper/technical/telnet-rfc.html
Creates a new Net::Telnet object.
Attempts to connect to the host (unless the Proxy option is provided: see below). If a block is provided, it is yielded status messages on the attempt to connect to the server, of the form:
Trying localhost... Connected to localhost.
is a hash of options. The following example lists all
options and their default values.
host = Net::Telnet::new( "Host" => "localhost", # default: "localhost" "Port" => 23, # default: 23 "Binmode" => false, # default: false "Output_log" => "output_log", # default: nil (no output) "Dump_log" => "dump_log", # default: nil (no output) "Prompt" => /[$%#>] \z/n, # default: /[$%#>] \z/n "Telnetmode" => true, # default: true "Timeout" => 10, # default: 10 # if ignore timeout then set "Timeout" to false. "Waittime" => 0, # default: 0 "Proxy" => proxy # default: nil # proxy is Net::Telnet or IO object )
The options have the following meanings:
the hostname or IP address of the host to connect to, as a String. Defaults to “localhost”.
the port to connect to. Defaults to 23.
if false (the default), newline substitution is performed. Outgoing LF is converted to CRLF, and incoming CRLF is converted to LF. If true, this substitution is not performed. This value can also be set with the binmode() method. The outgoing conversion only applies to the puts() and print() methods, not the write() method. The precise nature of the newline conversion is also affected by the telnet options SGA and BIN.
the name of the file to write connection status messages and all received traffic to. In the case of a proper Telnet session, this will include the client input as echoed by the host; otherwise, it only includes server responses. Output is appended verbatim to this file. By default, no output log is kept.
as for Output_log, except that output is written in hexdump format (16 bytes per line as hex pairs, followed by their printable equivalent), with connection status messages preceded by ‘#’, sent traffic preceded by ‘>’, and received traffic preceded by ‘<’. By default, not dump log is kept.
a regular expression matching the host’s command-line prompt sequence. This is needed by the Telnet class to determine when the output from a command has finished and the host is ready to receive a new command. By default, this regular expression is /[$%#>] z/n.
a boolean value, true by default. In telnet mode, traffic received from the host is parsed for special command sequences, and these sequences are escaped in outgoing traffic sent using puts() or print() (but not write()). If you are using the Net::Telnet object to connect to a non-telnet service (such as SMTP or POP), this should be set to “false” to prevent undesired data corruption. This value can also be set by the telnetmode() method.
the number of seconds to wait before timing out both the initial attempt to connect to host (in this constructor), and all attempts to read data from the host (in waitfor(), cmd(), and login()). Exceeding this timeout causes a TimeoutError to be raised. The default value is 10 seconds. You can disable the timeout by setting this value to false. In this case, the connect attempt will eventually timeout on the underlying connect(2) socket call with an Errno::ETIMEDOUT error (but generally only after a few minutes), but other attempts to read data from the host will hand indefinitely if no data is forthcoming.
the amount of time to wait after seeing what looks like a prompt (that is, received data that matches the Prompt option regular expression) to see if more data arrives. If more data does arrive in this time, Net::Telnet assumes that what it saw was not really a prompt. This is to try to avoid false matches, but it can also lead to missing real prompts (if, for instance, a background process writes to the terminal soon after the prompt is displayed). By default, set to 0, meaning not to wait for more data.
a proxy object to used instead of opening a direct connection to the host. Must be either another Net::Telnet object or an IO object. If it is another Net::Telnet object, this instance will use that one’s socket for communication. If an IO object, it is used directly for communication. Any other kind of object will cause an error to be raised.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 274 def initialize(options) # :yield: mesg @options = options @options["Host"] = "localhost" unless @options.has_key?("Host") @options["Port"] = 23 unless @options.has_key?("Port") @options["Prompt"] = /[$%#>] \z/n unless @options.has_key?("Prompt") @options["Timeout"] = 10 unless @options.has_key?("Timeout") @options["Waittime"] = 0 unless @options.has_key?("Waittime") unless @options.has_key?("Binmode") @options["Binmode"] = false else unless (true == @options["Binmode"] or false == @options["Binmode"]) raise ArgumentError, "Binmode option must be true or false" end end unless @options.has_key?("Telnetmode") @options["Telnetmode"] = true else unless (true == @options["Telnetmode"] or false == @options["Telnetmode"]) raise ArgumentError, "Telnetmode option must be true or false" end end @telnet_option = { "SGA" => false, "BINARY" => false } if @options.has_key?("Output_log") @log = File.open(@options["Output_log"], 'a+') @log.sync = true @log.binmode end if @options.has_key?("Dump_log") @dumplog = File.open(@options["Dump_log"], 'a+') @dumplog.sync = true @dumplog.binmode def @dumplog.log_dump(dir, x) # :nodoc: len = x.length addr = 0 offset = 0 while 0 < len if len < 16 line = x[offset, len] else line = x[offset, 16] end hexvals = line.unpack('H*')[0] hexvals += ' ' * (32 - hexvals.length) hexvals = format("%s %s %s %s " * 4, *hexvals.unpack('a2' * 16)) line = line.gsub(/[\000-\037\177-\377]/n, '.') printf "%s 0x%5.5x: %s%s\n", dir, addr, hexvals, line addr += 16 offset += 16 len -= 16 end print "\n" end end if @options.has_key?("Proxy") if @options["Proxy"].kind_of?(Net::Telnet) @sock = @options["Proxy"].sock elsif @options["Proxy"].kind_of?(IO) @sock = @options["Proxy"] else raise "Error: Proxy must be an instance of Net::Telnet or IO." end else message = "Trying " + @options["Host"] + "...\n" yield(message) if block_given? @log.write(message) if @options.has_key?("Output_log") @dumplog.log_dump('#', message) if @options.has_key?("Dump_log") begin if @options["Timeout"] == false @sock = TCPSocket.open(@options["Host"], @options["Port"]) else timeout(@options["Timeout"]) do @sock = TCPSocket.open(@options["Host"], @options["Port"]) end end rescue TimeoutError raise TimeoutError, "timed out while opening a connection to the host" rescue @log.write($ERROR_INFO.to_s + "\n") if @options.has_key?("Output_log") @dumplog.log_dump('#', $ERROR_INFO.to_s + "\n") if @options.has_key?("Dump_log") raise end @sock.sync = true @sock.binmode message = "Connected to " + @options["Host"] + ".\n" yield(message) if block_given? @log.write(message) if @options.has_key?("Output_log") @dumplog.log_dump('#', message) if @options.has_key?("Dump_log") end end
Turn newline conversion on (mode
== false) or off
== true), or return the current value (mode
is not specified).
# File net/telnet.rb, line 406 def binmode(mode = nil) case mode when nil @options["Binmode"] when true, false @options["Binmode"] = mode else raise ArgumentError, "argument must be true or false" end end
Turn newline conversion on (false) or off (true).
# File net/telnet.rb, line 418 def binmode=(mode) if (true == mode or false == mode) @options["Binmode"] = mode else raise ArgumentError, "argument must be true or false" end end
Closes the connection
# File net/telnet.rb, line 758 def close @sock.close end
Send a command to the host.
More exactly, sends a string to the host, and reads in all received data until is sees the prompt or other matched sequence.
If a block is given, the received data will be yielded to it as it is read in. Whether a block is given or not, the received data will be return as a string. Note that the received data includes the prompt and in most cases the host’s echo of our command.
is either a String, specified the string or command to
send to the host; or it is a hash of options. If a hash, the following
options can be specified:
the command or other string to send to the host.
a regular expression, the sequence to look for in the received data before returning. If not specified, the Prompt option value specified when this instance was created will be used, or, failing that, the default prompt of /[$%#>] z/n.
the seconds to wait for data from the host before raising a Timeout error. If not specified, the Timeout option value specified when this instance was created will be used, or, failing that, the default value of 10 seconds.
The command or other string will have the newline sequence appended to it.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 679 def cmd(options) # :yield: recvdata match = @options["Prompt"] time_out = @options["Timeout"] fail_eof = @options["FailEOF"] if options.kind_of?(Hash) string = options["String"] match = options["Match"] if options.has_key?("Match") time_out = options["Timeout"] if options.has_key?("Timeout") fail_eof = options["FailEOF"] if options.has_key?("FailEOF") else string = options end self.puts(string) if block_given? waitfor({"Prompt" => match, "Timeout" => time_out, "FailEOF" => fail_eof}){|c| yield c } else waitfor({"Prompt" => match, "Timeout" => time_out, "FailEOF" => fail_eof}) end end
Login to the host with a given username and password.
The username and password can either be provided as two string arguments in that order, or as a hash with keys “Name” and “Password”.
This method looks for the strings “login” and “Password” from the host to determine when to send the username and password. If the login sequence does not follow this pattern (for instance, you are connecting to a service other than telnet), you will need to handle login yourself.
The password can be omitted, either by only provided one String argument, which will be used as the username, or by providing a has that has no “Password” key. In this case, the method will not look for the “Password:” prompt; if it is sent, it will have to be dealt with by later calls.
The method returns all data received during the login process from the host, including the echoed username but not the password (which the host should not echo). If a block is passed in, this received data is also yielded to the block as it is received.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 723 def login(options, password = nil) # :yield: recvdata login_prompt = /[Ll]ogin[: ]*\z/n password_prompt = /[Pp]ass(?:word|phrase)[: ]*\z/n if options.kind_of?(Hash) username = options["Name"] password = options["Password"] login_prompt = options["LoginPrompt"] if options["LoginPrompt"] password_prompt = options["PasswordPrompt"] if options["PasswordPrompt"] else username = options end if block_given? line = waitfor(login_prompt){|c| yield c } if password line += cmd({"String" => username, "Match" => password_prompt}){|c| yield c } line += cmd(password){|c| yield c } else line += cmd(username){|c| yield c } end else line = waitfor(login_prompt) if password line += cmd({"String" => username, "Match" => password_prompt}) line += cmd(password) else line += cmd(username) end end line end
Preprocess received data from the host.
Performs newline conversion and detects telnet command sequences. Called automatically by waitfor(). You should only use this method yourself if you have read input directly using sysread() or similar, and even then only if in telnet mode.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 432 def preprocess(string) # combine CR+NULL into CR string = string.gsub(/#{CR}#{NULL}/no, CR) if @options["Telnetmode"] # combine EOL into "\n" string = string.gsub(/#{EOL}/no, "\n") unless @options["Binmode"] # remove NULL string = string.gsub(/#{NULL}/no, '') unless @options["Binmode"] string.gsub(/#{IAC}( [#{IAC}#{AO}#{AYT}#{DM}#{IP}#{NOP}]| [#{DO}#{DONT}#{WILL}#{WONT}] [#{OPT_BINARY}-#{OPT_NEW_ENVIRON}#{OPT_EXOPL}]| #{SB}[^#{IAC}]*#{IAC}#{SE} )/xno) do if IAC == $1 # handle escaped IAC characters IAC elsif AYT == $1 # respond to "IAC AYT" (are you there) self.write("nobody here but us pigeons" + EOL) '' elsif DO[0] == $1[0] # respond to "IAC DO x" if OPT_BINARY[0] == $1[1] @telnet_option["BINARY"] = true self.write(IAC + WILL + OPT_BINARY) else self.write(IAC + WONT + $1[1..1]) end '' elsif DONT[0] == $1[0] # respond to "IAC DON'T x" with "IAC WON'T x" self.write(IAC + WONT + $1[1..1]) '' elsif WILL[0] == $1[0] # respond to "IAC WILL x" if OPT_BINARY[0] == $1[1] self.write(IAC + DO + OPT_BINARY) elsif OPT_ECHO[0] == $1[1] self.write(IAC + DO + OPT_ECHO) elsif OPT_SGA[0] == $1[1] @telnet_option["SGA"] = true self.write(IAC + DO + OPT_SGA) else self.write(IAC + DONT + $1[1..1]) end '' elsif WONT[0] == $1[0] # respond to "IAC WON'T x" if OPT_ECHO[0] == $1[1] self.write(IAC + DONT + OPT_ECHO) elsif OPT_SGA[0] == $1[1] @telnet_option["SGA"] = false self.write(IAC + DONT + OPT_SGA) else self.write(IAC + DONT + $1[1..1]) end '' else '' end end end
Sends a string to the host.
This does not automatically append a newline to the string. Embedded newlines may be converted and telnet command sequences escaped depending upon the values of telnetmode, binmode, and telnet options set by the host.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 626 def print(string) string = string.gsub(/#{IAC}/no, IAC + IAC) if @options["Telnetmode"] if @options["Binmode"] self.write(string) else if @telnet_option["BINARY"] and @telnet_option["SGA"] # IAC WILL SGA IAC DO BIN send EOL --> CR self.write(string.gsub(/\n/n, CR)) elsif @telnet_option["SGA"] # IAC WILL SGA send EOL --> CR+NULL self.write(string.gsub(/\n/n, CR + NULL)) else # NONE send EOL --> CR+LF self.write(string.gsub(/\n/n, EOL)) end end end
Sends a string to the host.
Same as print(), but appends a newline to the string.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 648 def puts(string) self.print(string + "\n") end
Set telnet command interpretation on (mode
== true) or off
== false), or return the current value
not provided). It should be on for true telnet
sessions, off if using Net::Telnet to connect to
a non-telnet service such as SMTP.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 382 def telnetmode(mode = nil) case mode when nil @options["Telnetmode"] when true, false @options["Telnetmode"] = mode else raise ArgumentError, "argument must be true or false, or missing" end end
Turn telnet command interpretation on (true) or off (false). It should be on for true telnet sessions, off if using Net::Telnet to connect to a non-telnet service such as SMTP.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 396 def telnetmode=(mode) if (true == mode or false == mode) @options["Telnetmode"] = mode else raise ArgumentError, "argument must be true or false" end end
Read data from the host until a certain sequence is matched.
If a block is given, the received data will be yielded as it is read in (not necessarily all in one go), or nil if EOF occurs before any data is received. Whether a block is given or not, all data read will be returned in a single string, or again nil if EOF occurs before any data is received. Note that received data includes the matched sequence we were looking for.
can be either a regular expression or a hash of
options. If a regular expression, this specifies the data to wait for. If a
hash, this can specify the following options:
a regular expression, specifying the data to wait for.
as for Match; used only if Match is not specified.
as for Match, except a string that will be converted into a regular expression. Used only if Match and Prompt are not specified.
the number of seconds to wait for data from the host before raising a TimeoutError. If set to false, no timeout will occur. If not specified, the Timeout option value specified when this instance was created will be used, or, failing that, the default value of 10 seconds.
the number of seconds to wait after matching against the input data to see if more data arrives. If more data arrives within this time, we will judge ourselves not to have matched successfully, and will continue trying to match. If not specified, the Waittime option value specified when this instance was created will be used, or, failing that, the default value of 0 seconds, which means not to wait for more input.
if true, when the remote end closes the connection then an EOFError will be raised. Otherwise, defaults to the old behaviour that the function will return whatever data has been received already, or nil if nothing was received.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 529 def waitfor(options) # :yield: recvdata time_out = @options["Timeout"] waittime = @options["Waittime"] fail_eof = @options["FailEOF"] if options.kind_of?(Hash) prompt = if options.has_key?("Match") options["Match"] elsif options.has_key?("Prompt") options["Prompt"] elsif options.has_key?("String") Regexp.new( Regexp.quote(options["String"]) ) end time_out = options["Timeout"] if options.has_key?("Timeout") waittime = options["Waittime"] if options.has_key?("Waittime") fail_eof = options["FailEOF"] if options.has_key?("FailEOF") else prompt = options end if time_out == false time_out = nil end line = '' buf = '' rest = '' until(prompt === line and not IO::select([@sock], nil, nil, waittime)) unless IO::select([@sock], nil, nil, time_out) raise TimeoutError, "timed out while waiting for more data" end begin c = @sock.readpartial(1024 * 1024) @dumplog.log_dump('<', c) if @options.has_key?("Dump_log") if @options["Telnetmode"] c = rest + c if Integer(c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SE}/no) || 0) < Integer(c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SB}/no) || 0) buf = preprocess(c[0 ... c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SB}/no)]) rest = c[c.rindex(/#{IAC}#{SB}/no) .. -1] elsif pt = c.rindex(/#{IAC}[^#{IAC}#{AO}#{AYT}#{DM}#{IP}#{NOP}]?\z/no) || c.rindex(/\r\z/no) buf = preprocess(c[0 ... pt]) rest = c[pt .. -1] else buf = preprocess(c) rest = '' end else # Not Telnetmode. # # We cannot use preprocess() on this data, because that # method makes some Telnetmode-specific assumptions. buf = rest + c rest = '' unless @options["Binmode"] if pt = buf.rindex(/\r\z/no) buf = buf[0 ... pt] rest = buf[pt .. -1] end buf.gsub!(/#{EOL}/no, "\n") end end @log.print(buf) if @options.has_key?("Output_log") line += buf yield buf if block_given? rescue EOFError # End of file reached raise if fail_eof if line == '' line = nil yield nil if block_given? end break end end line end
Write string
to the host.
Does not perform any conversions on string
. Will log
to the dumplog, if the Dump_log option is set.
# File net/telnet.rb, line 611 def write(string) length = string.length while 0 < length IO::select(nil, [@sock]) @dumplog.log_dump('>', string[-length..-1]) if @options.has_key?("Dump_log") length -= @sock.syswrite(string[-length..-1]) end end
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