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FTP URI syntax is defined by RFC1738 section 3.2.
This class will be redesigned because of difference of implementations; the structure of its path. draft-hoffman-ftp-uri-04 is a draft but it is a good summary about the de facto spec. tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hoffman-ftp-uri-04
An Array of the available components for URI::FTP
A Default port of 21 for URI::FTP
Typecode is “a”, “i” or “d”.
“a” indicates a text file (the FTP command was ASCII)
“i” indicates a binary file (FTP command IMAGE)
“d” indicates the contents of a directory should be displayed
Typecode prefix
Creates a new URI::FTP object from components, with syntax checking.
The components accepted are userinfo
, host
, path
and typecode
The components should be provided either as an Array, or as a Hash with keys formed by preceding the component names with a colon.
If an Array is used, the components must be passed in the order
If the path supplied is absolute, it will be escaped in order to make it absolute in the URI. Examples:
require 'uri' uri = URI::FTP.build(['user:password', 'ftp.example.com', nil, '/path/file.> zip', 'i']) puts uri.to_s -> ftp://user:password@ftp.example.com/%2Fpath/file.zip;type=a uri2 = URI::FTP.build({:host => 'ftp.example.com', :path => 'ruby/src'}) puts uri2.to_s -> ftp://ftp.example.com/ruby/src
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 100 def self.build(args) # Fix the incoming path to be generic URL syntax # FTP path -> URL path # foo/bar /foo/bar # /foo/bar /%2Ffoo/bar # if args.kind_of?(Array) args[3] = '/' + args[3].sub(/^\//, '%2F') else args[:path] = '/' + args[:path].sub(/^\//, '%2F') end tmp = Util::make_components_hash(self, args) if tmp[:typecode] if tmp[:typecode].size == 1 tmp[:typecode] = TYPECODE_PREFIX + tmp[:typecode] end tmp[:path] << tmp[:typecode] end return super(tmp) end
Creates a new URI::FTP object from generic URL components with no syntax checking.
Unlike build(), this method does not escape the path component as required by RFC1738; instead it is treated as per RFC2396.
Arguments are scheme
, userinfo
, port
, registry
, opaque
, query
, in that order.
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 137 def initialize(*arg) raise InvalidURIError unless arg[5] arg[5] = arg[5].sub(/^\//,'').sub(/^%2F/,'/') super(*arg) @typecode = nil tmp = @path.index(TYPECODE_PREFIX) if tmp typecode = @path[tmp + TYPECODE_PREFIX.size..-1] @path = @path[0..tmp - 1] if arg[-1] self.typecode = typecode else self.set_typecode(typecode) end end end
alternate initialization Creates a new URI::FTP object.
Unlike build(), this method does not escape the path component as required by RFC1738; instead it is treated as per RFC2396.
Arguments are user, password, host, port, path, typecode, and arg_check, in that order.
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 56 def self.new2(user, password, host, port, path, typecode = nil, arg_check = true) typecode = nil if typecode.size == 0 if typecode && !TYPECODE.include?(typecode) raise ArgumentError, "bad typecode is specified: #{typecode}" end # do escape self.new('ftp', [user, password], host, port, nil, typecode ? path + TYPECODE_PREFIX + typecode : path, nil, nil, nil, arg_check) end
Returns the path from an FTP URI.
RFC 1738 specifically states that the path for an FTP URI does not include the / which separates the URI path from the URI host. Example:
The above URI indicates that the client should connect to ftp.example.com then cd pub/ruby from the initial login directory.
If you want to cd to an absolute directory, you must include an escaped / (%2F) in the path. Example:
This method will then return “/pub/ruby”
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 238 def path return @path.sub(/^\//,'').sub(/^%2F/,'/') end
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 247 def to_s save_path = nil if @typecode save_path = @path @path = @path + TYPECODE_PREFIX + @typecode end str = super if @typecode @path = save_path end return str end
public setter for the typecode v
. (with validation)
see also URI::FTP.check_typecode
require 'uri' uri = URI.parse("ftp://john@ftp.example.com/my_file.img") #=> #<URI::FTP:0x00000000923650 URL:ftp://john@ftp.example.com/my_file.img> uri.typecode = "i" # => "i" uri #=> #<URI::FTP:0x00000000923650 URL:ftp://john@ftp.example.com/my_file.img;type=i>
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 206 def typecode=(typecode) check_typecode(typecode) set_typecode(typecode) typecode end
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 242 def set_path(v) super("/" + v.sub(/^\//, "%2F")) end
private setter for the typecode v
see also #typecode=
# File uri/ftp.rb, line 177 def set_typecode(v) @typecode = v end
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