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In Files

  • rdoc/ri/store.rb

Class/Module Index [+]



A set of ri data.

The store manages reading and writing ri data for a project (gem, path, etc.) and maintains a cache of methods, classes and ancestors in the store.

The store maintains a cache of its contents for faster lookup. After adding items to the store it must be flushed using save_cache. The cache contains the following structures:

@cache = {
  :class_methods    => {}, # class name => class methods
  :instance_methods => {}, # class name => instance methods
  :attributes       => {}, # class name => attributes
  :modules          => [], # classes and modules in this store
  :ancestors        => {}, # class name => ancestor names



The contents of the Store


If true this Store will not write any files


The encoding of the contents in the Store


Path this store reads or writes


Type of ri datastore this was loaded from. See RDoc::RI::Driver, RDoc::RI::Paths.

Public Class Methods

new(path, type = nil) click to toggle source

Creates a new Store of type that will load or save to path

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 56
def initialize path, type = nil
  @dry_run  = false
  @type     = type
  @path     = path
  @encoding = nil

  @cache = {
    :ancestors        => {},
    :attributes       => {},
    :class_methods    => {},
    :encoding         => @encoding,
    :instance_methods => {},
    :modules          => [],

Public Instance Methods

ancestors() click to toggle source

Ancestors cache accessor. Maps a klass name to an Array of its ancestors in this store. If Foo in this store inherits from Object, Kernel won’t be listed (it will be included from ruby’s ri store).

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 77
def ancestors
attributes() click to toggle source

Attributes cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its attributes.

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 84
def attributes
cache_path() click to toggle source

Path to the cache file

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 91
def cache_path
  File.join @path, 'cache.ri'
class_file(klass_name) click to toggle source

Path to the ri data for klass_name

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 98
def class_file klass_name
  name = klass_name.split('::').last
  File.join class_path(klass_name), "cdesc-#{name}.ri"
class_methods() click to toggle source

Class methods cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its class methods (not full name).

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 107
def class_methods
class_path(klass_name) click to toggle source

Path where data for klass_name will be stored (methods or class data)

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 114
def class_path klass_name
  File.join @path, *klass_name.split('::')
friendly_path() click to toggle source

Friendly rendition of path

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 137
def friendly_path
  case type
  when :gem    then
    sep = Regexp.union(*['/', File::ALT_SEPARATOR].compact)
    @path =~ /#{sep}doc#{sep}(.*?)#{sep}ri$/
    "gem #{$1}"
  when :home   then '~/.ri'
  when :site   then 'ruby site'
  when :system then 'ruby core'
  else @path
instance_methods() click to toggle source

Instance methods cache accessor. Maps a class to an Array of its instance methods (not full name).

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 158
def instance_methods
load_cache() click to toggle source

Loads cache file for this store

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 165
def load_cache
  #orig_enc = @encoding

  open cache_path, 'rb' do |io|
    @cache = Marshal.load io.read

  load_enc = @cache[:encoding]

  # TODO this feature will be time-consuming to add:
  # a) Encodings may be incompatible but transcodeable
  # b) Need to warn in the appropriate spots, wherever they may be
  # c) Need to handle cross-cache differences in encodings
  # d) Need to warn when generating into a cache with diffent encodings
  #if orig_enc and load_enc != orig_enc then
  #  warn "Cached encoding #{load_enc} is incompatible with #{orig_enc}\n" \
  #       "from #{path}/cache.ri" unless
  #    Encoding.compatible? orig_enc, load_enc

  @encoding = load_enc unless @encoding

rescue Errno::ENOENT
load_class(klass_name) click to toggle source

Loads ri data for klass_name

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 195
def load_class klass_name
  open class_file(klass_name), 'rb' do |io|
    Marshal.load io.read
load_method(klass_name, method_name) click to toggle source

Loads ri data for method_name in klass_name

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 204
def load_method klass_name, method_name
  open method_file(klass_name, method_name), 'rb' do |io|
    Marshal.load io.read
method_file(klass_name, method_name) click to toggle source

Path to the ri data for method_name in klass_name

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 213
def method_file klass_name, method_name
  method_name = method_name.split('::').last
  method_name =~ /#(.*)/
  method_type = $1 ? 'i' : 'c'
  method_name = $1 if $1

  method_name = if ''.respond_to? :ord then
                  method_name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0].ord }
                  method_name.gsub(/\W/) { "%%%02x" % $&[0] }

  File.join class_path(klass_name), "#{method_name}-#{method_type}.ri"
modules() click to toggle source

Modules cache accessor. An Array of all the modules (and classes) in the store.

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 232
def modules
save_cache() click to toggle source

Writes the cache file for this store

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 239
def save_cache
  clean_cache_collection @cache[:ancestors]
  clean_cache_collection @cache[:attributes]
  clean_cache_collection @cache[:class_methods]
  clean_cache_collection @cache[:instance_methods]

  @cache[:encoding] = @encoding # this gets set twice due to assert_cache

  return if @dry_run

  marshal = Marshal.dump @cache

  open cache_path, 'wb' do |io|
    io.write marshal
save_class(klass) click to toggle source

Writes the ri data for klass

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 261
def save_class klass
  full_name = klass.full_name

  FileUtils.mkdir_p class_path(full_name) unless @dry_run

  @cache[:modules] << full_name

  path = class_file full_name

    disk_klass = load_class full_name

    klass = disk_klass.merge klass
  rescue Errno::ENOENT

  # BasicObject has no ancestors
  ancestors = klass.ancestors.compact.map do |ancestor|
    # HACK for classes we don't know about (class X < RuntimeError)
    String === ancestor ? ancestor : ancestor.full_name

  @cache[:ancestors][full_name] ||= []

  attributes = klass.attributes.map do |attribute|
    "#{attribute.definition} #{attribute.name}"

  unless attributes.empty? then
    @cache[:attributes][full_name] ||= []

  to_delete = []

  unless klass.method_list.empty? then
    @cache[:class_methods][full_name]    ||= []
    @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] ||= []

    class_methods, instance_methods =
      klass.method_list.partition { |meth| meth.singleton }

    class_methods    = class_methods.   map { |method| method.name }
    instance_methods = instance_methods.map { |method| method.name }

    old = @cache[:class_methods][full_name] - class_methods
    to_delete.concat old.map { |method|
      method_file full_name, "#{full_name}::#{method}"

    old = @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] - instance_methods
    to_delete.concat old.map { |method|
      method_file full_name, "#{full_name}##{method}"

    @cache[:class_methods][full_name]    = class_methods
    @cache[:instance_methods][full_name] = instance_methods

  return if @dry_run

  FileUtils.rm_f to_delete

  marshal = Marshal.dump klass

  open path, 'wb' do |io|
    io.write marshal
save_method(klass, method) click to toggle source

Writes the ri data for method on klass

               # File rdoc/ri/store.rb, line 335
def save_method klass, method
  full_name = klass.full_name

  FileUtils.mkdir_p class_path(full_name) unless @dry_run

  cache = if method.singleton then
  cache[full_name] ||= []
  cache[full_name] << method.name

  return if @dry_run

  marshal = Marshal.dump method

  open method_file(full_name, method.full_name), 'wb' do |io|
    io.write marshal

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