Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
Core extension library
Rake extensions to Module.
Check for deprecated uses of top level (i.e. in Object) uses of Rake class names. If someone tries to reference the constant name, display a warning and return the proper object. Using the –classic-namespace command line option will define these constants in Object and avoid this handler.
# File rake/ext/module.rb, line 21 def const_missing(const_name) case const_name when :Task Rake.application.const_warning(const_name) Rake::Task when :FileTask Rake.application.const_warning(const_name) Rake::FileTask when :FileCreationTask Rake.application.const_warning(const_name) Rake::FileCreationTask when :RakeApp Rake.application.const_warning(const_name) Rake::Application else rake_original_const_missing(const_name) end end
Check for an existing method in the current class before extending. IF the method already exists, then a warning is printed and the extension is not added. Otherwise the block is yielded and any definitions in the block will take effect.
class String rake_extension("xyz") do def xyz ... end end end
# File rake/ext/core.rb, line 20 def rake_extension(method) if method_defined?(method) $stderr.puts "WARNING: Possible conflict with Rake extension: #{self}##{method} already exists" else yield end end
Rename the original handler to make it available.
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