Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
Scans the current string until the match is exhausted yielding each match as it is encountered in the string. A block is not necessary as the results will simply be aggregated into the final array.
"123 456".block_scanf("%d") # => [123, 456]
If a block is given, the value from that is returned from the yield is added to an output array.
"123 456".block_scanf("%d) do |digit,| # the ',' unpacks the Array digit + 100 end # => [223, 556]
See Scanf for details on creating a format string.
You will need to require ‘scanf’ to use #block_scanf
# File scanf.rb, line 748 def block_scanf(fstr,&b) #:yield: current_match fs = Scanf::FormatString.new(fstr) str = self.dup final = [] begin current = str.scanf(fs) final.push(yield(current)) unless current.empty? str = fs.string_left end until current.empty? || str.empty? return final end
Scans the current string. If a block is given, it functions exactly like block_scanf.
arr = "123 456".scanf("%d%d") # => [123, 456] require 'pp' "this 123 read that 456 other".scanf("%s%d%s") {|m| pp m} # ["this", 123, "read"] # ["that", 456, "other"] # => [["this", 123, "read"], ["that", 456, "other"]]
See Scanf for details on creating a format string.
You will need to require ‘scanf’ to use #scanf
# File scanf.rb, line 715 def scanf(fstr,&b) #:yield: current_match if b block_scanf(fstr,&b) else fs = if fstr.is_a? Scanf::FormatString fstr else Scanf::FormatString.new(fstr) end fs.match(self) end end
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