Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
A module that provides a two-phase lock with a counter.
# File sync.rb, line 91 def Sync_m.append_features(cl) super # do nothing for Modules # make aliases for Classes. define_aliases(cl) unless cl.instance_of?(Module) self end
# File sync.rb, line 79 def Sync_m.define_aliases(cl) cl.module_eval %q{ alias locked? sync_locked? alias shared? sync_shared? alias exclusive? sync_exclusive? alias lock sync_lock alias unlock sync_unlock alias try_lock sync_try_lock alias synchronize sync_synchronize } end
# File sync.rb, line 126 def sync_exclusive? sync_mode == EX end
# File sync.rb, line 104 def sync_extend unless (defined? locked? and defined? shared? and defined? exclusive? and defined? lock and defined? unlock and defined? try_lock and defined? synchronize) Sync_m.define_aliases(singleton_class) end sync_initialize end
# File sync.rb, line 241 def sync_inspect sync_iv = instance_variables.select{|iv| /^@sync_/ =~ iv.id2name}.collect{|iv| iv.id2name + '=' + instance_eval(iv.id2name).inspect}.join(",") print "<#{self.class}.extend Sync_m: #{inspect}, <Sync_m: #{sync_iv}>" end
# File sync.rb, line 138 def sync_lock(m = EX) return unlock if m == UN while true @sync_mutex.synchronize do if sync_try_lock_sub(m) return self else if sync_sh_locker[Thread.current] sync_upgrade_waiting.push [Thread.current, sync_sh_locker[Thread.current]] sync_sh_locker.delete(Thread.current) else sync_waiting.push Thread.current end @sync_mutex.sleep end end end self end
# File sync.rb, line 118 def sync_locked? sync_mode != UN end
# File sync.rb, line 224 def sync_synchronize(mode = EX) sync_lock(mode) begin yield ensure sync_unlock end end
locking methods.
# File sync.rb, line 131 def sync_try_lock(mode = EX) return unlock if mode == UN @sync_mutex.synchronize do sync_try_lock_sub(mode) end end
# File sync.rb, line 159 def sync_unlock(m = EX) wakeup_threads = [] @sync_mutex.synchronize do if sync_mode == UN Err::UnknownLocker.Fail(Thread.current) end m = sync_mode if m == EX and sync_mode == SH runnable = false case m when UN Err::UnknownLocker.Fail(Thread.current) when EX if sync_ex_locker == Thread.current if (self.sync_ex_count = sync_ex_count - 1) == 0 self.sync_ex_locker = nil if sync_sh_locker.include?(Thread.current) self.sync_mode = SH else self.sync_mode = UN end runnable = true end else Err::UnknownLocker.Fail(Thread.current) end when SH if (count = sync_sh_locker[Thread.current]).nil? Err::UnknownLocker.Fail(Thread.current) else if (sync_sh_locker[Thread.current] = count - 1) == 0 sync_sh_locker.delete(Thread.current) if sync_sh_locker.empty? and sync_ex_count == 0 self.sync_mode = UN runnable = true end end end end if runnable if sync_upgrade_waiting.size > 0 th, count = sync_upgrade_waiting.shift sync_sh_locker[th] = count th.wakeup wakeup_threads.push th else wait = sync_waiting self.sync_waiting = [] for th in wait th.wakeup wakeup_threads.push th end end end end for th in wakeup_threads th.run end self end
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